Francis Smith medical recipe book, 1704
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3 To Expell wind Take a handfull of Groundswel Stripped downwards as much sage and a quartern of Currans boile these in a pint of ale and drink it To make Childrens teeth come without pain Take ye head of a hare boiled or roasted and with ye brains there of mingle honey and butter. anoint ye Childes gums often For worms in Children Take one Spoonfull of Limons juyce powdered Saffron half a Scruple and a little Sugar. give this quantity to ye patient three mornings together
3 To Expell wind Take a handfull of Groundswel Stripped downwards as much sage and a quartern of Currans boile these in a pint of ale and drink it To make Childrens teeth come without pain Take ye head of a hare boiled or roasted and with ye brains there of mingle honey and butter. anoint ye Childes gums often For worms in Children Take one Spoonfull of Limons juyce powdered Saffron half a Scruple and a little Sugar. give this quantity to ye patient three mornings together
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks