Francis Smith medical recipe book, 1704
Page 150
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And after Infection for some time together of this conserve as much as a walnut For a [Nolime?] Tangere take a [turnfol?] cut in small pieces put it in a bottle and pour so much Aqua-vitae on it as will cover it Stop ye bottle at set it in ye sun ten dayes and in ye night by ye fire but not two near then pour of ye Aqua-Vitae and keep it close then [calcine?] ye dregs remaining in ye bottle. Which will be don in a day then put the calcined afhes into the Aqua-Vitae and they will difsolve - give one spoonful to ye party fasting in white wine and wet a cloth in ye said liquor and and
And after Infection for some time together of this conserve as much as a walnut For a [Nolime?] Tangere take a [turnfol?] cut in small pieces put it in a bottle and pour so much Aqua-vitae on it as will cover it Stop ye bottle at set it in ye sun ten dayes and in ye night by ye fire but not two near then pour of ye Aqua-Vitae and keep it close then [calcine?] ye dregs remaining in ye bottle. Which will be don in a day then put the calcined afhes into the Aqua-Vitae and they will difsolve - give one spoonful to ye party fasting in white wine and wet a cloth in ye said liquor and and
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks