Penelope Pemberton cookbook, Dec. 19, 1716
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ye. outher things I have namd into 3 parts: yn. lay a third part of ye. balls here & thare amounge ye. head yn. a third part of yr. artichoke botoms yn. a third part of yr. apls yn. a third part of yr. mase damsons & cheris layd here & there so yr. yolks of hard eggs yn. lay yr. slises of suckits in as ye. outher yn. strowe a third part of yr. suger all over yn. a third part yr. rasons over all: yn. begin with ye. head agane & lay it all over & so all outher things as dereckted before: yn. anouther part of yr. buter cut in litle sslises yn. ye. last part of ye. head must be layd in as before & so ye. rest of ye. things: & butter over all of ye things: & butter over al lay a small pudin crust about ye. dish & cover yr. dish with very good puf past an inditarant thicknes yn. have redy when it cums out of ye. oven 3 pints of white wine maid into cadle yn. need put in no spise: if yu. think yr. pie be not sweet anoufe put more suger into yr. cadle if too sweet less do not make yr cadle too thick nor let it be to long one ye. fier: put a longe knife in at ye. top & rase it asely up let in as much cadle as yu. can get but let it not rune over ye. crust ye. outher part yu. may put in as yu. find a cashon as yu. carve it it need not be a large head & it yu. think it will be to much for it yu. may/ turne over
ye. outher things I have namd into 3 parts: yn. lay a third part of ye. balls here & thare amounge ye. head yn. a third part of yr. artichoke botoms yn. a third part of yr. apls yn. a third part of yr. mase damsons & cheris layd here & there so yr. yolks of hard eggs yn. lay yr. slises of suckits in as ye. outher yn. strowe a third part of yr. suger all over yn. a third part yr. rasons over all: yn. begin with ye. head agane & lay it all over & so all outher things as dereckted before: yn. anouther part of yr. buter cut in litle sslises yn. ye. last part of ye. head must be layd in as before & so ye. rest of ye. things: & butter over all of ye things: & butter over al lay a small pudin crust about ye. dish & cover yr. dish with very good puf past an inditarant thicknes yn. have redy when it cums out of ye. oven 3 pints of white wine maid into cadle yn. need put in no spise: if yu. think yr. pie be not sweet anoufe put more suger into yr. cadle if too sweet less do not make yr cadle too thick nor let it be to long one ye. fier: put a longe knife in at ye. top & rase it asely up let in as much cadle as yu. can get but let it not rune over ye. crust ye. outher part yu. may put in as yu. find a cashon as yu. carve it it need not be a large head & it yu. think it will be to much for it yu. may/ turne over
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks