Penelope Pemberton cookbook, Dec. 19, 1716
Page 187
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it let it rune through a flanell bag into a caske yt halfe first had an ounce of iseinglass cut in stop it close & let it stand 6 weeks or 2 munths or more if yu plase yn let it run through a flanel bag & botle it ye cask yu put it in must be foll when yu rack it yu may put in a pound of duble refine suger if yu plase ye Popes posset M. Pegot Take a pound of sweet ollmons blanchd & beat ym in a stone or wooden morter tel ye be so fine ye will spred betwene yr fingers liek butter in ye [beatin?] put in a spoonefoll of spring watter when ye see acashon to ceep it from oyleing: yn put ym into a clane pan with a quart of spring watter & ceepe it constantly stiring tel it boyls & grose thick yn have rady one a chafindish of fier in a bason halfe a pinte of sack or white wine or somethinge more: & a litle alle: halfe a pound of white suger or to yr taste: when ye licker is scolding hot: poure ye ollmons into it boyleing of ye fier: stir it together & so sarve it ye ollmons requiers a longe time beating pottato chesecaks Take halfe pound of potatos well boyld whole & pilt grate ym 4 eggs lave out 3 whits baten & halfe of pound of clarifide butter: suger nuttemeg mase or sinement all thes to yr tast mix ym to gether lay past in patipans so bake ym yu may put in ollmons or corons into some if yu plase
it let it rune through a flanell bag into a caske yt halfe first had an ounce of iseinglass cut in stop it close & let it stand 6 weeks or 2 munths or more if yu plase yn let it run through a flanel bag & botle it ye cask yu put it in must be foll when yu rack it yu may put in a pound of duble refine suger if yu plase ye Popes posset M. Pegot Take a pound of sweet ollmons blanchd & beat ym in a stone or wooden morter tel ye be so fine ye will spred betwene yr fingers liek butter in ye [beatin?] put in a spoonefoll of spring watter when ye see acashon to ceep it from oyleing: yn put ym into a clane pan with a quart of spring watter & ceepe it constantly stiring tel it boyls & grose thick yn have rady one a chafindish of fier in a bason halfe a pinte of sack or white wine or somethinge more: & a litle alle: halfe a pound of white suger or to yr taste: when ye licker is scolding hot: poure ye ollmons into it boyleing of ye fier: stir it together & so sarve it ye ollmons requiers a longe time beating pottato chesecaks Take halfe pound of potatos well boyld whole & pilt grate ym 4 eggs lave out 3 whits baten & halfe of pound of clarifide butter: suger nuttemeg mase or sinement all thes to yr tast mix ym to gether lay past in patipans so bake ym yu may put in ollmons or corons into some if yu plase
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks