Anne Bayne booke [of recipes] circa 1700
Page 91
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(91) To make savory slabs of beefe Take a peice of beefe fat and leane together cut them very thin and take of the skin. beat them very well with a rowling pin. then take your frying pan before you set it on the fire & put in some sweet mariorum & an onion as will cover your pan badom. then cover it close & with a pewter dish & set it over the fire & when it is pretty well flowed power out your gravy then let them browne in your pan. & when they are enough power in your gravy againe & a little salt to give them a good shake if you please you may put in a little nutmeg but they are very good without so serve them up with what pickles you like.
(91) To make savory slabs of beefe Take a peice of beefe fat and leane together cut them very thin and take of the skin. beat them very well with a rowling pin. then take your frying pan before you set it on the fire & put in some sweet mariorum & an onion as will cover your pan badom. then cover it close & with a pewter dish & set it over the fire & when it is pretty well flowed power out your gravy then let them browne in your pan. & when they are enough power in your gravy againe & a little salt to give them a good shake if you please you may put in a little nutmeg but they are very good without so serve them up with what pickles you like.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks