Robert Godfrey receipts, 1665-1799
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To Make Cowslip Mead Mrs. Jackson of Swerkstones Way ------------- ---------- -------------- Boyle your Water an hour and half take a strike of Cowslip peeps put y.m in Earthen pots put. to Y.m 10 gallons of water stir them and cover them- close and let y.m Stand 3 hours' then Strain them- into a clean kettle- then put in your honey when it will bear an Egg put in a quarter of a pound of- Spice Cinnamon cloves and mace one ounce of ginger- Slice it and bruise- Y.e Spice take y.E whites of 15 Eggs beat them very well then stirr it alltogether set it over y.E fire and when it boyles scum it- very well y.n put in your herbs one handfull of- Rosemary & one_ handfull of sweet margorum & one- handfull of sweet briar' one sprigg of bays' boyle it a Quarter of an hour lafter y.E herbs are in take it of and put- it in Searthen pots to settle. let it stand 24 hours- then put in your barm' when it is white_ over- tun it up take one dozen of Lemons pare- them very thin' put y.E peill on a thred hang it in y.E Barrell- Squeeze y.E Lemons put in y.E juice. and y.E bagg of- spice then stop it up in 3 weeks it will be Ready to - bottle_
To Make Cowslip Mead Mrs. Jackson of Swerkstones Way ------------- ---------- -------------- Boyle your Water an hour and half take a strike of Cowslip peeps put y.m in Earthen pots put. to Y.m 10 gallons of water stir them and cover them- close and let y.m Stand 3 hours' then Strain them- into a clean kettle- then put in your honey when it will bear an Egg put in a quarter of a pound of- Spice Cinnamon cloves and mace one ounce of ginger- Slice it and bruise- Y.e Spice take y.E whites of 15 Eggs beat them very well then stirr it alltogether set it over y.E fire and when it boyles scum it- very well y.n put in your herbs one handfull of- Rosemary & one_ handfull of sweet margorum & one- handfull of sweet briar' one sprigg of bays' boyle it a Quarter of an hour lafter y.E herbs are in take it of and put- it in Searthen pots to settle. let it stand 24 hours- then put in your barm' when it is white_ over- tun it up take one dozen of Lemons pare- them very thin' put y.E peill on a thred hang it in y.E Barrell- Squeeze y.E Lemons put in y.E juice. and y.E bagg of- spice then stop it up in 3 weeks it will be Ready to - bottle_
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks