F.H. Wyrick letters, 1893-1907
1894-10-11 Page 2
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where-a-bouts of Mithodist preachers at this time of the year. but I doubt not that you are about where you aught to be and that this will reach you some where. I will inclose a receipt for the $25. When you get your business and yourselves settled again for another year I shall hope to hear from you again Give my kindest regards to Mrs. Wyrick Yours Truly Alice Witson Celia [Leake?] [Ian?]
where-a-bouts of Mithodist preachers at this time of the year. but I doubt not that you are about where you aught to be and that this will reach you some where. I will inclose a receipt for the $25. When you get your business and yourselves settled again for another year I shall hope to hear from you again Give my kindest regards to Mrs. Wyrick Yours Truly Alice Witson Celia [Leake?] [Ian?]
Pioneer Lives