John N. Calhoun family letters, February 1941-April 1945
1943-03-15 Page 1
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Burlington, Ia Mar. 15, 1943 My Dearest:- Well this is beginning of another week. They are really passing by aren't they? I don't care how soon they pass. Just four weeks after this one. Doesn't that sound better? It had rained off & on most all day and a while ago it sounded like sleet against the window pane and a lot of wind. Just hope it don't turn cold again. I had a very busy day but got home by 6 o'clock. The kids were all home today all day long with their colds. I think they are much better, but sound plenty Croupy yet to me. I guess Grandma was pretty tired after having them all day. She has gone to bed too. I am still feeling tired and worn out all the time, but don't see any chance of slowing up. This is my Wed. morning off & am going to have my teeth cleaned and my feet fixed up. So you see it is going to be a busy day also. I got a very nice letter from Warren this afternoon. He is in Boston at the Navy Ship Yards. He is cutting meat now & I guess that is some job. After I answer his letter, I will send it to you. He is trying to get a leave or furlough, but didn't know whether he will make it or not. Tomorrow another payment on the house will be due. I will try & get to the bank tomorrow. I didn't get a letter from you today, but will
Burlington, Ia Mar. 15, 1943 My Dearest:- Well this is beginning of another week. They are really passing by aren't they? I don't care how soon they pass. Just four weeks after this one. Doesn't that sound better? It had rained off & on most all day and a while ago it sounded like sleet against the window pane and a lot of wind. Just hope it don't turn cold again. I had a very busy day but got home by 6 o'clock. The kids were all home today all day long with their colds. I think they are much better, but sound plenty Croupy yet to me. I guess Grandma was pretty tired after having them all day. She has gone to bed too. I am still feeling tired and worn out all the time, but don't see any chance of slowing up. This is my Wed. morning off & am going to have my teeth cleaned and my feet fixed up. So you see it is going to be a busy day also. I got a very nice letter from Warren this afternoon. He is in Boston at the Navy Ship Yards. He is cutting meat now & I guess that is some job. After I answer his letter, I will send it to you. He is trying to get a leave or furlough, but didn't know whether he will make it or not. Tomorrow another payment on the house will be due. I will try & get to the bank tomorrow. I didn't get a letter from you today, but will
World War II Diaries and Letters