Miss Collins recipe collection manuscript, 19th century?
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To pickle Gerkins and cucumbers Gather them when very dry, wipe them, and strew salt over them, let them remain twenty four hours; put vinegar into a bell metal skellet, with ginger, whole pepper and a little cayenne, put the girkins into a Jug, & pour the vinegar boiling hot, on them, stop them close, the next day put the vinager again into the skellet, and when it boils throw the gerkins in for five minutes, then put them into pots with the vinager & spices. Cucumbers should be cut in two length ways, & the seeds scooped out with a teaspoon. Then divided in two or three, according to the size. Raspberry brandy To a pound of rasberries, half a pound of loaf sugar, heat it a little over the fire, but not boil it, when cold press it, add a quart of brandy and strain it, let it stand a day or two, then bottle it.
To pickle Gerkins and cucumbers Gather them when very dry, wipe them, and strew salt over them, let them remain twenty four hours; put vinegar into a bell metal skellet, with ginger, whole pepper and a little cayenne, put the girkins into a Jug, & pour the vinegar boiling hot, on them, stop them close, the next day put the vinager again into the skellet, and when it boils throw the gerkins in for five minutes, then put them into pots with the vinager & spices. Cucumbers should be cut in two length ways, & the seeds scooped out with a teaspoon. Then divided in two or three, according to the size. Raspberry brandy To a pound of rasberries, half a pound of loaf sugar, heat it a little over the fire, but not boil it, when cold press it, add a quart of brandy and strain it, let it stand a day or two, then bottle it.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks