Mary Terronez biographical files, 1962-2009
Mary Terronez Resume
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[Landon Summers] Mary Terronez 5215 West River Dr. Tel. 319-324-5621 368-5368 Started to work in the education field in 1980. Worked at Lincoln School, Rock Island, Illinois as a bilingual teacher aide Sept. 1980 to June 1984 when the bilingual program at that school was discontinued. Worked at Erickson School, Moline, Illinois as a bilingual aide 1986-1987. Since Oct. 1987 to present I have worked for the Davenport School System. At present, I am working as an aide for the special education Program at Jefferson School, Davenport, Iowa. 1990-Present Interpreter/Translater for Dept. of Transportation, Davenport, Iowa. Nov. 1990 Blackhawk College, Moline, Illinois Quad Cities High Education Award. 1988-Present Voter Registration for voters with Disabilities. 1982 Quad-Cities Mexican American Organization Education Award. At the age of 56 began journey to obtain her high school diploma. Went on to graduate school with an Associates Arts Degree when she was age 60. 1982 Certificate Education Award, Gov. James Thompson, State of Illinois.
[Landon Summers] Mary Terronez 5215 West River Dr. Tel. 319-324-5621 368-5368 Started to work in the education field in 1980. Worked at Lincoln School, Rock Island, Illinois as a bilingual teacher aide Sept. 1980 to June 1984 when the bilingual program at that school was discontinued. Worked at Erickson School, Moline, Illinois as a bilingual aide 1986-1987. Since Oct. 1987 to present I have worked for the Davenport School System. At present, I am working as an aide for the special education Program at Jefferson School, Davenport, Iowa. 1990-Present Interpreter/Translater for Dept. of Transportation, Davenport, Iowa. Nov. 1990 Blackhawk College, Moline, Illinois Quad Cities High Education Award. 1988-Present Voter Registration for voters with Disabilities. 1982 Quad-Cities Mexican American Organization Education Award. At the age of 56 began journey to obtain her high school diploma. Went on to graduate school with an Associates Arts Degree when she was age 60. 1982 Certificate Education Award, Gov. James Thompson, State of Illinois.
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