NAACP newsletters, Fort Madison Branch, Fort Madison, Iowa, 1966
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-2- Each Conference has interesting "sidelights", such as the remarks which were made by Reverend R.L.T. Smith of Jackson, Mississippi and speaker for the Minister's Breakfast. He told of being present when Charles Evers, Field Secretary for the NAACP walked, unarmed, towards an armed lawman during the recent demonstrations which have taken place on the campus of Alcorn College. According to Reverend Smith, the lawman, after having threatened Evers and the demonstrators, was taken aback when Charles Evers walked up to hi, even as he pointed a gun at him. He was so shocked, in fact, that the lawman stood there shaking and obviously at a less as to what to do. Reverend Smith also said that reports that the police used 'tear gas' only after a bottle had been hurled in their direction, were erroneous, for he was standing in front of the crowd of demonstrators... facing the lawmen, and he did not see a bottle or any other object which might have been thrown. He also made the statement that the President of Alcorn College must go, and the people of Jackson are dedicated to the task of seeing that he does, for they can no longer sanction an institution which permits its students to graduate with what amounts to no more than a ninth grade education. Members of the Membership Committee are still working to renew all expired memberships. Has yours expired?.. If so, why not renew today. Any member of the local Executive Committee or Membership Committee will be glad to pick it up ! If you haven't joined,... then do do, NOW ! REMEMBER! .... Passing of the Civil Rights Legislation, did not mark the end of our battle... it just meant the beginning of a new phase in the battle for equal opportunity and rights for all ! "He has the right to criticize who has the heart to help." Abraham Lincoln The 57th Annual Convention of the National Association For The Advancement of Colored People will be held in Los Angeles, California, July 4-9. Delegates must be selected, seen... and it promises to be full of very worthwhile workshops. It is unfortunate when there is only one person present to represent a particular branch, for there is no way to take in all of the sessions. Voting strength at the Annual Convention, is determined by the number of members each branch has recorded at National Office, 30 days prior to the Convention. Lets get all of the renewals and new members we can, by the 28th of May ! I Dream A World "I dream a world where man No other will scorn, Where love will bless the earth And peace its paths adorn, I dream a world where all will know sweet freedom's way, Where greed no longer saps the soul Nor avarice blights our day. A world I dream where black or white, Whatever you may be, Will share the bounties of the earth And every man is free Where wretchedness will hang its head, University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa Women's Archives
-2- Each Conference has interesting "sidelights", such as the remarks which were made by Reverend R.L.T. Smith of Jackson, Mississippi and speaker for the Minister's Breakfast. He told of being present when Charles Evers, Field Secretary for the NAACP walked, unarmed, towards an armed lawman during the recent demonstrations which have taken place on the campus of Alcorn College. According to Reverend Smith, the lawman, after having threatened Evers and the demonstrators, was taken aback when Charles Evers walked up to hi, even as he pointed a gun at him. He was so shocked, in fact, that the lawman stood there shaking and obviously at a less as to what to do. Reverend Smith also said that reports that the police used 'tear gas' only after a bottle had been hurled in their direction, were erroneous, for he was standing in front of the crowd of demonstrators... facing the lawmen, and he did not see a bottle or any other object which might have been thrown. He also made the statement that the President of Alcorn College must go, and the people of Jackson are dedicated to the task of seeing that he does, for they can no longer sanction an institution which permits its students to graduate with what amounts to no more than a ninth grade education. Members of the Membership Committee are still working to renew all expired memberships. Has yours expired?.. If so, why not renew today. Any member of the local Executive Committee or Membership Committee will be glad to pick it up ! If you haven't joined,... then do do, NOW ! REMEMBER! .... Passing of the Civil Rights Legislation, did not mark the end of our battle... it just meant the beginning of a new phase in the battle for equal opportunity and rights for all ! "He has the right to criticize who has the heart to help." Abraham Lincoln The 57th Annual Convention of the National Association For The Advancement of Colored People will be held in Los Angeles, California, July 4-9. Delegates must be selected, seen... and it promises to be full of very worthwhile workshops. It is unfortunate when there is only one person present to represent a particular branch, for there is no way to take in all of the sessions. Voting strength at the Annual Convention, is determined by the number of members each branch has recorded at National Office, 30 days prior to the Convention. Lets get all of the renewals and new members we can, by the 28th of May ! I Dream A World "I dream a world where man No other will scorn, Where love will bless the earth And peace its paths adorn, I dream a world where all will know sweet freedom's way, Where greed no longer saps the soul Nor avarice blights our day. A world I dream where black or white, Whatever you may be, Will share the bounties of the earth And every man is free Where wretchedness will hang its head, University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa Women's Archives
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