NAACP newsletters, Fort Madison Branch, Fort Madison, Iowa, 1965
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- 4 - The National Association is sponsoring summer projects in Alabama and Mississippi. Volunteers will be recruited from the branches and youth councils to spend two weeks or more in these states to help with registration and voting activities. The cost of travel to and from the state and the maintenance of the representatives for housing will be assumed by the branches sponsoring volunteers. The persons who volunteer should be well grounded in NAACP program and policy, be in good health, have mature judgement, and be courageous. Each volunteer must participate in a 2-day orientation course which will be supervised By the Secretary for Training. The project dates are: Alabama: June 21 to August 27 Mississippi: July 5 to August 27 It is our understanding that the volunteers participating in this particular project must be 19 years of age. The local branch has voted to sponsor two volunteers. Anyone wishing more information may call: Mrs. Norma Woods - 372 - 4736 or Miss Virginia Harper - 372 - 7335 The Youth and College Division is sponsoring a Community Action Project for 1965 which they hope will further develop minority group participation in efforts to overcome racial barriers. This is to be distinguished From the summer project which was mentioned above. The volunteers will undergo a ten-day training session which will be conducted by the NAACP. The volunteers for this project will work in northern communities (mostly cities such as Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, etc.) , with minority group persons in focusing attention on the many problems encountered in achieving increased employment opportunities, open occupancy, housing rehabilitation programs, strict enforcement of housing codes and helping to improve local standards of retail merchandising. They will assist communities in the full utilization of existing facilities for attacking and solving the problems at hand, and in the development of new avenue of approaches to these problems. They will be concerned with and prepared to act upon any general infringements of civil rights which are encountered. There are other areas in which the volunteers for this project will work, also. Those interested in getting more information, may do so by calling Mrs. Woods or Miss Harper. Membership expiration notices have been and are being mailed by the Membership Committee. If you do not wish to mail your renewal in, call Mrs. Agnes Garland at 372 - 7403, and she will see that it is picked up...! The annual membership campaign will be opening, very soon! We hope to go over our quota, but will need the help of every NAACP member! "HARRY TRUMAN" by Roy Wilkins (Excerpt from an Editorial in the New York Post, Sunday, April 25, 1965) "Harry Truman comes from a Confederate background, but that background did not color the discharge of his duties as a Senator, Vice President and President. He was President of the Negro minority, too. Long before he entered the spotlight he gave a favorable reply to a telegram on FEPC. These civil rights decisions of the Forties spell C-O-U-R-A-G-E. The Negro crusade is sweeping on, nearer and nearer to its goals. It can afford to indulge, a big sadly, perhaps, the outdated, off-the-cuff Truman pronouncements from what used to be on high. We are winning and so is he, because, like Lincoln, when he got a chance to hit, and in an office where hitting counted, he hit hard. Let him have his breakfast strolls and his free-wheeling quips. He can't stop the civil rights clock and his record entitles him to a few errors, however, irritating, in his retirement years." University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa Women's Archives
- 4 - The National Association is sponsoring summer projects in Alabama and Mississippi. Volunteers will be recruited from the branches and youth councils to spend two weeks or more in these states to help with registration and voting activities. The cost of travel to and from the state and the maintenance of the representatives for housing will be assumed by the branches sponsoring volunteers. The persons who volunteer should be well grounded in NAACP program and policy, be in good health, have mature judgement, and be courageous. Each volunteer must participate in a 2-day orientation course which will be supervised By the Secretary for Training. The project dates are: Alabama: June 21 to August 27 Mississippi: July 5 to August 27 It is our understanding that the volunteers participating in this particular project must be 19 years of age. The local branch has voted to sponsor two volunteers. Anyone wishing more information may call: Mrs. Norma Woods - 372 - 4736 or Miss Virginia Harper - 372 - 7335 The Youth and College Division is sponsoring a Community Action Project for 1965 which they hope will further develop minority group participation in efforts to overcome racial barriers. This is to be distinguished From the summer project which was mentioned above. The volunteers will undergo a ten-day training session which will be conducted by the NAACP. The volunteers for this project will work in northern communities (mostly cities such as Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, etc.) , with minority group persons in focusing attention on the many problems encountered in achieving increased employment opportunities, open occupancy, housing rehabilitation programs, strict enforcement of housing codes and helping to improve local standards of retail merchandising. They will assist communities in the full utilization of existing facilities for attacking and solving the problems at hand, and in the development of new avenue of approaches to these problems. They will be concerned with and prepared to act upon any general infringements of civil rights which are encountered. There are other areas in which the volunteers for this project will work, also. Those interested in getting more information, may do so by calling Mrs. Woods or Miss Harper. Membership expiration notices have been and are being mailed by the Membership Committee. If you do not wish to mail your renewal in, call Mrs. Agnes Garland at 372 - 7403, and she will see that it is picked up...! The annual membership campaign will be opening, very soon! We hope to go over our quota, but will need the help of every NAACP member! "HARRY TRUMAN" by Roy Wilkins (Excerpt from an Editorial in the New York Post, Sunday, April 25, 1965) "Harry Truman comes from a Confederate background, but that background did not color the discharge of his duties as a Senator, Vice President and President. He was President of the Negro minority, too. Long before he entered the spotlight he gave a favorable reply to a telegram on FEPC. These civil rights decisions of the Forties spell C-O-U-R-A-G-E. The Negro crusade is sweeping on, nearer and nearer to its goals. It can afford to indulge, a big sadly, perhaps, the outdated, off-the-cuff Truman pronouncements from what used to be on high. We are winning and so is he, because, like Lincoln, when he got a chance to hit, and in an office where hitting counted, he hit hard. Let him have his breakfast strolls and his free-wheeling quips. He can't stop the civil rights clock and his record entitles him to a few errors, however, irritating, in his retirement years." University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa Women's Archives
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