NAACP newsletters, Fort Madison Branch, Fort Madison, Iowa, 1965
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- 5 - The 56th Annual Convention of the National Association For The Advancement of Colored People will be held in Denver, Colorado at the Denver Hilton Hotel, June 28 - July 3, 1965. Plans are being made to make this one of the best conventions, to date. Since this will be taking place in Region IV, it is hoped that all branches in the Region will be well represented. A formal expression of appreciation will be made to Mr. Leonard H. Carter, Regional Secretary and Miss Billie Jo Williams, Administrative Secretary of the Region IV office, who will be leaving their work in Region IV after the Convention. Hotel Room Information Single Double Bed Twin Bed 2 Room 3 1 person 2 persons 2 persons Suite Suite Hilton $8.50 - 17.00 $14.00 - 21.00 $15.50 - 22.00 $36.00 to 45.00 $60.00 to 85.00 Albany $7.50 - 10.00 $10.50 - 13.00 $12.50 -15.50 $31 Shirley Savoy $7.50 - 8.50 $10.00 - 11.00 $10.00 - 12.00 Cosmopolitan $9.00 - 18.00 $13.50 - 22.50 $14.50 - 22.50 $22.00 to 49.00 $55.00 to 72.00 Dormitory Housing for Youth Delegates Hilton $ 5.00 per person Cosmopolitan $ 4.00 per person Albany $ 4.00 per person YMCA $ 2.33 per person YWCA $ 2.50 - 3.50 per person The Hilton Hotel will be convention headquarters, all business sessions, regional meetings, committee meetings and workshops will be held there. REGULAR BRANCH MEETING ! SUNDAY MAY 16, 1965 CITY HALL 8th St. & Avenue E 5:30 PM Delegates to the National Convention must be chosen, at this time! DO YOU KNOW???? The first Negro elected to the national House of Representatives was John Willis Menard of Louisiana, chosen to fill a vacancy caused by death. His seat was challenged and he never served. The first colored representative to be seated in Washington was Jefferson P. Long of Georgia, who served from 1869 to 1871. There were other Negro legislators who served during the reconstruction era. Many biased historians of the period recorded unsubstantiated charges against them but none of the good things done by legislatures in which Negroes served. University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa Women's Archives
- 5 - The 56th Annual Convention of the National Association For The Advancement of Colored People will be held in Denver, Colorado at the Denver Hilton Hotel, June 28 - July 3, 1965. Plans are being made to make this one of the best conventions, to date. Since this will be taking place in Region IV, it is hoped that all branches in the Region will be well represented. A formal expression of appreciation will be made to Mr. Leonard H. Carter, Regional Secretary and Miss Billie Jo Williams, Administrative Secretary of the Region IV office, who will be leaving their work in Region IV after the Convention. Hotel Room Information Single Double Bed Twin Bed 2 Room 3 1 person 2 persons 2 persons Suite Suite Hilton $8.50 - 17.00 $14.00 - 21.00 $15.50 - 22.00 $36.00 to 45.00 $60.00 to 85.00 Albany $7.50 - 10.00 $10.50 - 13.00 $12.50 -15.50 $31 Shirley Savoy $7.50 - 8.50 $10.00 - 11.00 $10.00 - 12.00 Cosmopolitan $9.00 - 18.00 $13.50 - 22.50 $14.50 - 22.50 $22.00 to 49.00 $55.00 to 72.00 Dormitory Housing for Youth Delegates Hilton $ 5.00 per person Cosmopolitan $ 4.00 per person Albany $ 4.00 per person YMCA $ 2.33 per person YWCA $ 2.50 - 3.50 per person The Hilton Hotel will be convention headquarters, all business sessions, regional meetings, committee meetings and workshops will be held there. REGULAR BRANCH MEETING ! SUNDAY MAY 16, 1965 CITY HALL 8th St. & Avenue E 5:30 PM Delegates to the National Convention must be chosen, at this time! DO YOU KNOW???? The first Negro elected to the national House of Representatives was John Willis Menard of Louisiana, chosen to fill a vacancy caused by death. His seat was challenged and he never served. The first colored representative to be seated in Washington was Jefferson P. Long of Georgia, who served from 1869 to 1871. There were other Negro legislators who served during the reconstruction era. Many biased historians of the period recorded unsubstantiated charges against them but none of the good things done by legislatures in which Negroes served. University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa Women's Archives
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