NAACP newsletters, Fort Madison Branch, Fort Madison, Iowa, 1965
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- 2 - ( cont'd) International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers - Cincinnati, Ohio Cement and Concrete Workers Union, New York City Florida National Bank - Jacksonville, Florida First Citizens Bank - Fayetteville, North Carolina Ingalls Shipbuilding - Pascagoula, Mississippi North Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company Phillip Morris Tobacco Company - Richmond, Virginia Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, Marietta Georgia Illinois Central Railroad International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers Union - McComb, Mississippi International Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks - McComb, Mississippi Consolidated Edison Company - New York City Textile industries included were: ( this is the major manufacturing industry in the south) J. P. Stevens Company - Wallace, North Carolina Draper Corporation - Spartanburg, South Carolina Warsaw National Spinning Company - Warsaw, North Carolina Burlington Industries, Fayetteville, North Carolina Dan River Mills - Danville Virginia One of the Members of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is Region IV's Attorney Sam Jackson of Topeka, Kansas. In the November issue of Ebony is an interesting article on the Negro soldier in Vietname. Written by Simeon Booker, the story tells how Negro GIs are greeted as a 'friend' because of his dark skin. " In Vietnam, a Negro GI can walk through downtown Saigon with virtual immunity, or he can go to the suburbs where Viet Cong informers assure him, 'There'll be no bombs or gunfights because you are our friends.' Few grenades are thrown at dark skinned Americans. Negro GI Joes can go to bars where hostesses, in many instances, will point to their skin as a sign of brotherhood in the worldwide order of darker people." He also reports that the Viet Cong have constantly made use of the racial discrimination in the United States in their propoganda literature and broadcasts while Negroes insist they 'too, are Americans'. DO YOU KNOW... That the earliest of the slave revolts in this country is believed to have taken place in 1526 in the section of the country which is now know as South Carolina? In Haiti, a rebellion which was led by an ex-slave, Toussaint L'ouverture was so successful that by 1801, the entire island was under black domination? That, according to Herbert Aptheker, and counting only those uprisings involving at least ten Negroes, that there were no fewer than 250 Negro revolts in this country? That the three most famous insurrections in the history of American slavery were : the uprisings of Gabriel Prosser in 1800..., Denmark Vesey in 1822..., and Nat Turner in 1831...? We are ending the year with an all out effort to get new members as well as all of our renewals. Although this is a function of the Membership Committee, all of us can help them. University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa Women's Archives
- 2 - ( cont'd) International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers - Cincinnati, Ohio Cement and Concrete Workers Union, New York City Florida National Bank - Jacksonville, Florida First Citizens Bank - Fayetteville, North Carolina Ingalls Shipbuilding - Pascagoula, Mississippi North Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company Phillip Morris Tobacco Company - Richmond, Virginia Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, Marietta Georgia Illinois Central Railroad International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers Union - McComb, Mississippi International Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks - McComb, Mississippi Consolidated Edison Company - New York City Textile industries included were: ( this is the major manufacturing industry in the south) J. P. Stevens Company - Wallace, North Carolina Draper Corporation - Spartanburg, South Carolina Warsaw National Spinning Company - Warsaw, North Carolina Burlington Industries, Fayetteville, North Carolina Dan River Mills - Danville Virginia One of the Members of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is Region IV's Attorney Sam Jackson of Topeka, Kansas. In the November issue of Ebony is an interesting article on the Negro soldier in Vietname. Written by Simeon Booker, the story tells how Negro GIs are greeted as a 'friend' because of his dark skin. " In Vietnam, a Negro GI can walk through downtown Saigon with virtual immunity, or he can go to the suburbs where Viet Cong informers assure him, 'There'll be no bombs or gunfights because you are our friends.' Few grenades are thrown at dark skinned Americans. Negro GI Joes can go to bars where hostesses, in many instances, will point to their skin as a sign of brotherhood in the worldwide order of darker people." He also reports that the Viet Cong have constantly made use of the racial discrimination in the United States in their propoganda literature and broadcasts while Negroes insist they 'too, are Americans'. DO YOU KNOW... That the earliest of the slave revolts in this country is believed to have taken place in 1526 in the section of the country which is now know as South Carolina? In Haiti, a rebellion which was led by an ex-slave, Toussaint L'ouverture was so successful that by 1801, the entire island was under black domination? That, according to Herbert Aptheker, and counting only those uprisings involving at least ten Negroes, that there were no fewer than 250 Negro revolts in this country? That the three most famous insurrections in the history of American slavery were : the uprisings of Gabriel Prosser in 1800..., Denmark Vesey in 1822..., and Nat Turner in 1831...? We are ending the year with an all out effort to get new members as well as all of our renewals. Although this is a function of the Membership Committee, all of us can help them. University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa Women's Archives
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