NAACP newsletters, Fort Madison Branch, Fort Madison, Iowa, 1969
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-2- and just may repair." -Harry S. Ashmore Look Magazine, July 16, 1963 Newly elected Officers of the Iowa State Conference of Branches are: President...Atty. Thomas Kelley, Jr....Davenport, Iowa 1st Vice...Mr. Charles Crooks...Des Moines, Iowa 2nd Vice...Reverend Francis Duncan...Davenport, Iowa 3rd Vice...Miss Virginia Harper...Fort Madison, Iowa Corresp. Sec'y...Mrs. Paula Schwartz...Waterloo, Iowa Record. Sec'y...Miss Marilyn Beecham...Fort Madison, Iowa Treasurer...Mr. William Bell...Des Moines Iowa Asst. Treas....Mrs. Rose Johnson...Marshalltown, Iowa Executive Committee Members are: (from this area) Dr. Harry D. Harper, Sr....Fort Madison, Branch, President Mr. W. V. Windsor Mrs. Gladys Bradshaw Mr. Orville Woods Mr. Clarence Beecham Mrs. E. T. Hicks...Burlington, Iowa Mrs. Ruth Toomes...Keokuk, Branch, President Attorney Alvin Hayes, Executive Director of the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, was the In-Service Training Program Speaker at the Iowa Penetentiary on November 10th. The program was part of the series of meetings that members of the local Branch have been holding with members of the institution's Staff. Communication must be established before there can be understanding. WORDS WORTH REPEATING... "...When you get to the open housing field, as a general statement there hasn't been a single neighborhood in America satisfactorily integrated up to the present time. So we're taking on one terrible task..." -Ivan Allen, Jr. - retiring mayor of Atlanta, Georgia, on his city's frustrating problems with housing segregation. "After a while you just get tired. They (white) don't want to come to your house, but when they decide we have to integrate, they want you to come to their house to see how white people live. But you get tired of always going to their side." -Scarlett McClain, a Kansas City, Mo., Southeast High grad on why she chose an all-black college "If 400 years of Christianity in mission countries could not produce priests who were worthy of being pastors and bishops, there was something questionable about methods of Christianizing that country." -Father Harold R. Perry - auxilliary Bishop of New Orleans University of Iowa Libraries. Iowa Women's Archives
-2- and just may repair." -Harry S. Ashmore Look Magazine, July 16, 1963 Newly elected Officers of the Iowa State Conference of Branches are: President...Atty. Thomas Kelley, Jr....Davenport, Iowa 1st Vice...Mr. Charles Crooks...Des Moines, Iowa 2nd Vice...Reverend Francis Duncan...Davenport, Iowa 3rd Vice...Miss Virginia Harper...Fort Madison, Iowa Corresp. Sec'y...Mrs. Paula Schwartz...Waterloo, Iowa Record. Sec'y...Miss Marilyn Beecham...Fort Madison, Iowa Treasurer...Mr. William Bell...Des Moines Iowa Asst. Treas....Mrs. Rose Johnson...Marshalltown, Iowa Executive Committee Members are: (from this area) Dr. Harry D. Harper, Sr....Fort Madison, Branch, President Mr. W. V. Windsor Mrs. Gladys Bradshaw Mr. Orville Woods Mr. Clarence Beecham Mrs. E. T. Hicks...Burlington, Iowa Mrs. Ruth Toomes...Keokuk, Branch, President Attorney Alvin Hayes, Executive Director of the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, was the In-Service Training Program Speaker at the Iowa Penetentiary on November 10th. The program was part of the series of meetings that members of the local Branch have been holding with members of the institution's Staff. Communication must be established before there can be understanding. WORDS WORTH REPEATING... "...When you get to the open housing field, as a general statement there hasn't been a single neighborhood in America satisfactorily integrated up to the present time. So we're taking on one terrible task..." -Ivan Allen, Jr. - retiring mayor of Atlanta, Georgia, on his city's frustrating problems with housing segregation. "After a while you just get tired. They (white) don't want to come to your house, but when they decide we have to integrate, they want you to come to their house to see how white people live. But you get tired of always going to their side." -Scarlett McClain, a Kansas City, Mo., Southeast High grad on why she chose an all-black college "If 400 years of Christianity in mission countries could not produce priests who were worthy of being pastors and bishops, there was something questionable about methods of Christianizing that country." -Father Harold R. Perry - auxilliary Bishop of New Orleans University of Iowa Libraries. Iowa Women's Archives
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