NAACP newsletters, Fort Madison Branch, Fort Madison, Iowa, 1970
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-5- INTERRACIAL by Georgta Douglas Johnson Let's build bridges here and there Or sometimes, just a spiral stair That we may come somewhat abreast Ans sense what cannot be exprest, And by these measures can be found A meeting place.. a common ground Nearer the reaches of the heart Where truth revealed, stands clear and apart; With understanding come to know What laughing lips will never show: How tears and torturing distress May masquerade as happiness: Then you will know when my heart's aching And I when yours is slowly breaking. Commune... the altars will reveal.. We then shall be impulsed to kneel And send a prayer upon its way For those who wear the thorns today. Oh, let's build bridges everywhere And span the gulf of challenge there. This will be the LAST regularly mailed, NEWSLETTER of the Fort Madison, Branch, NAACP, as things stand, right now! As you all know.. the cost of everything, has gone up, and so has the cost of the newsletter, especially, the postage. The Fort Madison, Branch, sent out its first letter, during the summer of 1963. We were told then, it couldn't be done, and that interest in it wouldn't last. We DID send it... there WAS interest... and we have been keeping at it, for more than seven years now ! However, the time has come, when increased costs and the lack of "helping hands", forces us to ask the membership and those others who were placed on the mailing list, to help us decide what the future of this Branch's little publication, will be. IF YOU wish to see us CONTINUE, we are asking that your response be financial, as well as vocal. If YOU DO NOT wish to see the NEWSLETTER continued, we would interested in hearing your reasons, for that, also. Help, although, scarce has not been a serious deterrent, and we feel that it is something that could be remedied, easily. However, the future of the FORT MADISON, NAACP's NEWSLETTER, is in your hands. ALL replies should be sent to: Fort Madison Branch, NAACP 720-7th Street Fort Madison Iowa 52627 Let us hear from you, SOON! "Never send to know for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee." - Donne Response to the RENEWAL LETTERS has been VERY GOOD! Have YOU sent YOURS IN ? Support your NAACP... remember, it works FOR YOU and the rest of mankind !!! University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa Women;s Archives
-5- INTERRACIAL by Georgta Douglas Johnson Let's build bridges here and there Or sometimes, just a spiral stair That we may come somewhat abreast Ans sense what cannot be exprest, And by these measures can be found A meeting place.. a common ground Nearer the reaches of the heart Where truth revealed, stands clear and apart; With understanding come to know What laughing lips will never show: How tears and torturing distress May masquerade as happiness: Then you will know when my heart's aching And I when yours is slowly breaking. Commune... the altars will reveal.. We then shall be impulsed to kneel And send a prayer upon its way For those who wear the thorns today. Oh, let's build bridges everywhere And span the gulf of challenge there. This will be the LAST regularly mailed, NEWSLETTER of the Fort Madison, Branch, NAACP, as things stand, right now! As you all know.. the cost of everything, has gone up, and so has the cost of the newsletter, especially, the postage. The Fort Madison, Branch, sent out its first letter, during the summer of 1963. We were told then, it couldn't be done, and that interest in it wouldn't last. We DID send it... there WAS interest... and we have been keeping at it, for more than seven years now ! However, the time has come, when increased costs and the lack of "helping hands", forces us to ask the membership and those others who were placed on the mailing list, to help us decide what the future of this Branch's little publication, will be. IF YOU wish to see us CONTINUE, we are asking that your response be financial, as well as vocal. If YOU DO NOT wish to see the NEWSLETTER continued, we would interested in hearing your reasons, for that, also. Help, although, scarce has not been a serious deterrent, and we feel that it is something that could be remedied, easily. However, the future of the FORT MADISON, NAACP's NEWSLETTER, is in your hands. ALL replies should be sent to: Fort Madison Branch, NAACP 720-7th Street Fort Madison Iowa 52627 Let us hear from you, SOON! "Never send to know for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee." - Donne Response to the RENEWAL LETTERS has been VERY GOOD! Have YOU sent YOURS IN ? Support your NAACP... remember, it works FOR YOU and the rest of mankind !!! University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa Women;s Archives
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