NAACP newsletters, Fort Madison Branch, Fort Madison, Iowa, 1967
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- 9 - ...Everyone in the United States is now involved in the racial crisis. If there ever was an option on this subject, it has expired. The only real issue that remains is HOW one is involved: obstinately, stupidly, irrationally -- or with concern, intelligence, and compassion. ...That the crisis is acutely dramatized in the situation of the Negro citizen does not mean that if there were no Negroes in America, or if the Negroes continued to acquiesce in their own humiliation and oppression, this nation would escape the reformation that history now forces upon it. The truth is, rather, that American Negroes have become the authentic pioneers of a reconstruction of American society, sorely, even pathetically, needed by all Americans and of which we will all be beneficiaries should it come to pass..... -Taken from DISSENTER IN A GREAT SOCIETY, by William Stringfellow A NEGRO'S PRAYER FOR GOD'S BLESSING ON THE PEOPLE IN AMERICA Out of the centuries of bondage and pain Throughout the depths of that, and shame Through the bitterness of grief, God, Thy Hand has led us: Long despised and vilely treated, In this land where Christians dwell, Still we trust Thee, God our Father: Lead us on, in spite of hell. Lead us onward, lead us upward Break the fetters of the mind Give us freedom,...glorious freedom Banish hate and deeds unkind. Lead us, lift our struggling millions, Till the world concedes us men, And, as brothers, justly treat us, Fight our battle until then. Bless the nations,...every people, Yellow, Brown and Black and White: Bring the days of the world wide justice, Glorify the cause of right. --Anon "If the white world could understand how the nonwhite has had hostility trampled into him for a hundred years, then the white world would begin to understand the problem they have given us to unravel in the lives of these children. Maybe they'd understand how hard it is to convince a kid, in the face of all his home and community influences, that he really belongs in the same world a white man belongs in." --Samuel Shepard, a director of elementary education in St. Louis, quoted in Not Like Other Children There is little difference between the apathetic and they white or Negro! WHERE DO YOU STAND? No matter,....for it is YOUR FIGHT, TOO! University of Iowa Libraries. Iowa Women's Archives
- 9 - ...Everyone in the United States is now involved in the racial crisis. If there ever was an option on this subject, it has expired. The only real issue that remains is HOW one is involved: obstinately, stupidly, irrationally -- or with concern, intelligence, and compassion. ...That the crisis is acutely dramatized in the situation of the Negro citizen does not mean that if there were no Negroes in America, or if the Negroes continued to acquiesce in their own humiliation and oppression, this nation would escape the reformation that history now forces upon it. The truth is, rather, that American Negroes have become the authentic pioneers of a reconstruction of American society, sorely, even pathetically, needed by all Americans and of which we will all be beneficiaries should it come to pass..... -Taken from DISSENTER IN A GREAT SOCIETY, by William Stringfellow A NEGRO'S PRAYER FOR GOD'S BLESSING ON THE PEOPLE IN AMERICA Out of the centuries of bondage and pain Throughout the depths of that, and shame Through the bitterness of grief, God, Thy Hand has led us: Long despised and vilely treated, In this land where Christians dwell, Still we trust Thee, God our Father: Lead us on, in spite of hell. Lead us onward, lead us upward Break the fetters of the mind Give us freedom,...glorious freedom Banish hate and deeds unkind. Lead us, lift our struggling millions, Till the world concedes us men, And, as brothers, justly treat us, Fight our battle until then. Bless the nations,...every people, Yellow, Brown and Black and White: Bring the days of the world wide justice, Glorify the cause of right. --Anon "If the white world could understand how the nonwhite has had hostility trampled into him for a hundred years, then the white world would begin to understand the problem they have given us to unravel in the lives of these children. Maybe they'd understand how hard it is to convince a kid, in the face of all his home and community influences, that he really belongs in the same world a white man belongs in." --Samuel Shepard, a director of elementary education in St. Louis, quoted in Not Like Other Children There is little difference between the apathetic and they white or Negro! WHERE DO YOU STAND? No matter,....for it is YOUR FIGHT, TOO! University of Iowa Libraries. Iowa Women's Archives
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