NAACP newsletters, Fort Madison Branch, Fort Madison, Iowa, 1967
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- 2 - Following are the words of one of our members as he renewed his membership: "To the Officers and fellow members: Just a note to say how much I enjoyed our Annual dinner held on Sunday last. All Committees and individuals are to be commended highly. When we have someone so great and forceful, yet light-hearted and humerous as Malvin Goode on our side how can we help but move forward in our efforts to reach our goals. Enclosed is my renewal for membership in an organization I am very proud to be a member of." Pride of membership in an organization, on an individual basis, a very important quality if any group is to function as a progressive and cohesive unit. We, who are members of this branch, should be doubly proud...for we are not only part of a great national organization which not only is concerned with and has done much for securing equal rights for all men...but will continue to make all possible gains in that direction...and we belong to a relatively strong and 'working' unit which makes the whole picture complete. It is up to each one of us to keep the picture complete...and to be proud of the fact..! Let it be known,...that you, too, are proud to be a member of the NAACP. Fort Madison's Human Rights Committee was reorganized by the Mayor and approval was given by the City Council, in their last meeting. We commend them, for at least having made a move in what we consider to be the right direction, in order for a community to progress in the field of human relations. Not a day goes by that one isn't confronted with a referral to one or more of the 'black power advocates. Human any form imparts a certain fear and whether it be of the white or black variety, is no good! However, at the same time there is something to be said for the harnessing of power so that it might be constructively and profitably productive. (Much in the same way that water power is used to produce electrical energy. Few people shudder when the "white power" structure is mentioned....and it is...very often. (It is also ignored when the white power structure decides it is best.) The real reason for the attitude of contempt which is directed towards the use of the words Black Power, is simply the fact that this society has steadfastly insisted that black denotes evil while white is symbolic of all that is ood. The stature of the H. Rap Browns and the Stokely Carmichaels is what it is because of the news media...not because what they advocate is being listened to and followed by America's black minority. Rather, the great majority of us are concerned by the attitude of a nation who professes to believe in the equality of man. Because of this...there is an increasing feeling of Black Pride and identity...but not in the sense of trying to destroy America and humanity...but rather with the idea of contributing constructively in awakening America to the reality of its original dream. In so doing, it will become a better place for all men, regardless of their race, color or creed. Taken from...THE BEAUTY OF BLACKNESS VII BLACKNESS IS A THING OF BEAUTY There is wholesomeness and loveliness in blackness. The beauty of dark-skinned women is an enduring gift of nature. Witness the lucrative profits from white women's purchases of sun lamps, skin tan creams. Consider, too, the universal seasonal treck to the world's beaches, even in Scandinavia, for the hoped for natural sun tan. Millions of Caucasian women who possess a discerning eye still University of Iowa Libraries. Iowa Women's Archives
- 2 - Following are the words of one of our members as he renewed his membership: "To the Officers and fellow members: Just a note to say how much I enjoyed our Annual dinner held on Sunday last. All Committees and individuals are to be commended highly. When we have someone so great and forceful, yet light-hearted and humerous as Malvin Goode on our side how can we help but move forward in our efforts to reach our goals. Enclosed is my renewal for membership in an organization I am very proud to be a member of." Pride of membership in an organization, on an individual basis, a very important quality if any group is to function as a progressive and cohesive unit. We, who are members of this branch, should be doubly proud...for we are not only part of a great national organization which not only is concerned with and has done much for securing equal rights for all men...but will continue to make all possible gains in that direction...and we belong to a relatively strong and 'working' unit which makes the whole picture complete. It is up to each one of us to keep the picture complete...and to be proud of the fact..! Let it be known,...that you, too, are proud to be a member of the NAACP. Fort Madison's Human Rights Committee was reorganized by the Mayor and approval was given by the City Council, in their last meeting. We commend them, for at least having made a move in what we consider to be the right direction, in order for a community to progress in the field of human relations. Not a day goes by that one isn't confronted with a referral to one or more of the 'black power advocates. Human any form imparts a certain fear and whether it be of the white or black variety, is no good! However, at the same time there is something to be said for the harnessing of power so that it might be constructively and profitably productive. (Much in the same way that water power is used to produce electrical energy. Few people shudder when the "white power" structure is mentioned....and it is...very often. (It is also ignored when the white power structure decides it is best.) The real reason for the attitude of contempt which is directed towards the use of the words Black Power, is simply the fact that this society has steadfastly insisted that black denotes evil while white is symbolic of all that is ood. The stature of the H. Rap Browns and the Stokely Carmichaels is what it is because of the news media...not because what they advocate is being listened to and followed by America's black minority. Rather, the great majority of us are concerned by the attitude of a nation who professes to believe in the equality of man. Because of this...there is an increasing feeling of Black Pride and identity...but not in the sense of trying to destroy America and humanity...but rather with the idea of contributing constructively in awakening America to the reality of its original dream. In so doing, it will become a better place for all men, regardless of their race, color or creed. Taken from...THE BEAUTY OF BLACKNESS VII BLACKNESS IS A THING OF BEAUTY There is wholesomeness and loveliness in blackness. The beauty of dark-skinned women is an enduring gift of nature. Witness the lucrative profits from white women's purchases of sun lamps, skin tan creams. Consider, too, the universal seasonal treck to the world's beaches, even in Scandinavia, for the hoped for natural sun tan. Millions of Caucasian women who possess a discerning eye still University of Iowa Libraries. Iowa Women's Archives
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