MFS Bulletin, v. 3, issue 4, whole no. 15, January 18, 1943
MFS Bulletin, Vol. 3, Number 4 Page 2
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editor: JOHN L GERGEN honorary editor: JOE FORTIER (continued) he is going to send me later to fill the series out. --Francis T Laney "Pvt" Milty Rothman now - "Pfc"! --jlg ----MOVIE REVIEWS---- Two new horror movie pictures have come out: "The Undying Monster" with John Howard and James Ellison, & "Dr Renault's Secret" with J Carol Naish and John shepherd. For once the movie industry has put out some good horror pictures; I've seen better, but these are good. "The Undying Monster" is a tale of a werewolf who has been, so to speak, the property of the Hammond family - as he has been murdering them one after the other for generations. It is taken from the book by Jessie D Kerruish. The other picture, "Dr Renault's Secret", is the story of a man who found himself hunted and hated and condemned to a limbo of two worlds. I couldn't say much more without giving the plot away ...It's hard to say which picture is better, but don't miss them! --Ronald Clyne Morrie Dollens, who left Mpls and North St Paul just a few weeks ago, got a position with the MGM movie company at Culver City studios, as Assistant Sound Recording Technician, with opportunities for advancement to Assistant Cameraman fairly soon. The pay is really quite excellent, and chances for promotion and increase of pay are great. --jlg FLASH: Mary Gnaedinger, editoress of FFM, tells me in a letter received today, that the poem "Dwellers in the Mirage", dedicated to A Merritt, by Virginia "Nanek" Anderson, will be featured in FFM with a full-age Finlay spread a'la Weird Tales of a few years back. --Francis T Laney ----MOVIE REVIEWS---- "[[underline]]The Devil With Hitler[[end underline]]" Hollywood slipt a fast one on your own scientifilmaestro while I was here at the fort. I had no advance report on this production. Got into town the other day to find a title on a marquee that was new to me & suggested a fantasy. And, sure enuf, "The Devil With Hitler" is a funtasy a'la Fantastic Adventures! A class B pic with the kick of a short of vitamin B1, the story is begun & ended in - Hell. Hell ain't doin' so well & the Board of Directors calls a meeting to determine if possibly this fiend Hitler hasn't got something super on the ball &'d make a better Satan than the Devil himself. Y'see, the subdevils are able to watch der Fuhrer through their hellevisor. The Devil, desperate to retain his kingdom, comes to Earth, or more properly, Deutschland, in human form, to uncover Hitler's Achille's Heel & force him to do one tiny good deed, thereby proving himself unfit to rule Hell. By literally taking a powder, "Gesatan" can render himself invisible & invisibility tricks of the Topper type abound. This is an all-around laff-getter of the cruder kind of fantasy,will prove popular with the public, I'm certain, & should afford special entertainment for fans. --Pfc Forry Ack The dummying of the #3 [[underline]]Tycho[[end underline]] has gotten under way, and I expect to have the issue out in about a month or more. Any and all articles are still welcome, but other stuff will get equal consideration. the number of pages and the material as a whole is still undecided, although several Donna Brazier pieces and Ackermann and Robinson poems are definitely scheduled. --jlg
editor: JOHN L GERGEN honorary editor: JOE FORTIER (continued) he is going to send me later to fill the series out. --Francis T Laney "Pvt" Milty Rothman now - "Pfc"! --jlg ----MOVIE REVIEWS---- Two new horror movie pictures have come out: "The Undying Monster" with John Howard and James Ellison, & "Dr Renault's Secret" with J Carol Naish and John shepherd. For once the movie industry has put out some good horror pictures; I've seen better, but these are good. "The Undying Monster" is a tale of a werewolf who has been, so to speak, the property of the Hammond family - as he has been murdering them one after the other for generations. It is taken from the book by Jessie D Kerruish. The other picture, "Dr Renault's Secret", is the story of a man who found himself hunted and hated and condemned to a limbo of two worlds. I couldn't say much more without giving the plot away ...It's hard to say which picture is better, but don't miss them! --Ronald Clyne Morrie Dollens, who left Mpls and North St Paul just a few weeks ago, got a position with the MGM movie company at Culver City studios, as Assistant Sound Recording Technician, with opportunities for advancement to Assistant Cameraman fairly soon. The pay is really quite excellent, and chances for promotion and increase of pay are great. --jlg FLASH: Mary Gnaedinger, editoress of FFM, tells me in a letter received today, that the poem "Dwellers in the Mirage", dedicated to A Merritt, by Virginia "Nanek" Anderson, will be featured in FFM with a full-age Finlay spread a'la Weird Tales of a few years back. --Francis T Laney ----MOVIE REVIEWS---- "[[underline]]The Devil With Hitler[[end underline]]" Hollywood slipt a fast one on your own scientifilmaestro while I was here at the fort. I had no advance report on this production. Got into town the other day to find a title on a marquee that was new to me & suggested a fantasy. And, sure enuf, "The Devil With Hitler" is a funtasy a'la Fantastic Adventures! A class B pic with the kick of a short of vitamin B1, the story is begun & ended in - Hell. Hell ain't doin' so well & the Board of Directors calls a meeting to determine if possibly this fiend Hitler hasn't got something super on the ball &'d make a better Satan than the Devil himself. Y'see, the subdevils are able to watch der Fuhrer through their hellevisor. The Devil, desperate to retain his kingdom, comes to Earth, or more properly, Deutschland, in human form, to uncover Hitler's Achille's Heel & force him to do one tiny good deed, thereby proving himself unfit to rule Hell. By literally taking a powder, "Gesatan" can render himself invisible & invisibility tricks of the Topper type abound. This is an all-around laff-getter of the cruder kind of fantasy,will prove popular with the public, I'm certain, & should afford special entertainment for fans. --Pfc Forry Ack The dummying of the #3 [[underline]]Tycho[[end underline]] has gotten under way, and I expect to have the issue out in about a month or more. Any and all articles are still welcome, but other stuff will get equal consideration. the number of pages and the material as a whole is still undecided, although several Donna Brazier pieces and Ackermann and Robinson poems are definitely scheduled. --jlg
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