MFS Bulletin, v. 3, issue 7, whole no. 19, February 15, 1943
MFS Bulletin, Vol. 3, Number 7 Page 1
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MFS BULLETIN Volume Three-- Feb 15/43 - Whole Number 19 --Number Seven In the January Writer's Digest are a couple of interesting items; one reports that Raymond Palmer is editing - a western! --H Loren Sinn The next issue of Acolyte now has 6 pages stenciled, out of a probable 28 to 30--Laney...A clerk in my office has contracted to write, direct, and produce a 15-minute play every Monday night over a Savannah (Georgia) station. He has called it "The Devil's Flowers"; to open with wolf howls, etc. The first play was Monday, Feb 8th. We worked over it together; it is an adaptation of a non-royalty play "The Last Word". Anyone in this area may be interested to hear these plays: 10:00 PM Eastern War Time. --Donn Brazier Mafusby, Mafusby, my blue-eyed Mafusby, Dark are the days when you are not here. Awaken, Mafusby, awake from thy dreaming; My blue-eyed Mafusby, waken to stay. --Walt Liebscher! [[underline]]Aagh[[end underline]]| out in about a month. We've got the articles, but we need a good humorous cover. Also a supply of satirical and humorous articles are needed. (Address: 229 Washington st - Dorchester, Mass) ... Boskone II will be held the 28th of February at Ritz Plaza Halls, Huntington ave - Boston. --Suddsy Schwartz it's all set - Rocket Flight #6 will have a lithographed cover plus a litho'd interior foto! Cover pic will also be a foto, by the way. On e of the UFA "Die Frau im Mond" rockets in flight - neat looking. Inside will be a foto of the completely detailed interior of the rocket (designed by Professor Hermann Oberth of Mediasch, Roumania), built in model form by UFA. --Keith Buchanan Neil DeJack received his induction papers the other day, and reports to his draft board Tuesday the 16th. Neil has to postpone his Minneapolis trip - probably for the duration. He's attempting to sell all his books and magazines on hand now, fans, so a letter to him at 1746 Balmoral ave - Chicago, Illinois, would probably bring you some worthwhile items. Gus Willmorth writes that it's possible he'll get a furlough soon and if he has time after visiting the LA bunch, eh might try to make it over to Minneapolis for a short visit. That offer is open to any of you fans - you're welcome to drop in at any time. --jlg Sax Rohmer, author of the Fu-Man-chu stories, had a book published sometime in the twenties entitled, "The Romance of Sorcery", while Bram Stoker of Dracula fame, wrote "Famous Impositors", which I understand has a sketch of the Wandering Jew; the one that turned up at Oxford in the 18th century, I think. The latter was published in 1910. --Dalven Coger [[underline]]The Acolyte[[end underline]] has permission to re-
MFS BULLETIN Volume Three-- Feb 15/43 - Whole Number 19 --Number Seven In the January Writer's Digest are a couple of interesting items; one reports that Raymond Palmer is editing - a western! --H Loren Sinn The next issue of Acolyte now has 6 pages stenciled, out of a probable 28 to 30--Laney...A clerk in my office has contracted to write, direct, and produce a 15-minute play every Monday night over a Savannah (Georgia) station. He has called it "The Devil's Flowers"; to open with wolf howls, etc. The first play was Monday, Feb 8th. We worked over it together; it is an adaptation of a non-royalty play "The Last Word". Anyone in this area may be interested to hear these plays: 10:00 PM Eastern War Time. --Donn Brazier Mafusby, Mafusby, my blue-eyed Mafusby, Dark are the days when you are not here. Awaken, Mafusby, awake from thy dreaming; My blue-eyed Mafusby, waken to stay. --Walt Liebscher! [[underline]]Aagh[[end underline]]| out in about a month. We've got the articles, but we need a good humorous cover. Also a supply of satirical and humorous articles are needed. (Address: 229 Washington st - Dorchester, Mass) ... Boskone II will be held the 28th of February at Ritz Plaza Halls, Huntington ave - Boston. --Suddsy Schwartz it's all set - Rocket Flight #6 will have a lithographed cover plus a litho'd interior foto! Cover pic will also be a foto, by the way. On e of the UFA "Die Frau im Mond" rockets in flight - neat looking. Inside will be a foto of the completely detailed interior of the rocket (designed by Professor Hermann Oberth of Mediasch, Roumania), built in model form by UFA. --Keith Buchanan Neil DeJack received his induction papers the other day, and reports to his draft board Tuesday the 16th. Neil has to postpone his Minneapolis trip - probably for the duration. He's attempting to sell all his books and magazines on hand now, fans, so a letter to him at 1746 Balmoral ave - Chicago, Illinois, would probably bring you some worthwhile items. Gus Willmorth writes that it's possible he'll get a furlough soon and if he has time after visiting the LA bunch, eh might try to make it over to Minneapolis for a short visit. That offer is open to any of you fans - you're welcome to drop in at any time. --jlg Sax Rohmer, author of the Fu-Man-chu stories, had a book published sometime in the twenties entitled, "The Romance of Sorcery", while Bram Stoker of Dracula fame, wrote "Famous Impositors", which I understand has a sketch of the Wandering Jew; the one that turned up at Oxford in the 18th century, I think. The latter was published in 1910. --Dalven Coger [[underline]]The Acolyte[[end underline]] has permission to re-
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