Variant, v. 1, issue 2, whole no. 2, May 1947
Page 12
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May 1947 VARIANT Page 12 Yet it is Maxwell, a scientist of great note, who predicts the existence of electromagnetic waves, and Hertz, another man of conventional science who verifies the predicton. And even more preposterous, is it not, to say that matter, which everybody knows is made of particles, is really made of waves, just like light? What madness! More fanciful than Atlantis at the bottom of the sea. Yet they did not laugh at Louis de Broglie in Paris when he proposed that this may be so, and they believed Davisson and Germer in New Jersey when they showed experimentally that electrons did act like they were made of waves. Science accepts no new and odd ideas? No? What could be odder than the bending of light waves around the sun, as Einstein said it would? Or more peculiar than matter of negative energy content, such as Dirac postulates? What is more incomprehensible than a gyroscope, a mere spinning wheel, which moves in one direction when you push it in another? Need we search the musty files of history for trivia in the realm of mystery, when here beneath our very noses lie the most deep and unexplainable phenomena of the universe? Need we listen to this upstart Charles Fort, who, wallowing in the depths of ignorance, attempts to tell scientists what they do not know, when the scientists realize full well upon what vacuous foundations stand all of existence? For listen to the lecture of George Gamow, an expert on the origin of the universe. He will describe to you the events which took place during the first tenth of a second of the prodigious explosion which created the universe, but he will answer no questions concerning what took place before the initial instant of this explosion, and for good reason. Existence itself violates the laws of conservation of matter-energy and the law of entropy, upon which our science is based. Existence itself is incomprehensible and unexplainable. In fact, I don't believe it. ************************* OUT IN NORTH CAROLINA It seems that some weeks ago there was a convention out in North Carolina. (The Norcon.) Having received a letter reporting the affair from Pat Davis, Charles Lucas has very kindly passed the information along. The feature speaker was Dr. Baily, a professor of English form North Carolina, who spoke on his book Pilgrims Through Space and Time. I understand he spoke informally and was very interesting. This was followed by a general discussion, lunch, and that convention tradition, an auction sale. After the auction a business meeting was held, and three people selected to draw up a constitution. It seems they would like a copy of ours to get some ideas from. Constitutional committee, take heed. Well, that seems to be about the rough outline. Sounds interesting. Good luck with that constitution -- its not so easy. The Editor ************************* SUPPORT THINGS! for example: the Philcon!!
May 1947 VARIANT Page 12 Yet it is Maxwell, a scientist of great note, who predicts the existence of electromagnetic waves, and Hertz, another man of conventional science who verifies the predicton. And even more preposterous, is it not, to say that matter, which everybody knows is made of particles, is really made of waves, just like light? What madness! More fanciful than Atlantis at the bottom of the sea. Yet they did not laugh at Louis de Broglie in Paris when he proposed that this may be so, and they believed Davisson and Germer in New Jersey when they showed experimentally that electrons did act like they were made of waves. Science accepts no new and odd ideas? No? What could be odder than the bending of light waves around the sun, as Einstein said it would? Or more peculiar than matter of negative energy content, such as Dirac postulates? What is more incomprehensible than a gyroscope, a mere spinning wheel, which moves in one direction when you push it in another? Need we search the musty files of history for trivia in the realm of mystery, when here beneath our very noses lie the most deep and unexplainable phenomena of the universe? Need we listen to this upstart Charles Fort, who, wallowing in the depths of ignorance, attempts to tell scientists what they do not know, when the scientists realize full well upon what vacuous foundations stand all of existence? For listen to the lecture of George Gamow, an expert on the origin of the universe. He will describe to you the events which took place during the first tenth of a second of the prodigious explosion which created the universe, but he will answer no questions concerning what took place before the initial instant of this explosion, and for good reason. Existence itself violates the laws of conservation of matter-energy and the law of entropy, upon which our science is based. Existence itself is incomprehensible and unexplainable. In fact, I don't believe it. ************************* OUT IN NORTH CAROLINA It seems that some weeks ago there was a convention out in North Carolina. (The Norcon.) Having received a letter reporting the affair from Pat Davis, Charles Lucas has very kindly passed the information along. The feature speaker was Dr. Baily, a professor of English form North Carolina, who spoke on his book Pilgrims Through Space and Time. I understand he spoke informally and was very interesting. This was followed by a general discussion, lunch, and that convention tradition, an auction sale. After the auction a business meeting was held, and three people selected to draw up a constitution. It seems they would like a copy of ours to get some ideas from. Constitutional committee, take heed. Well, that seems to be about the rough outline. Sounds interesting. Good luck with that constitution -- its not so easy. The Editor ************************* SUPPORT THINGS! for example: the Philcon!!
Hevelin Fanzines