Tesseract, v. 2, issue 4, April 1937
Page 3
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tesseract 3 TESSERACT Magazine, a monthly, owned and published by the SCIENCE FICTION ADVANCEMENT ASSOCIATION (a non-profit organization) at 434 Guerro Street, San Francisco, California. All rights reserved - ICC Reg. April 1937 - Volume Two -- Number Four. C. HAMILTON BLOOMER, JR., VSO - - EDITOR Lee Hertzberg Science Editor Louis C. Smith Literary Editor Special rates for SFAA members are: 3 issue subscription - 25 cents; 7 issue sub. - 50 cents; 12 issue sub. - 75 cents. To others: 10 cents a copy - one dollar a year. H.P.L. An Editorial He was H. P. L. to his friends -- H. P. Lovecraft to his legions of readers and admirers. H. P. Lovecraft was born August 20, 1890 is Providence, Rhode Island where he lived most of his life - -he passed away on the morning of March fifteenth. H. P. Lovecraft was one of the world's greatest writers of fantasy. His tales held a deep moving quality of reality and interest not found in the works of many of his contemporaries. The quality of his works has been everywhere acclaimed. Altho most of HPL's work was in the realm of fantasy several of his stories stand out as classics in the field of science fiction as well. Outstanding examples were "The Colour Out of Space" (Amazing Stories, September 1927) and "The Shadow out of Time" (Astounding Stories, June 1936). "The Colour Out of Space" won mention in the annual O'Brien short story Awards. Fantasy and science fiction have lost a friend and a great author. H. P. L. -- [[underline]]Ave atque vale[[end underline]]! MANAGING SECRETARY'S REPORT Effective immediately the SFAA Retail LIbrary will be managed by Russell A. Leadabrand (#55). Leadabrand volunteered to take over the work and his offer was accepted by the SFAA Trustees. Address all library orders to the new library manager: Russell A. Leadabrand; Box 264 A, Rt. #2; Dinuba, Calif. TRUSTEES' REPORT re: VSO The SFAA Trustees have confered the VSO honor on Arthur R. Mink. He has worked loyally for the SFAA and TESSERACT and has achieved more than the necessary one hundred merit points. We extend our congratulations to Arthur R. Mink, Member number two of the Violet Star Order. Kathryn Kelly Chairman, SFAA Trustees LITERARY EDITOR ILL Louis C. Smith was unable to prepare any copy for this issue of TESSERACT due to a touch of flu. However, we hope to be able to present his popular column again in the May issue. TABLE OF CONTENTS Editorial.....Page 3 Managing Sec'y Report.....3 Trustees' Report.....3 Literary Editor Ill.....3 Behind the Scenes with Prof. R.Aco Quires.....4 In Memoriam H.P. LOVECRAFT.....5 Story Writing Hints.....5 The Reader Chooses.....5 White Death a poem by Clark Ashton Smith.....6 10,000 Years from Now.....6 Donations Received.....6 V S O Bulletin.....6 Weinbaum Memorial Issued.....6 SFAA Members Honored.....6 The Crawling Chaos a great story by H. P. Lovecraft & W.V.Jackson.....7 Cosmos Revealed by Lawrence Miller.....9 The Arcturus Crystals story completion contest.....11 SFAA Library.....12 Classified Ads.....12 Writer's Aid Book.....12 Fantasy Invading the Field of Amateur Press Clubs.....12 Telescope Topics.....13
tesseract 3 TESSERACT Magazine, a monthly, owned and published by the SCIENCE FICTION ADVANCEMENT ASSOCIATION (a non-profit organization) at 434 Guerro Street, San Francisco, California. All rights reserved - ICC Reg. April 1937 - Volume Two -- Number Four. C. HAMILTON BLOOMER, JR., VSO - - EDITOR Lee Hertzberg Science Editor Louis C. Smith Literary Editor Special rates for SFAA members are: 3 issue subscription - 25 cents; 7 issue sub. - 50 cents; 12 issue sub. - 75 cents. To others: 10 cents a copy - one dollar a year. H.P.L. An Editorial He was H. P. L. to his friends -- H. P. Lovecraft to his legions of readers and admirers. H. P. Lovecraft was born August 20, 1890 is Providence, Rhode Island where he lived most of his life - -he passed away on the morning of March fifteenth. H. P. Lovecraft was one of the world's greatest writers of fantasy. His tales held a deep moving quality of reality and interest not found in the works of many of his contemporaries. The quality of his works has been everywhere acclaimed. Altho most of HPL's work was in the realm of fantasy several of his stories stand out as classics in the field of science fiction as well. Outstanding examples were "The Colour Out of Space" (Amazing Stories, September 1927) and "The Shadow out of Time" (Astounding Stories, June 1936). "The Colour Out of Space" won mention in the annual O'Brien short story Awards. Fantasy and science fiction have lost a friend and a great author. H. P. L. -- [[underline]]Ave atque vale[[end underline]]! MANAGING SECRETARY'S REPORT Effective immediately the SFAA Retail LIbrary will be managed by Russell A. Leadabrand (#55). Leadabrand volunteered to take over the work and his offer was accepted by the SFAA Trustees. Address all library orders to the new library manager: Russell A. Leadabrand; Box 264 A, Rt. #2; Dinuba, Calif. TRUSTEES' REPORT re: VSO The SFAA Trustees have confered the VSO honor on Arthur R. Mink. He has worked loyally for the SFAA and TESSERACT and has achieved more than the necessary one hundred merit points. We extend our congratulations to Arthur R. Mink, Member number two of the Violet Star Order. Kathryn Kelly Chairman, SFAA Trustees LITERARY EDITOR ILL Louis C. Smith was unable to prepare any copy for this issue of TESSERACT due to a touch of flu. However, we hope to be able to present his popular column again in the May issue. TABLE OF CONTENTS Editorial.....Page 3 Managing Sec'y Report.....3 Trustees' Report.....3 Literary Editor Ill.....3 Behind the Scenes with Prof. R.Aco Quires.....4 In Memoriam H.P. LOVECRAFT.....5 Story Writing Hints.....5 The Reader Chooses.....5 White Death a poem by Clark Ashton Smith.....6 10,000 Years from Now.....6 Donations Received.....6 V S O Bulletin.....6 Weinbaum Memorial Issued.....6 SFAA Members Honored.....6 The Crawling Chaos a great story by H. P. Lovecraft & W.V.Jackson.....7 Cosmos Revealed by Lawrence Miller.....9 The Arcturus Crystals story completion contest.....11 SFAA Library.....12 Classified Ads.....12 Writer's Aid Book.....12 Fantasy Invading the Field of Amateur Press Clubs.....12 Telescope Topics.....13
Hevelin Fanzines