Tesseract, v. 2, issue 4, April 1937
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tesseract WHITE DEATH by Clark Ashton Smith (From the Star-Treader and Other Poems) Methought the world was bound with final frost; The sun, made pallid as with fear and awe, Illumined yet the lands it could not thaw. Then on my road, with instant evening crossed, Death stood, and in its shadowy films enwound, Mne eyes forgot the light, until I came Where poured the inseparate, unshadowed flame Of phantom suns in self-irradiance drowned. Death lay revealed in all its dreariness; Immitigable wastes horizonless; Profundities that held nor bar nor veil; All hues wherewith the suns and worlds were dyed In light invariable nullified; All darkness rendered shelterless and pale. TEN THOUSAND YEARS FROM NOW by Raymond Van Houten Ten thousand years from now, What will humans be? Shriveled body and massive head, A helpless devil that must be fed By cold machines he fain would wed. Ten thousand years from now? Ten thousand years from now What will we humans be? Will science, with deadening touch, With its atoms and forces and such, Drag down the human race that much, Ten thousand years from now? Oh mortals! Do not curse your stars That you cannot reach red Mars. Better to have the power of limb, Than to be dependent of him Who is not human, and only serves Because his patterns had the curves Of a metal avatar. SFAA RECEIVES DONATIONS The SFAA recently received donations from two generous members. Professor L. A. Ware (#56) donated a number of back issues of science fiction magazines to the SFAA library. James A. Corrick, Jr., (#16) donated mimeograph paper to TESSERACT. The SFAA is highly appreciative of these gifts and sincerely thanks the donors. VSO BULLETIN Latest ratings of the higher standing aspirants for the Violet Star Order honor are: Arthur R. Mink, 110 points; George G. Hamilton, 30; Lee Hertzberg, 80; Wm. H. Miller, Jr., 30; Louis C. Smith, 45; Roy A. Squires, II, 50; and Raymond Van Houten, 53 merit points. Contribute to TESSERACT and add aditional points to your VSO rating. WEINBAUM MEMORIAL ISSUED The Stanley G. Weinbaum Memorial Volume has been mailed out to its character supporters. The volume contains a novel previously unpublished; "Dawn of Flame". Also, reprinted from various science fiction magazines, are: "The Mad Moon", "A Martian Odyssey", "The Worlds of If", The Adaptive Ultimate", "The Lotus-Eaters", and "The Red Peri". The book is attractively bound in black leather and contains an excellent picture of Weinbaum. If you have not yet purchased your copy write to Raymond A. Palmer, 2616 West Michigan Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for further information. SFAA MEMBERS HONORED At a recent election C. Hamilton Bloomer, Jr., VSO, was unanimously chosen President of the Pacific Coast Amateur Editors Association. SFAA member Victor A. Moitoret was elected to the post of Official Editor. Some of your fellow SFAA members are; Thaddeus Dikty, #53; John V. Baltadonis, #69; Ben P. Jablonski, #60; Bernard A. Seufret, #71; James E. Baron, #64; Peter Duncan, #70; and Arnulfo G. Guiterrez, #67.
tesseract WHITE DEATH by Clark Ashton Smith (From the Star-Treader and Other Poems) Methought the world was bound with final frost; The sun, made pallid as with fear and awe, Illumined yet the lands it could not thaw. Then on my road, with instant evening crossed, Death stood, and in its shadowy films enwound, Mne eyes forgot the light, until I came Where poured the inseparate, unshadowed flame Of phantom suns in self-irradiance drowned. Death lay revealed in all its dreariness; Immitigable wastes horizonless; Profundities that held nor bar nor veil; All hues wherewith the suns and worlds were dyed In light invariable nullified; All darkness rendered shelterless and pale. TEN THOUSAND YEARS FROM NOW by Raymond Van Houten Ten thousand years from now, What will humans be? Shriveled body and massive head, A helpless devil that must be fed By cold machines he fain would wed. Ten thousand years from now? Ten thousand years from now What will we humans be? Will science, with deadening touch, With its atoms and forces and such, Drag down the human race that much, Ten thousand years from now? Oh mortals! Do not curse your stars That you cannot reach red Mars. Better to have the power of limb, Than to be dependent of him Who is not human, and only serves Because his patterns had the curves Of a metal avatar. SFAA RECEIVES DONATIONS The SFAA recently received donations from two generous members. Professor L. A. Ware (#56) donated a number of back issues of science fiction magazines to the SFAA library. James A. Corrick, Jr., (#16) donated mimeograph paper to TESSERACT. The SFAA is highly appreciative of these gifts and sincerely thanks the donors. VSO BULLETIN Latest ratings of the higher standing aspirants for the Violet Star Order honor are: Arthur R. Mink, 110 points; George G. Hamilton, 30; Lee Hertzberg, 80; Wm. H. Miller, Jr., 30; Louis C. Smith, 45; Roy A. Squires, II, 50; and Raymond Van Houten, 53 merit points. Contribute to TESSERACT and add aditional points to your VSO rating. WEINBAUM MEMORIAL ISSUED The Stanley G. Weinbaum Memorial Volume has been mailed out to its character supporters. The volume contains a novel previously unpublished; "Dawn of Flame". Also, reprinted from various science fiction magazines, are: "The Mad Moon", "A Martian Odyssey", "The Worlds of If", The Adaptive Ultimate", "The Lotus-Eaters", and "The Red Peri". The book is attractively bound in black leather and contains an excellent picture of Weinbaum. If you have not yet purchased your copy write to Raymond A. Palmer, 2616 West Michigan Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for further information. SFAA MEMBERS HONORED At a recent election C. Hamilton Bloomer, Jr., VSO, was unanimously chosen President of the Pacific Coast Amateur Editors Association. SFAA member Victor A. Moitoret was elected to the post of Official Editor. Some of your fellow SFAA members are; Thaddeus Dikty, #53; John V. Baltadonis, #69; Ben P. Jablonski, #60; Bernard A. Seufret, #71; James E. Baron, #64; Peter Duncan, #70; and Arnulfo G. Guiterrez, #67.
Hevelin Fanzines