Tesseract, v. 2, issue 4, April 1937
Page 12
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12 tesseract ed that the sonic-disintegrator was ready for use. "Commence frequency determinations," ordered Captain Cellen. - - - - - - - - - - - (Now, YOU go on from there. Send your completion in to TESSERACT as soon as possible. Editor.). SCIENCE FICTION RETAIL LIBRARY For SFAA members only, please give membership number when ordering. Address all orders to Russell A. Leadabrand; Box 264 A[?], Rt. #2; Dinuba[?], Calif. These prices do NOT include postage. Postage may be remitted upon receipt of the magazines. Stock on hand: With Covers: Wonder Stories: Aug. 1936, 10 cents; Aug. 1933, 12[[cent symbol]]; Aug. 1932, 13[[cent symbol]]; Feb. 33, 12[?][[cent symbol]]; July 1934, 12[[cent symbol]]; Oct. 1934 11[[cent symbol]]; June 1935, 11[[cent symbol]]; July 1935, 11[[cent symbol]]; Aug. 1935, 11[[cent symbol]]; Nov-Dec 1935, 12[[cent symbol]]; Jan-Feb. 1936 12[[cent symbol]]; Mar-Apr 1936, 12[[cent symbol]]; Dec 1936, 12[[cent symbol]]; Feb. 1937, 12[[cent symbol]]; W. S. Q: Fall 1932 19[[cent symbol]]; Winter 1933, 19[[cent symbol]]; Air Wonder: Sept. 1929, 23[[cent symbol]]. With torn covers: Wonders: Sept. 1934, 11[[cent symbol]]; Oct. '36, 11[?] cents. Without covers: Sci. Wonders: Oct. 1929, 20[[cent symbol]]; Apr, 1930, 20[[cent symbol]]. Air Wonder: July 1929, 21[[cent symbol]]. Wonders: Nov. 1932, 11[[cent symbol]]; Jun. 1934, 11[[cent symbol]]; June 1934, 11[[cent symbol]]; Aug. 1935, 9 cents. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING [[underline]]Rates[[end underline]]: 15 cents for 15 words or less, half a cent for each word thereafter. 3 consequtive identical insertions for the price of two. SFAA MEMBERSHIP GIVEN with yearly subscriptions: Amazing, $1.50; Astounding, $2.00; Weird, $2.50. R. A. Squires, II; 1745Kenneth Road, Glendale, Calif. AMAZING STORIES ANNUALS for sale. One dollar per copy, postpaid. Complete, [[underline]]excellent[[end underline]]condition. Russel Leadabrand, Box 264 A[?], Rt. #2; Dinuba[?], Calif. FOR SALE: Back numbers of TESSERACT, May, June, Dec, Feb, and March: incomplete Nov. issues containing serial:- 10[[cent symbol]] each. JOIN THE SFAA! Dues ten cents yearly. Rubber stamps reading: "ME[?] PER S.F.A.A." 25 cents each. SFAA, 434 Guerrero St., San Francisco, California. TO LOVERS OF THE FANTASTIC AND GROTESQUE: Clark Ashton Smith offers replicas of his imaginative carvings. A very limited number of the following items are now ready for distribution: Tsathoggua (relief)...40 cents; The Dog of Commoriom (relief)...30[[cent symbol]]; The Unicorn (relief)...30[[cent symbol]]; The Sorcerer Eibon (head)...60[[cent symbol]]; The Moon-Dweller (head).. 50[[cent symbol]]; Double-Faced Daemon (head)...75[[cent symbol]]; The Harpy (figurine)...75[[cent symbol]]. The replicas are cast in a good grade of plaster and are hand-tinted. Each one is signed on the base or back with the initials CA in old Etruscan letters. Prices include postage. Address orders to Clark Ashton Smith, Auburn, California. For sale: Astounding stories, with covers. (Prices do NOT include postage); Oct. 1931, 11[[cent symbol]]; June 1930, 9[[cent symbol]]; Dec. 1931, 9[[cent symbol]]; Aug. 1931, 9[[cent symbol]]; June 1935, 9[[cent symbol]]; Mar. 1933, 12[[cent symbol]]; Feb. 1934, 12[[cent symbol]]; April 1934, 11[[cent symbol]]; Apr. 1936, 9[[cent symbol]]; Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, & Dec, 1936, 7[[cent symbol]] each. WEIRDS: ten cents each (postage extra). Aug. 1934; June to Dec. 1935; Jan. to May 1936; July to Dec. 1936; Jan. 1937. C. Hamilton Bloomer, Jr.; 434 Guerrero St, San Francisco, California. BOOK FOR NEW WRITERS To beginning writers the editors of TESSERACT recommend the "Writer's 1937 Year Book". It is published by the "Writer's Digest magazine" and sells for 35 cents -- available at most newsstands. The Year Book contains many authoritative articles on writing -- two especially good ones by Erle Stanley Gardner and Fleming Healy. Selected lists of markets are also carried and interesting photos of various authors and editors. FANTASY INVADES AMATEUR PRESS FIELD Fantastic stories are gaining in popularity among the members and publishers of the National Amateur Press Association. The Winter 1936 "Californian" published by Hy[?]an Bredofsky[?], 315 W. 2nd St. ,Pomona, Cal. prime[?] an (continued on page 13)
12 tesseract ed that the sonic-disintegrator was ready for use. "Commence frequency determinations," ordered Captain Cellen. - - - - - - - - - - - (Now, YOU go on from there. Send your completion in to TESSERACT as soon as possible. Editor.). SCIENCE FICTION RETAIL LIBRARY For SFAA members only, please give membership number when ordering. Address all orders to Russell A. Leadabrand; Box 264 A[?], Rt. #2; Dinuba[?], Calif. These prices do NOT include postage. Postage may be remitted upon receipt of the magazines. Stock on hand: With Covers: Wonder Stories: Aug. 1936, 10 cents; Aug. 1933, 12[[cent symbol]]; Aug. 1932, 13[[cent symbol]]; Feb. 33, 12[?][[cent symbol]]; July 1934, 12[[cent symbol]]; Oct. 1934 11[[cent symbol]]; June 1935, 11[[cent symbol]]; July 1935, 11[[cent symbol]]; Aug. 1935, 11[[cent symbol]]; Nov-Dec 1935, 12[[cent symbol]]; Jan-Feb. 1936 12[[cent symbol]]; Mar-Apr 1936, 12[[cent symbol]]; Dec 1936, 12[[cent symbol]]; Feb. 1937, 12[[cent symbol]]; W. S. Q: Fall 1932 19[[cent symbol]]; Winter 1933, 19[[cent symbol]]; Air Wonder: Sept. 1929, 23[[cent symbol]]. With torn covers: Wonders: Sept. 1934, 11[[cent symbol]]; Oct. '36, 11[?] cents. Without covers: Sci. Wonders: Oct. 1929, 20[[cent symbol]]; Apr, 1930, 20[[cent symbol]]. Air Wonder: July 1929, 21[[cent symbol]]. Wonders: Nov. 1932, 11[[cent symbol]]; Jun. 1934, 11[[cent symbol]]; June 1934, 11[[cent symbol]]; Aug. 1935, 9 cents. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING [[underline]]Rates[[end underline]]: 15 cents for 15 words or less, half a cent for each word thereafter. 3 consequtive identical insertions for the price of two. SFAA MEMBERSHIP GIVEN with yearly subscriptions: Amazing, $1.50; Astounding, $2.00; Weird, $2.50. R. A. Squires, II; 1745Kenneth Road, Glendale, Calif. AMAZING STORIES ANNUALS for sale. One dollar per copy, postpaid. Complete, [[underline]]excellent[[end underline]]condition. Russel Leadabrand, Box 264 A[?], Rt. #2; Dinuba[?], Calif. FOR SALE: Back numbers of TESSERACT, May, June, Dec, Feb, and March: incomplete Nov. issues containing serial:- 10[[cent symbol]] each. JOIN THE SFAA! Dues ten cents yearly. Rubber stamps reading: "ME[?] PER S.F.A.A." 25 cents each. SFAA, 434 Guerrero St., San Francisco, California. TO LOVERS OF THE FANTASTIC AND GROTESQUE: Clark Ashton Smith offers replicas of his imaginative carvings. A very limited number of the following items are now ready for distribution: Tsathoggua (relief)...40 cents; The Dog of Commoriom (relief)...30[[cent symbol]]; The Unicorn (relief)...30[[cent symbol]]; The Sorcerer Eibon (head)...60[[cent symbol]]; The Moon-Dweller (head).. 50[[cent symbol]]; Double-Faced Daemon (head)...75[[cent symbol]]; The Harpy (figurine)...75[[cent symbol]]. The replicas are cast in a good grade of plaster and are hand-tinted. Each one is signed on the base or back with the initials CA in old Etruscan letters. Prices include postage. Address orders to Clark Ashton Smith, Auburn, California. For sale: Astounding stories, with covers. (Prices do NOT include postage); Oct. 1931, 11[[cent symbol]]; June 1930, 9[[cent symbol]]; Dec. 1931, 9[[cent symbol]]; Aug. 1931, 9[[cent symbol]]; June 1935, 9[[cent symbol]]; Mar. 1933, 12[[cent symbol]]; Feb. 1934, 12[[cent symbol]]; April 1934, 11[[cent symbol]]; Apr. 1936, 9[[cent symbol]]; Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, & Dec, 1936, 7[[cent symbol]] each. WEIRDS: ten cents each (postage extra). Aug. 1934; June to Dec. 1935; Jan. to May 1936; July to Dec. 1936; Jan. 1937. C. Hamilton Bloomer, Jr.; 434 Guerrero St, San Francisco, California. BOOK FOR NEW WRITERS To beginning writers the editors of TESSERACT recommend the "Writer's 1937 Year Book". It is published by the "Writer's Digest magazine" and sells for 35 cents -- available at most newsstands. The Year Book contains many authoritative articles on writing -- two especially good ones by Erle Stanley Gardner and Fleming Healy. Selected lists of markets are also carried and interesting photos of various authors and editors. FANTASY INVADES AMATEUR PRESS FIELD Fantastic stories are gaining in popularity among the members and publishers of the National Amateur Press Association. The Winter 1936 "Californian" published by Hy[?]an Bredofsky[?], 315 W. 2nd St. ,Pomona, Cal. prime[?] an (continued on page 13)
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