Fan, whole no. 4, September 1945
Page 12
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WELCOME TO THE SCIENCE FICTION FANQUET FROM WALT DAUGHERTY The Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society was founded for the express purpose of providing devotees of Science Fiction and Fantasy fiction a regular meeting place where they could meet and fraternize with those of similar interests. The club was founded February 6, 1936 at which time meetings were held once a month, later bi-weekly, and now are held every Thursday evening at 8:30 at their own club room at 637 1/2 South Bixel. If however, you should drop around any evening you will probably find from one to several fans gathered for publishing or gabbing. Dues to the organization are 50 cents per month plus an attendance fee of 10 cents for each meeting. For those who are unable to maintain regular attendance there is a special absentee membership available with dues of 25 cents per month. Membership entitles a person to use of the clubroom, use of extensive club library, use of publishing equipment and the monthly club magazine. In the way of publishing equipment, the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society is probably the finest equipped in the country. An excellent automatic mimeograph machines, speed-o-scope, and printing press are available with supplies available at a very low cost. The present club-room is maintained through volunteered amounts pledged by the various members. Each person pledging a dollar per month or more receives a key which he may use at any time. Much more can be written about the club, but the best way to get the real low down on the local group activities is to drop in on a Thursday night and see for yourself. Everyone is welcome. LOS ANGELES PUBLICATIONS In the event that you are interested in seeing actual specimens of the various fanzines published by members of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society, copies may be obtained as follows: THE ACOLYTE. A literate approach to the entire field. Quarterly, 15c each, 4 for 50c. Laney and Russell, 1005 West 35th Place, Los Angeles 7. SHANGRI-L'AFFAIRES. Personalities, humor, satire, and news. Monthly, free in exchange for letters from the readers. Chas. Burbee, 1057 So. Normandie, LA6 TOWARD TOMORROW. Discussions of the topics suggested by stf. Occasional. 15c each. Jas. Kepner, 628 South Bixel, LA 14. DIRECTORY OF FANDOM. Pertinent addresses in the field. Annual. 25c. (Also other misc. publications) Walt Daugherty, 1305 West Ingraham, LA 14. VENUS. General fanzine. Spasmodic. 15c each. Lora Crozetti, 628 South Bixel, La 14.
WELCOME TO THE SCIENCE FICTION FANQUET FROM WALT DAUGHERTY The Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society was founded for the express purpose of providing devotees of Science Fiction and Fantasy fiction a regular meeting place where they could meet and fraternize with those of similar interests. The club was founded February 6, 1936 at which time meetings were held once a month, later bi-weekly, and now are held every Thursday evening at 8:30 at their own club room at 637 1/2 South Bixel. If however, you should drop around any evening you will probably find from one to several fans gathered for publishing or gabbing. Dues to the organization are 50 cents per month plus an attendance fee of 10 cents for each meeting. For those who are unable to maintain regular attendance there is a special absentee membership available with dues of 25 cents per month. Membership entitles a person to use of the clubroom, use of extensive club library, use of publishing equipment and the monthly club magazine. In the way of publishing equipment, the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society is probably the finest equipped in the country. An excellent automatic mimeograph machines, speed-o-scope, and printing press are available with supplies available at a very low cost. The present club-room is maintained through volunteered amounts pledged by the various members. Each person pledging a dollar per month or more receives a key which he may use at any time. Much more can be written about the club, but the best way to get the real low down on the local group activities is to drop in on a Thursday night and see for yourself. Everyone is welcome. LOS ANGELES PUBLICATIONS In the event that you are interested in seeing actual specimens of the various fanzines published by members of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society, copies may be obtained as follows: THE ACOLYTE. A literate approach to the entire field. Quarterly, 15c each, 4 for 50c. Laney and Russell, 1005 West 35th Place, Los Angeles 7. SHANGRI-L'AFFAIRES. Personalities, humor, satire, and news. Monthly, free in exchange for letters from the readers. Chas. Burbee, 1057 So. Normandie, LA6 TOWARD TOMORROW. Discussions of the topics suggested by stf. Occasional. 15c each. Jas. Kepner, 628 South Bixel, LA 14. DIRECTORY OF FANDOM. Pertinent addresses in the field. Annual. 25c. (Also other misc. publications) Walt Daugherty, 1305 West Ingraham, LA 14. VENUS. General fanzine. Spasmodic. 15c each. Lora Crozetti, 628 South Bixel, La 14.
Hevelin Fanzines