Fan, whole no. 4, September 1945
Page 14
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Culminating several years of hopes for a science fiction banquet. We are tonight seeing this hope become an actuality. In the early years of Los Angeles science fantasy society, there were many gatherings at Clifton’s cafeteria, but only once did any one of these eating fest become anywhere near a banquet. This was at the special showing of “MONSTERS OF THE MOON” which brought out an attendance in the neighborhood of 50; however, the larger majority were merely guests and not there for dinner. The present function would not have been possible without the wholehearted cooperation of all the members of the Los Angeles science fantasy society as is evidence by this booklet. For three days prior to the banquet, LASFSers gave their enthusiastic support into three busy days of publishing, phoning, article writing, and gathering together of the original illustrations which are on exhibit this evening. Now, to get down to the individual credits. To Elmer Purdue, for the very excellent front and back cover. To the individuals who wrote the various articles presented herein. On exhibit this evening are originals donated for exhibition by the LASFS Club Room, Mel Brown, Forrest J. Ackermen, Morojo, Alva Rogers, and Walt Daugherty. Stencil cutting is through the courtesy of Sam Russell, Alva Rogers, F. J. Ackerman and lastly, Andy Anderson, for his help in the actual publishing. [picture] In the pro-mags, we wish to thank Mary Gnaedinger for the donation of the core original from Famous Fantastic Mysteries for the story “THE MAN WHO WAS THURSDAY” by G. K. Chester. Last but not least, we wish to acknowledge the well wishes of Bob Tucker, E. Everett Evans, Walt Dunkelberger, and the editors of Planet Stories, Weird Tales, and Famous Fantastic Mysteries. Gabbie Carlander
Culminating several years of hopes for a science fiction banquet. We are tonight seeing this hope become an actuality. In the early years of Los Angeles science fantasy society, there were many gatherings at Clifton’s cafeteria, but only once did any one of these eating fest become anywhere near a banquet. This was at the special showing of “MONSTERS OF THE MOON” which brought out an attendance in the neighborhood of 50; however, the larger majority were merely guests and not there for dinner. The present function would not have been possible without the wholehearted cooperation of all the members of the Los Angeles science fantasy society as is evidence by this booklet. For three days prior to the banquet, LASFSers gave their enthusiastic support into three busy days of publishing, phoning, article writing, and gathering together of the original illustrations which are on exhibit this evening. Now, to get down to the individual credits. To Elmer Purdue, for the very excellent front and back cover. To the individuals who wrote the various articles presented herein. On exhibit this evening are originals donated for exhibition by the LASFS Club Room, Mel Brown, Forrest J. Ackermen, Morojo, Alva Rogers, and Walt Daugherty. Stencil cutting is through the courtesy of Sam Russell, Alva Rogers, F. J. Ackerman and lastly, Andy Anderson, for his help in the actual publishing. [picture] In the pro-mags, we wish to thank Mary Gnaedinger for the donation of the core original from Famous Fantastic Mysteries for the story “THE MAN WHO WAS THURSDAY” by G. K. Chester. Last but not least, we wish to acknowledge the well wishes of Bob Tucker, E. Everett Evans, Walt Dunkelberger, and the editors of Planet Stories, Weird Tales, and Famous Fantastic Mysteries. Gabbie Carlander
Hevelin Fanzines