Fantasite, v. 1, issue 5, September 1941
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Don at the Denvention, and he is one fine chap. Unlike quite a few present he was quite reserved, and most likeable. We're sorry we didn't get a chance to say goodbye, Don! Pardon us, readers, if we seem a bit incoherent right here. We just finished listening to the Inner Sanctum program, featuring a slightly gruesome tale. For the benefit of those who may happen to be unfamiliar with this weekly program we'd like to say that it's really a worthwhile half hour for weird lovers. About one dramatization in every three is really weird enough to suit us, so we listen every week in hopes that the evening's tale will be about vampires, ghouls, werewolves, or the like. And, incidentally, we just picked up Unknown Worlds and it looks good to us. the new, large format appeals to us particularly, and we aren't complaining at the large number of Cartier illustrations throughout the number: We've heard rumors to the effect that several new fanzines are about to appear. Among them, according to hand-printed announcements scattered at random all over the Denvention hall will be one published by the Cosmic club of Indiana. It seems that this publication will be different each issue. By different we mean that it will have a different title, different contents, and a new type of format each time. Sound interesting? We didn't think so. Another new mag that will be popping up in the mails any day now is Pegasus, to be put out by Bob Jones. He already has it dummied and ready for publication, and it will lean slightly toward the fantasy side. Knowing Bob as we do, we feel assured that it will be a nifty little number, and well liked from the start. By this time it is probably known that we have taken over DAWN, for publication, as a result of unforeseen difficulties on the part of Wright and Fortier. We hope to have it in the mails within the next two months, but as things stand we aren't too certain. The magazine itself deserves to be called a book, inasmuch as it will consist of seventy large sized pages of the best fan material ever to be assembled between two covers. Not only this, but it will have the lithographed covers, colored mimeographing on the best mimeo bond procurable and will have biographies of all the well known fans accompanied with photographs of each. This book will only cost 25¢, which is certainly cheap enough for such quantity and quality, is it not? Unfortunately, fandom as a whole has not supported this publication very well, and as a matter of fact, when I first saw the subscription list I was shocked. There were, and still are, only 20 well known fans' names on it, believe it or not! Is this then the support that fandom gives to such a worthy publication? Anyone that happens to be interested in DAWN may send in their order now to the editor at 224 West 6th Street, Hastings, Minnesota, for, despite handicaps, it will still be published. Certain benevolent persons, and advertisers, not to mention many months of arduous labor on the part of Wright-Fortier have made immediate publication possible. The only thing that holds publication up right now is the lack of two or three good articles to round out the book satisfactorily, a lot of dated material having been removed from the dummy. You fan writers, how about these articles? And let's see how much support fandom can really give a worthwhile book! For the benefit of advertisers: 300 copies of DAWN will be printed! Ad rates supplied upon request from the editor. Well, that's all for now, and don't forget to write, even if just a postal!
Don at the Denvention, and he is one fine chap. Unlike quite a few present he was quite reserved, and most likeable. We're sorry we didn't get a chance to say goodbye, Don! Pardon us, readers, if we seem a bit incoherent right here. We just finished listening to the Inner Sanctum program, featuring a slightly gruesome tale. For the benefit of those who may happen to be unfamiliar with this weekly program we'd like to say that it's really a worthwhile half hour for weird lovers. About one dramatization in every three is really weird enough to suit us, so we listen every week in hopes that the evening's tale will be about vampires, ghouls, werewolves, or the like. And, incidentally, we just picked up Unknown Worlds and it looks good to us. the new, large format appeals to us particularly, and we aren't complaining at the large number of Cartier illustrations throughout the number: We've heard rumors to the effect that several new fanzines are about to appear. Among them, according to hand-printed announcements scattered at random all over the Denvention hall will be one published by the Cosmic club of Indiana. It seems that this publication will be different each issue. By different we mean that it will have a different title, different contents, and a new type of format each time. Sound interesting? We didn't think so. Another new mag that will be popping up in the mails any day now is Pegasus, to be put out by Bob Jones. He already has it dummied and ready for publication, and it will lean slightly toward the fantasy side. Knowing Bob as we do, we feel assured that it will be a nifty little number, and well liked from the start. By this time it is probably known that we have taken over DAWN, for publication, as a result of unforeseen difficulties on the part of Wright and Fortier. We hope to have it in the mails within the next two months, but as things stand we aren't too certain. The magazine itself deserves to be called a book, inasmuch as it will consist of seventy large sized pages of the best fan material ever to be assembled between two covers. Not only this, but it will have the lithographed covers, colored mimeographing on the best mimeo bond procurable and will have biographies of all the well known fans accompanied with photographs of each. This book will only cost 25¢, which is certainly cheap enough for such quantity and quality, is it not? Unfortunately, fandom as a whole has not supported this publication very well, and as a matter of fact, when I first saw the subscription list I was shocked. There were, and still are, only 20 well known fans' names on it, believe it or not! Is this then the support that fandom gives to such a worthy publication? Anyone that happens to be interested in DAWN may send in their order now to the editor at 224 West 6th Street, Hastings, Minnesota, for, despite handicaps, it will still be published. Certain benevolent persons, and advertisers, not to mention many months of arduous labor on the part of Wright-Fortier have made immediate publication possible. The only thing that holds publication up right now is the lack of two or three good articles to round out the book satisfactorily, a lot of dated material having been removed from the dummy. You fan writers, how about these articles? And let's see how much support fandom can really give a worthwhile book! For the benefit of advertisers: 300 copies of DAWN will be printed! Ad rates supplied upon request from the editor. Well, that's all for now, and don't forget to write, even if just a postal!
Hevelin Fanzines