Fantasite, v. 1, issue 5, September 1941
Page 9
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9................................................THE FANTASITE have mentioned are, of course, merely a fraction of the thousands imaginable and imagined, but I hope that I have at least been able to present an acceptable cross-section. --------------------------THE END------------------------------- *********************************************************** MFS NOTES As yet the summer months have seen but three MFS meetings, June 14, july 3, and July 25. Each marked a new development in the society's efforts to produce dramatic science fiction recordings. June 14 saw the first attempt, an unrehearsed version of a short script by Sam Russell entitled "The Coalsack". For a starter it proved quite successful. Principal parts were played by Sam himself and Doug Blakely, recording by Morrie Dollens. The story was laid in Africa, the scene an abandoned observatory with a steady beating of drums in the background. In spots the effect was exceptionally good, and the entire credit must go to Sam and Doug for their performances. The MFS hopes in the near future to make a second recording of the same story, and if results are good there's a possibility of some distribution. July 3 was one of the most successful meetings the club has seen. It was on the eve of the Denvention, and everyone was in high spirits. Halfway through the session someone came up with the idea of sending a recorded greeting to fans at Denver, and before we knew it, all business was cast aside to make way for this one task. We believe that full credit for the idea goes to director Cliff Simak, though no one seems to know exactly just how the thought came to light. Preparations for the recording required an hour. A script had to be typed, including every word that went onto the record as well as musical cuts and the pause between sides. Each member wrote his own part, and when a final script was assembled the rehearsing began. Twice the group went through the entire operation. The third time a recording was made. A playback suggested numerous changes which were made promptly and rehearsed once more. The fourth attempt was the copy that was hurriedly wrapped, addressed and sent airmail to Denver, arriving at the convention about sixteen hours after completion. It's the first time we've heard of such a greeting in relation to science fiction conventions, and already the members have discussed a similar attempt during the Pacificon in '42. Next year, however, we hope to have a little more time in which to plan our recording. Music on the record was dubbed in with the use of Dollens' two turntables. "Drama" at the finish was enacted by Doug Blakely and Sam Russell, and Squanchfoot, the dog, was beautifully done by Ollie Saari. The latter July meeting, minus director Simak, was given to the reading of several fantasy scripts by Carl Jacobi, all of which were enjoyed immensely by those attending. Plans were discussed for an MFS outing, to be held sometime in late August or early September, though as yet no action has been taken. BRIEFS: MFS members are spreading out for summer vacations, leaving the current meetings rather thinly populated. Simak has just returned from a Wisconsin journey, so we understand. Bronson is dictating for Fantasite from California, Eggum still roosts at Camp Claiborne, (not a vacation, however), and Charles Jarvis is working at Glacier Park in Montana.......Sam Russell's short story, "The World Accursed", which appeared in the last issue of Fanta- (Continued on page twelve)
9................................................THE FANTASITE have mentioned are, of course, merely a fraction of the thousands imaginable and imagined, but I hope that I have at least been able to present an acceptable cross-section. --------------------------THE END------------------------------- *********************************************************** MFS NOTES As yet the summer months have seen but three MFS meetings, June 14, july 3, and July 25. Each marked a new development in the society's efforts to produce dramatic science fiction recordings. June 14 saw the first attempt, an unrehearsed version of a short script by Sam Russell entitled "The Coalsack". For a starter it proved quite successful. Principal parts were played by Sam himself and Doug Blakely, recording by Morrie Dollens. The story was laid in Africa, the scene an abandoned observatory with a steady beating of drums in the background. In spots the effect was exceptionally good, and the entire credit must go to Sam and Doug for their performances. The MFS hopes in the near future to make a second recording of the same story, and if results are good there's a possibility of some distribution. July 3 was one of the most successful meetings the club has seen. It was on the eve of the Denvention, and everyone was in high spirits. Halfway through the session someone came up with the idea of sending a recorded greeting to fans at Denver, and before we knew it, all business was cast aside to make way for this one task. We believe that full credit for the idea goes to director Cliff Simak, though no one seems to know exactly just how the thought came to light. Preparations for the recording required an hour. A script had to be typed, including every word that went onto the record as well as musical cuts and the pause between sides. Each member wrote his own part, and when a final script was assembled the rehearsing began. Twice the group went through the entire operation. The third time a recording was made. A playback suggested numerous changes which were made promptly and rehearsed once more. The fourth attempt was the copy that was hurriedly wrapped, addressed and sent airmail to Denver, arriving at the convention about sixteen hours after completion. It's the first time we've heard of such a greeting in relation to science fiction conventions, and already the members have discussed a similar attempt during the Pacificon in '42. Next year, however, we hope to have a little more time in which to plan our recording. Music on the record was dubbed in with the use of Dollens' two turntables. "Drama" at the finish was enacted by Doug Blakely and Sam Russell, and Squanchfoot, the dog, was beautifully done by Ollie Saari. The latter July meeting, minus director Simak, was given to the reading of several fantasy scripts by Carl Jacobi, all of which were enjoyed immensely by those attending. Plans were discussed for an MFS outing, to be held sometime in late August or early September, though as yet no action has been taken. BRIEFS: MFS members are spreading out for summer vacations, leaving the current meetings rather thinly populated. Simak has just returned from a Wisconsin journey, so we understand. Bronson is dictating for Fantasite from California, Eggum still roosts at Camp Claiborne, (not a vacation, however), and Charles Jarvis is working at Glacier Park in Montana.......Sam Russell's short story, "The World Accursed", which appeared in the last issue of Fanta- (Continued on page twelve)
Hevelin Fanzines