Fantasite, v. 1, issue 5, September 1941
Page 12
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THE FANTASITE.................................................12 noise about his choice. #4, the lad who did all the true confession covers, was radical in a way. He suggested bolts of lightning playing about the north pole, with shattered cakes of ice flying in all directions, and the title wording to be super-imposed over the lightning; or, even running up and down the jagged bolts themselves. #3 said nothing, but continued to look expectant. For the space of many hours he looked expectant. And then the great idea truck. So great was the idea inspired in that nimble mind that the reflected glory of it played upon his face, lighting up the gloomy office, and the Big Man, and the other boys there all paused to stare at him. "Boss," he announced quietly, confidentially. "I've got it. Listen..." and he launched into a highly descriptive word picture of his suggested cover. With gestures. For many minutes after he had finished speaking, deadly silence froze the office into stillness. Unspoken homage was being paid the #3 artist. The boys looked at him breathlessly. The Big Man's eyes were shining, and already he was adding a 25¢ (per week) raise to the pay envelope of #3. Then joyous hell broke loose in a riot of noise, and as one man they rushed forward to slap him on the back. -------O------- Three weeks later (a rush job) the new magazine appeared on the stands. It was an instant sell-out. Agents from other companies stood by helplessly, downcast, as their books lay like deadwood on the racks, and all copies of Super-duper Space Stories sold like hot comic books! Sadly they eyed the successful cover, and cursed their own organizations. The cover. It was #3's triumph: Pictured against a brilliant purple background was the hero, ray-gun in hand, protecting a helpless girl (she was tied to a post) from, of all things, a horrible, drooling, B.E.M.!! --------The End-------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ MFS NOTES --- continued from page 9 site, is in the writer's opinion one of the best [yarns?] fan fiction has seen for some time. What do the readers think?......National defense has shared Ollie Saari, who now works a night shift at Mpls. Honeywell. Ollie says this means no more writing and very little fan activity if any, both of which we hope not. Apology department: Since the Fantasite's editorial seat has moved to California for the summer, we stay-at-homes find it difficult to handle such things as photo covers and biographies and previously planned articles, though some of the material has found its way west. This means, however, that we must postpone any photo covers we had planned until Bronson returns, as well as our biography of Cliff Simak. We hope to see action on both of these either in the next issue or the one following...... John Chapman, Sec. MFS (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) --advertisement-- DAWN: 70 pages of quality material between lithographed covers! Orders will still be taken at 25 cents per copy, complimentary ads, well wishes at 15¢ each. Also, fans are requested to send in their photos and short autobiographies for inclusion in the book. Hurry, for time is limited! Send all orders to Phil Bronson, 224 W. [Stn?] St., Hastings, Minn. ****************************** ------------------------------------
THE FANTASITE.................................................12 noise about his choice. #4, the lad who did all the true confession covers, was radical in a way. He suggested bolts of lightning playing about the north pole, with shattered cakes of ice flying in all directions, and the title wording to be super-imposed over the lightning; or, even running up and down the jagged bolts themselves. #3 said nothing, but continued to look expectant. For the space of many hours he looked expectant. And then the great idea truck. So great was the idea inspired in that nimble mind that the reflected glory of it played upon his face, lighting up the gloomy office, and the Big Man, and the other boys there all paused to stare at him. "Boss," he announced quietly, confidentially. "I've got it. Listen..." and he launched into a highly descriptive word picture of his suggested cover. With gestures. For many minutes after he had finished speaking, deadly silence froze the office into stillness. Unspoken homage was being paid the #3 artist. The boys looked at him breathlessly. The Big Man's eyes were shining, and already he was adding a 25¢ (per week) raise to the pay envelope of #3. Then joyous hell broke loose in a riot of noise, and as one man they rushed forward to slap him on the back. -------O------- Three weeks later (a rush job) the new magazine appeared on the stands. It was an instant sell-out. Agents from other companies stood by helplessly, downcast, as their books lay like deadwood on the racks, and all copies of Super-duper Space Stories sold like hot comic books! Sadly they eyed the successful cover, and cursed their own organizations. The cover. It was #3's triumph: Pictured against a brilliant purple background was the hero, ray-gun in hand, protecting a helpless girl (she was tied to a post) from, of all things, a horrible, drooling, B.E.M.!! --------The End-------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ MFS NOTES --- continued from page 9 site, is in the writer's opinion one of the best [yarns?] fan fiction has seen for some time. What do the readers think?......National defense has shared Ollie Saari, who now works a night shift at Mpls. Honeywell. Ollie says this means no more writing and very little fan activity if any, both of which we hope not. Apology department: Since the Fantasite's editorial seat has moved to California for the summer, we stay-at-homes find it difficult to handle such things as photo covers and biographies and previously planned articles, though some of the material has found its way west. This means, however, that we must postpone any photo covers we had planned until Bronson returns, as well as our biography of Cliff Simak. We hope to see action on both of these either in the next issue or the one following...... John Chapman, Sec. MFS (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) --advertisement-- DAWN: 70 pages of quality material between lithographed covers! Orders will still be taken at 25 cents per copy, complimentary ads, well wishes at 15¢ each. Also, fans are requested to send in their photos and short autobiographies for inclusion in the book. Hurry, for time is limited! Send all orders to Phil Bronson, 224 W. [Stn?] St., Hastings, Minn. ****************************** ------------------------------------
Hevelin Fanzines