Fantasite, v. 1, issue 5, September 1941
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THE FANTASITE.............20 pens with amateur editors. Phil, however, has a good amount of common sense. That is proven in his work, for as is factually evidenced, it's damned hard to be very intelligent and an all-about good sport at the same time, of which Phil is both. This isn't blatant praise, but well deserved commendation. If I thought Phil was anything else, I'd calmly tell him to go to the utter depths of good old Hades. Yes, I would, by Hell Fire! (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) MFS MEMBERS as seen by Squanchfoot Yep, we knew it. Sooner or later, in MFS circles, the inexorable and awful question would present itself: WHO IS SQUANCHFOOT, the wonder dog? Ollie knows, but he won't tell. Chapman knows, but he won't tell. Or will he? By the way, who is this boy JOHN CHAPMAN? Our Jawn was born, it seems, in some obscure villa in the dreary state of North Dakota, but has lived in Minneapolis most of his 21 years. His earlier years were mainly concerned with turning out huge volumes of writing concerning, of all things---Nick Carter. Johnnie has put the doughty dick through more tight scrapes than the original creator ever thought of. He'll never show you, but he has literally drawers full of it. About six or seven years ago, his interest changed to the fantasy field and poor old Nick was left out in the cold. Soon after, he was plucked out of his happy home into the Mpls. SFL. Since then he has been very active in s-f channels as a reader of the mags and correspondent with other fans. His writings in the fantasy field are about as voluminous as the earlier Nick Carter efforts, and he has sold a few to various mags. He writes on the theory, apparently, that if you write enough, you are bound to sell something sometime, and his hedge-hopping imagination produces new ideas like a machine. The stories he has sold to various pulps have spurred him on to greater heights, and now he has a semi-secret yen to sell the slicks, especially American Magazine. The Great Profile reads most of the mags, and likes these emements in s-f stories: Good writing, characterization, and dialogue, plus punch endings---either the surprise variety or the good old heart-throb. Doesn't care for pure science in fiction. Music plays a large part in his life. He loves to tootle on a battered clarinet, and at least 99% of his income (in the banking business in downtown Mpls.) goes for phonograph records. We'll personally match his collection of records against any we've seen in town. He likes: Picnics with that certain gal - (Let's go for a picnic--you bring the blanket) - historical novels, especially those of Kenneth Roberts, baseball, his Ford V-8 Stokowski, long trips, Simak, Hal Kemp, and hamburgers--with puns. He hates: Cops with spotlights on their cars, Cheerio sticks, cats, and ghouls. Especially ghouls. "They're so slimy...." he shudders. So that's Chapman. Next issue, Squanchfoot, the wonder dog, reveals himself! Join the Fourth World Science Fiction Convention Society! Membership is $1.00. Give your support to the Pacificon and help make it the greatest convention of them all! Receive an attractive membership card and the bi-weekly newsheet, PACIFICONEWS!! Walter J. Daugherty, 6224 Leland Way, Hollywood, California. LA in 1942!
THE FANTASITE.............20 pens with amateur editors. Phil, however, has a good amount of common sense. That is proven in his work, for as is factually evidenced, it's damned hard to be very intelligent and an all-about good sport at the same time, of which Phil is both. This isn't blatant praise, but well deserved commendation. If I thought Phil was anything else, I'd calmly tell him to go to the utter depths of good old Hades. Yes, I would, by Hell Fire! (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) MFS MEMBERS as seen by Squanchfoot Yep, we knew it. Sooner or later, in MFS circles, the inexorable and awful question would present itself: WHO IS SQUANCHFOOT, the wonder dog? Ollie knows, but he won't tell. Chapman knows, but he won't tell. Or will he? By the way, who is this boy JOHN CHAPMAN? Our Jawn was born, it seems, in some obscure villa in the dreary state of North Dakota, but has lived in Minneapolis most of his 21 years. His earlier years were mainly concerned with turning out huge volumes of writing concerning, of all things---Nick Carter. Johnnie has put the doughty dick through more tight scrapes than the original creator ever thought of. He'll never show you, but he has literally drawers full of it. About six or seven years ago, his interest changed to the fantasy field and poor old Nick was left out in the cold. Soon after, he was plucked out of his happy home into the Mpls. SFL. Since then he has been very active in s-f channels as a reader of the mags and correspondent with other fans. His writings in the fantasy field are about as voluminous as the earlier Nick Carter efforts, and he has sold a few to various mags. He writes on the theory, apparently, that if you write enough, you are bound to sell something sometime, and his hedge-hopping imagination produces new ideas like a machine. The stories he has sold to various pulps have spurred him on to greater heights, and now he has a semi-secret yen to sell the slicks, especially American Magazine. The Great Profile reads most of the mags, and likes these emements in s-f stories: Good writing, characterization, and dialogue, plus punch endings---either the surprise variety or the good old heart-throb. Doesn't care for pure science in fiction. Music plays a large part in his life. He loves to tootle on a battered clarinet, and at least 99% of his income (in the banking business in downtown Mpls.) goes for phonograph records. We'll personally match his collection of records against any we've seen in town. He likes: Picnics with that certain gal - (Let's go for a picnic--you bring the blanket) - historical novels, especially those of Kenneth Roberts, baseball, his Ford V-8 Stokowski, long trips, Simak, Hal Kemp, and hamburgers--with puns. He hates: Cops with spotlights on their cars, Cheerio sticks, cats, and ghouls. Especially ghouls. "They're so slimy...." he shudders. So that's Chapman. Next issue, Squanchfoot, the wonder dog, reveals himself! Join the Fourth World Science Fiction Convention Society! Membership is $1.00. Give your support to the Pacificon and help make it the greatest convention of them all! Receive an attractive membership card and the bi-weekly newsheet, PACIFICONEWS!! Walter J. Daugherty, 6224 Leland Way, Hollywood, California. LA in 1942!
Hevelin Fanzines