Fantasite, v. 1, issue 5, September 1941
Page 22
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Constantine, Attila, Mohammed, Ali Hassan, Charlemagne, Prester John, Don Juan, Queen Isabella, Columbus, Giles de Retz, Joan of Arc, Lucretia Borgia, Queen Elizabeth, Francis Bacon, Shakespeare, Spinoza, Rothschild, Frederick of Germany, Mussolini and Lenin. Really everybody that was somebody in history. If Isaac didn't get around to them in time, they just didn't turn out to be a tinker's dam. More puppets. Oh, before I forget it, we are also controlled by him -- you see, early in the life of our republic he got something on Ben Franklin and company, and came into control of the banks hereabouts. So he owns America too. It could be that he was really the chap who founded the Sat Eve Post, who knows?
Constantine, Attila, Mohammed, Ali Hassan, Charlemagne, Prester John, Don Juan, Queen Isabella, Columbus, Giles de Retz, Joan of Arc, Lucretia Borgia, Queen Elizabeth, Francis Bacon, Shakespeare, Spinoza, Rothschild, Frederick of Germany, Mussolini and Lenin. Really everybody that was somebody in history. If Isaac didn't get around to them in time, they just didn't turn out to be a tinker's dam. More puppets. Oh, before I forget it, we are also controlled by him -- you see, early in the life of our republic he got something on Ben Franklin and company, and came into control of the banks hereabouts. So he owns America too. It could be that he was really the chap who founded the Sat Eve Post, who knows?
Hevelin Fanzines