Fantasite, v. 1, issue 5, September 1941
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piece on his Marrrrtiansss. Methinks de la Ree and the rest would have done better to put out a large mimeod mag. With printing prices what they are, why they ought to have been able to really put out a good mimeod mag with the money they spend on printing four mediocre sheets or so. Anyway, it's 10c from 31 Bogert Place, Westwood, New Jersey. Musts ---- SPACEWAYS: The front cover on the August issue is by Bob Jones -- need I say more. It's a pretty good drawing, but the stenciling is a bit poor this time. I found the article on vision, "Fourth Color Field" quite interesting. Madle's account of the Widneride is good, while "A Collector Speaks" is not too good. The most disappointing thing in the entire issue, however, is the knight-Hurter tale. We were all primed for another of damon's fine humor sagas, but we just didn't like it. Harry Jenkins, Jr. ------------------------- Editorial Note: Our apologies to the writers of the above column, and to the readers, also. As a result of lack of space this issue we were forced to cut the column to about three-fourths of its original length. We'll try not to let it happen again! -------------------------- ADVERTISEMENTS Advertise in PEGASUS! The first issue has been mailed out already. Number two will see substantial increases in the number of those to whom Pegasus will be mailed. Hektoed in many brilliant colors, your advertisement will command instant attention. Ads will be illustrated, if specified, by Pegasus' staff artist, Mr. A. Lambert Widner, Jr. Full Page ---- 50c Half-Page ---- 30c One-third page -- 25c Two-thirds page - 40c Quarter page - 20c For smaller afd: 2 1/2 cents per line. For further information and placements, contact the editor at 281 14th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. ------------------------- Join the Fourth World Science Fiction Convention Society -- now!!
piece on his Marrrrtiansss. Methinks de la Ree and the rest would have done better to put out a large mimeod mag. With printing prices what they are, why they ought to have been able to really put out a good mimeod mag with the money they spend on printing four mediocre sheets or so. Anyway, it's 10c from 31 Bogert Place, Westwood, New Jersey. Musts ---- SPACEWAYS: The front cover on the August issue is by Bob Jones -- need I say more. It's a pretty good drawing, but the stenciling is a bit poor this time. I found the article on vision, "Fourth Color Field" quite interesting. Madle's account of the Widneride is good, while "A Collector Speaks" is not too good. The most disappointing thing in the entire issue, however, is the knight-Hurter tale. We were all primed for another of damon's fine humor sagas, but we just didn't like it. Harry Jenkins, Jr. ------------------------- Editorial Note: Our apologies to the writers of the above column, and to the readers, also. As a result of lack of space this issue we were forced to cut the column to about three-fourths of its original length. We'll try not to let it happen again! -------------------------- ADVERTISEMENTS Advertise in PEGASUS! The first issue has been mailed out already. Number two will see substantial increases in the number of those to whom Pegasus will be mailed. Hektoed in many brilliant colors, your advertisement will command instant attention. Ads will be illustrated, if specified, by Pegasus' staff artist, Mr. A. Lambert Widner, Jr. Full Page ---- 50c Half-Page ---- 30c One-third page -- 25c Two-thirds page - 40c Quarter page - 20c For smaller afd: 2 1/2 cents per line. For further information and placements, contact the editor at 281 14th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. ------------------------- Join the Fourth World Science Fiction Convention Society -- now!!
Hevelin Fanzines