Fantasite, v. 1, issue 5, September 1941
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magazine as the dirtiest crook in fandom. Betrayer! And I thank you for so quickly accepting the honor. I knew you would. In the July issue of LeZ I held up your fanzine as the model of colorwork for fanzines. (I presume you have the issue?)((Yup)) I chided Eclipse because they could not use their colors to advantage, I pointed to you as one who did. And now you betray me. You zip thru your July issue, beginning a story in blue ink, ending it in black; beginning an article on pink paper, ending it on white; another white beginning and a yellow ending; opening another story in blue ink, switching to black before the end. How you make me eat my words of praise! ((We weep with anguish at your dastardly betrayal of friend Pong, and solemnly promise, so help us Ghod, that it will never, never happen again!)) I shall not mention that you cheated me of pages 10 and eleven; censored them from my copy, so to speak. Did someone call me a dirty name on page ten that you didn't want me to read, for fear that I would cancel my subscription and demand the five dollars returned? Or was it six dollars I sent you? Nevertheless, I want pages 10 and 11, if for nothing else than to read the ending of Russell's story. ((We have sent you another copy of that issue, hoping to make amends thereby.)) My book review didn't make this issue because I was too damn lazy to get it out in time. However it is off now...really off. Gho'd knows where it is bouncing unbound by this time. I sent it to that Los Angles address you mentioned last issue; unless you have some kind of a forwarding address there, one of the clerks in the dead letter office is going to find out about fantasy fiction. If the thing doesn't appear in a week or two sing out, and I'll do my best to duplicate the item; I didn't make a carbon. 'Twas all about Isaac Laquodem (the Wandering Jew) and his wanderings over two thousand years of history, not to mention at least that many strange beds. The July Lez was mailed before the Denvention to your Hastings address. Did or did not you get that? ((We did get it, and a fine issue 'twas, what with that litho-cover and the added bulk. Not an item to be missed!)) July issue still rates a nine as a whole, but what is the idea of reprinting an ASTOUNDING astronomical plate, and how did Campbell come to let you have it? ((As explained in the editorial we were in one big hurry, and there was very little time to go the cover in. Unthinkingly, we probably drew something resembling an ASI astronomical plate, having been influenced by same when it was published. Sorry!)) Box 200, Bloomington, Ill. -------------------------- Now for a long letter from one of the Michigans: LYNN BRIDGES The cover was really something. Best Bronson pic I've ever seen, and the colors blended in perfectly. Maybe it was lucky the blue part did come out too dark, as I think the red-black combination was better than the intended three color job would have been. Anyhow, using the Warner system, I'll give it three points. Unfortunately, the colors were somewhat off-center on Jones' pic, but it was still good. Anyway, that was no fault of the artist's and he gets an 8. Mixing colors that way is a tough job on a mimeo as I've found from sad experience. You do a much better job of it than I could even hope for. FANTA-NOTES...7 I like longer editorials. THE WORLD ACCURSED...7. 'Twas well written, but I just don't like fiction in a fanzine unless it's something unique, that couldn't possibly be used in a pro mag. The ending was also far too obvious. ((The story, of course, was never intended for fanzine publication; it was well written, and quite different from the usual run of fan fiction ---
magazine as the dirtiest crook in fandom. Betrayer! And I thank you for so quickly accepting the honor. I knew you would. In the July issue of LeZ I held up your fanzine as the model of colorwork for fanzines. (I presume you have the issue?)((Yup)) I chided Eclipse because they could not use their colors to advantage, I pointed to you as one who did. And now you betray me. You zip thru your July issue, beginning a story in blue ink, ending it in black; beginning an article on pink paper, ending it on white; another white beginning and a yellow ending; opening another story in blue ink, switching to black before the end. How you make me eat my words of praise! ((We weep with anguish at your dastardly betrayal of friend Pong, and solemnly promise, so help us Ghod, that it will never, never happen again!)) I shall not mention that you cheated me of pages 10 and eleven; censored them from my copy, so to speak. Did someone call me a dirty name on page ten that you didn't want me to read, for fear that I would cancel my subscription and demand the five dollars returned? Or was it six dollars I sent you? Nevertheless, I want pages 10 and 11, if for nothing else than to read the ending of Russell's story. ((We have sent you another copy of that issue, hoping to make amends thereby.)) My book review didn't make this issue because I was too damn lazy to get it out in time. However it is off now...really off. Gho'd knows where it is bouncing unbound by this time. I sent it to that Los Angles address you mentioned last issue; unless you have some kind of a forwarding address there, one of the clerks in the dead letter office is going to find out about fantasy fiction. If the thing doesn't appear in a week or two sing out, and I'll do my best to duplicate the item; I didn't make a carbon. 'Twas all about Isaac Laquodem (the Wandering Jew) and his wanderings over two thousand years of history, not to mention at least that many strange beds. The July Lez was mailed before the Denvention to your Hastings address. Did or did not you get that? ((We did get it, and a fine issue 'twas, what with that litho-cover and the added bulk. Not an item to be missed!)) July issue still rates a nine as a whole, but what is the idea of reprinting an ASTOUNDING astronomical plate, and how did Campbell come to let you have it? ((As explained in the editorial we were in one big hurry, and there was very little time to go the cover in. Unthinkingly, we probably drew something resembling an ASI astronomical plate, having been influenced by same when it was published. Sorry!)) Box 200, Bloomington, Ill. -------------------------- Now for a long letter from one of the Michigans: LYNN BRIDGES The cover was really something. Best Bronson pic I've ever seen, and the colors blended in perfectly. Maybe it was lucky the blue part did come out too dark, as I think the red-black combination was better than the intended three color job would have been. Anyhow, using the Warner system, I'll give it three points. Unfortunately, the colors were somewhat off-center on Jones' pic, but it was still good. Anyway, that was no fault of the artist's and he gets an 8. Mixing colors that way is a tough job on a mimeo as I've found from sad experience. You do a much better job of it than I could even hope for. FANTA-NOTES...7 I like longer editorials. THE WORLD ACCURSED...7. 'Twas well written, but I just don't like fiction in a fanzine unless it's something unique, that couldn't possibly be used in a pro mag. The ending was also far too obvious. ((The story, of course, was never intended for fanzine publication; it was well written, and quite different from the usual run of fan fiction ---
Hevelin Fanzines