Fantasite, v. 1, issue 5, September 1941
Page 35
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ion. ((The paper you refer to is a light onion-skin bond, and extremely difficult to mimeograph on as just about every other copy sticks to the cylinder, being destroyed in the process of removal.)) The Jones drawing was quite good, too, altho the colors were a little out of line. The Russell story wouldn't sell to any pro mag. It's written nicely enuf, but the idea has been used in a million different forms. It was strictly a fan story. That last paragraph, tho, was a honey! I liked it immensely; read it over several times, in fact. Wasn't quite so enthusiastic about any part of Brazier's story. Or the whole of it, for that matter. Not bad. Just average. Chauvenet is, of course, one of the really good writers in fandom, and everything he turns out is well worth reading, while some of it is exceptionally excellent. His article on the immortals was as well-written and appealing as anything you've ever printed in FANTASITE. That de la Ree piece was darn good reading, too. So that's the inside story, eh? Not very nice people, these members of the triumverate. ((Maybe -- anyway, we know that Jimmy Taurasi is turning out a couple of nice, unbiased magazines!)) Lew Martin was rather stupidly obvious. You must have used in merely to fill up a couple paragraphs. The MFS notes and biographies are far more interesting than things of their sort usually are. Who gets the credit? ((Chapman, of course, writes MFS Notes as is always noted at the end of them, and shucks, we wouldn't want to tell who Squanchfoot is! Suffice it to say that there is a "guest" Squanchfoot this time for a very important reason -- which should make things clear! Squanchfooting this time is Doug Blakely.)) 1100 Bryan St., Columbia, South Carolina. ------------------------------------ Well, the letter section was pretty long this time. We still didn't get all of the letters printed, though!n We hope you'll take time off to drop us a postal, at least, letting us know how you liked this issue -- and don't forget those ratings! Chauvenet's "Some Notes on the Immortals" was the best liked item in the last issue, followed by "The World Accursed" and de la Ree's article. Next issue, providing enough ratings are received, of course, we'll give a complete line-up of the material and how it rated according to the 1 to 10 system. This is the last issue we shall send out gratis to those whose subs have expired, and to prospective subscribers. These 35 page issues are too much expense to be sending around free much more, so better do something about it, you fellows who are receiving this as a complimentary issue, or whose subs have expired! Bob Jones informs us that Donn Brazier has been drafted, which news was quite a shock to us! We lose more darn writers this way -- damn the army! Anyway, if anyone can inform us how to get in touch with Donn, we'd appreciate it a great deal. (There is no truth to the rumor that that was a sly hint to Phil Schumann!) Pegasus arrived the other day from Bob Jones, and we certainly were pleasantly surprised! We won't go into a detailed account but will say that unless you get this fanzine you're missing a really good item! The technical work is wonderful. To our knowledge, however, Bob doesn't charge for the magazine but either exchanges or send it out absolutely free. Well, that's that! We'll close with a "Yours till Amazing amazes!" (Ala Sam Russell) See you next issue. [Illustration of a stick man with one foot on a brick and a halo over his head and another stick man down on one knee. The kneeling stick man says, "Please! I'll do anything -- only don't tell any more puns efjay! I can't (sob) stand any more!"
ion. ((The paper you refer to is a light onion-skin bond, and extremely difficult to mimeograph on as just about every other copy sticks to the cylinder, being destroyed in the process of removal.)) The Jones drawing was quite good, too, altho the colors were a little out of line. The Russell story wouldn't sell to any pro mag. It's written nicely enuf, but the idea has been used in a million different forms. It was strictly a fan story. That last paragraph, tho, was a honey! I liked it immensely; read it over several times, in fact. Wasn't quite so enthusiastic about any part of Brazier's story. Or the whole of it, for that matter. Not bad. Just average. Chauvenet is, of course, one of the really good writers in fandom, and everything he turns out is well worth reading, while some of it is exceptionally excellent. His article on the immortals was as well-written and appealing as anything you've ever printed in FANTASITE. That de la Ree piece was darn good reading, too. So that's the inside story, eh? Not very nice people, these members of the triumverate. ((Maybe -- anyway, we know that Jimmy Taurasi is turning out a couple of nice, unbiased magazines!)) Lew Martin was rather stupidly obvious. You must have used in merely to fill up a couple paragraphs. The MFS notes and biographies are far more interesting than things of their sort usually are. Who gets the credit? ((Chapman, of course, writes MFS Notes as is always noted at the end of them, and shucks, we wouldn't want to tell who Squanchfoot is! Suffice it to say that there is a "guest" Squanchfoot this time for a very important reason -- which should make things clear! Squanchfooting this time is Doug Blakely.)) 1100 Bryan St., Columbia, South Carolina. ------------------------------------ Well, the letter section was pretty long this time. We still didn't get all of the letters printed, though!n We hope you'll take time off to drop us a postal, at least, letting us know how you liked this issue -- and don't forget those ratings! Chauvenet's "Some Notes on the Immortals" was the best liked item in the last issue, followed by "The World Accursed" and de la Ree's article. Next issue, providing enough ratings are received, of course, we'll give a complete line-up of the material and how it rated according to the 1 to 10 system. This is the last issue we shall send out gratis to those whose subs have expired, and to prospective subscribers. These 35 page issues are too much expense to be sending around free much more, so better do something about it, you fellows who are receiving this as a complimentary issue, or whose subs have expired! Bob Jones informs us that Donn Brazier has been drafted, which news was quite a shock to us! We lose more darn writers this way -- damn the army! Anyway, if anyone can inform us how to get in touch with Donn, we'd appreciate it a great deal. (There is no truth to the rumor that that was a sly hint to Phil Schumann!) Pegasus arrived the other day from Bob Jones, and we certainly were pleasantly surprised! We won't go into a detailed account but will say that unless you get this fanzine you're missing a really good item! The technical work is wonderful. To our knowledge, however, Bob doesn't charge for the magazine but either exchanges or send it out absolutely free. Well, that's that! We'll close with a "Yours till Amazing amazes!" (Ala Sam Russell) See you next issue. [Illustration of a stick man with one foot on a brick and a halo over his head and another stick man down on one knee. The kneeling stick man says, "Please! I'll do anything -- only don't tell any more puns efjay! I can't (sob) stand any more!"
Hevelin Fanzines