Fandemonium, issue 2, Summer 1948
Page 9
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JOSE-PIEN sports the best cover in the mailing; it is unique when two such strange-looking individuals or beings settle down to something as small-time as occultism. If I cared for any poetry at all, I'd probably like "Superior Plus", but since I don't, ditto. Inside is some of the art-work and material that is typical of a lot of degrading stuff that is running rife today. I have nothing against good art or a good joke, but this sort of thing is so bad that the postal department wouldn't take a second look before barring it from the mails, and I don't think we want that to happen to a SAPS mailing. So how about cleaning up the mags of such as this, huh fellas? I know you artists and humorists can turn your talents into more worthwhile channels. And I'd suggest that friend Alpaugh be a little more strict in drawing the line on questionable items. The mailing reviews were not long enough, but what there was of them rated OK. With NAMLEPS, I find that I have finally arrived at a contribution that I can't fill up more than two lines in commenting. More promised next time if mag size increases, Hah, I did get in three: Have many fannish deadbeats at the OLD TIMER RESTAURANT, Phil? Suggest Slavin for bouncer. Yipe, shorter and shorter. Ah, back to quantity again with PLOOR; quality too. Right now, Coswal, I'd like to say that as long as you can get such splendid reproduction from Ditto, never go back to multilith or any other type of reproduction. It's a pleasure to read such a legible piece of work. By the way, just what do you use to get the oversized type headings with: As you well know, the front cover didn't take, but at least it was unique. The cover poem remains on the futility of putting out the "best" fanzine, and points out the instability of fame. The long list of prosiness received held little interest for me, and I doubt if you will be inclined to continue it; however, the sketches of the stories you gave were entertaining and sometimes amusing, as in the case of "The Ether Ray". I never thought the Zapt stories of Giesy were anything worthy of the author of so many other masterpieces. I think the whole summary would have been much better if you had included more fan items. "A Link to the Past" was just about the most enjoyable article in the mailing: [ksop?] it up in the future issues as you promised. Ah, the mailing comments: other saps may scorn to comment on their fellow-members' mags, but Coswal can still be counted on to give them a line or six here and there. I like it. Evidently you liked SAPLING exceptionally well. So you think that a review in the Amazing column will bring you in subscriptions and loads of money. To begin with, I would consider such earning tainted, and I surprised that you, of all people would approve. I may as well state here that if, in the last issue of PANDEMONIUM, I gave the impression that I approved of Amazing Stories, its stage, Ron Phillips, his review column or anything concerning those, I certainly hope it has been forgotten, for such is not the case. By the way, Walter, remember a couple of years ago in a Round Table letter when I suggested that Phillips and Graham were the same, and you said you were sure it could not be? Anyway, to get back to the matter of publishing fanzines for financial gain, I consider the idea of attempting to make a profit out of such projects mercenary to the nth degree; it seems to me that as ardent a fan as you would publish purely for the joy of it. Of course, I think it is perfectly all right to take in enough to clear yourself, bu the idea of putting out a fanzine so obviously tagged with a price is distasteful to me. But I guess I should add that anyone that can show a profit deserves it. A couple of paragraphs down, we again cross swords when you again insist on unlimited membership. The main reason I like NAPA publishing is that the number of copies is comparatively small so that a person can devote himself to doing a little better work; along this same line, I like SAPS even better, and therefore advocate a membership loss than 40. Down with suggestions of 200. Treason: 9
JOSE-PIEN sports the best cover in the mailing; it is unique when two such strange-looking individuals or beings settle down to something as small-time as occultism. If I cared for any poetry at all, I'd probably like "Superior Plus", but since I don't, ditto. Inside is some of the art-work and material that is typical of a lot of degrading stuff that is running rife today. I have nothing against good art or a good joke, but this sort of thing is so bad that the postal department wouldn't take a second look before barring it from the mails, and I don't think we want that to happen to a SAPS mailing. So how about cleaning up the mags of such as this, huh fellas? I know you artists and humorists can turn your talents into more worthwhile channels. And I'd suggest that friend Alpaugh be a little more strict in drawing the line on questionable items. The mailing reviews were not long enough, but what there was of them rated OK. With NAMLEPS, I find that I have finally arrived at a contribution that I can't fill up more than two lines in commenting. More promised next time if mag size increases, Hah, I did get in three: Have many fannish deadbeats at the OLD TIMER RESTAURANT, Phil? Suggest Slavin for bouncer. Yipe, shorter and shorter. Ah, back to quantity again with PLOOR; quality too. Right now, Coswal, I'd like to say that as long as you can get such splendid reproduction from Ditto, never go back to multilith or any other type of reproduction. It's a pleasure to read such a legible piece of work. By the way, just what do you use to get the oversized type headings with: As you well know, the front cover didn't take, but at least it was unique. The cover poem remains on the futility of putting out the "best" fanzine, and points out the instability of fame. The long list of prosiness received held little interest for me, and I doubt if you will be inclined to continue it; however, the sketches of the stories you gave were entertaining and sometimes amusing, as in the case of "The Ether Ray". I never thought the Zapt stories of Giesy were anything worthy of the author of so many other masterpieces. I think the whole summary would have been much better if you had included more fan items. "A Link to the Past" was just about the most enjoyable article in the mailing: [ksop?] it up in the future issues as you promised. Ah, the mailing comments: other saps may scorn to comment on their fellow-members' mags, but Coswal can still be counted on to give them a line or six here and there. I like it. Evidently you liked SAPLING exceptionally well. So you think that a review in the Amazing column will bring you in subscriptions and loads of money. To begin with, I would consider such earning tainted, and I surprised that you, of all people would approve. I may as well state here that if, in the last issue of PANDEMONIUM, I gave the impression that I approved of Amazing Stories, its stage, Ron Phillips, his review column or anything concerning those, I certainly hope it has been forgotten, for such is not the case. By the way, Walter, remember a couple of years ago in a Round Table letter when I suggested that Phillips and Graham were the same, and you said you were sure it could not be? Anyway, to get back to the matter of publishing fanzines for financial gain, I consider the idea of attempting to make a profit out of such projects mercenary to the nth degree; it seems to me that as ardent a fan as you would publish purely for the joy of it. Of course, I think it is perfectly all right to take in enough to clear yourself, bu the idea of putting out a fanzine so obviously tagged with a price is distasteful to me. But I guess I should add that anyone that can show a profit deserves it. A couple of paragraphs down, we again cross swords when you again insist on unlimited membership. The main reason I like NAPA publishing is that the number of copies is comparatively small so that a person can devote himself to doing a little better work; along this same line, I like SAPS even better, and therefore advocate a membership loss than 40. Down with suggestions of 200. Treason: 9
Hevelin Fanzines