Mikros, issue 5, April 1939
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raw materials and technical experts on this continent, and since there exists only a small portion of the population the continent can comfortably contain, why then should some people work throughout the entire year, others work only a short while, if at all, and luxury then either of the other two divisions combined? To operate the machinery of North America in its present technological stage, it is only necessary for each capable individual to work four hours a day, four days a week, for 165 days a year. Abolishing the price system and private ownership completely, each individual would receive the equivalent of 20,000 1929 dollars per year for life. Furthermore, to divide the work evenly for all, one would only have to work from the years of 25 to 45, with a noninterupted education before 25, and the prospect of complete retirement after the 45th birthday. From the age of 25 once each individual would have the same amount of purchasing power throughout his lifetime, this distributed in the form of energy certificates, or distribution certificates. These would have no value, and could be used only once, and would be valid only to one person to whom issued. They are, in reality, only receipts for goods issued. Immediately a transcription is made, a record of said functional division where it is registered electrically on a chart, thus giving at all times an accurate check of all goods moved in all parts of the continent. After the Technate has been set up (probably thru a two-third majority vote) a vast reconstruction program will begin, which, after a few years, will have transformed the continent. Population, except for major centers such as seacoast towns, will be de-centralized, so that centers of over 15,000 will be unusual. Housing will consist mainly of blocks of four large apartment buildings, each housing ten to thirty families in perfect comfort, including all modern conveniences. In the center of each building will be a large patio, or open courtyard. Midway between the four apartments form the block will be the food distribution center, and also the garages. Another novel convenience will be the method of shopping for food. An arrangement resembling a cross between a telephone and a cash tube, such as we now use in large department stores, will connect the block food center with each apartment. One simply dials the number corresponding to the staple desired, and presently it arrives, without the necessity of leaving the apartment. The automobile problem is solved in a unique and sensible way, and makes it possible for everyone to have the use of a car of every style made. Under the Technate one does not own an automobile, but has one at his disposal at all times, wherever it is checked in. The shopping done, one drives to one's destination, where it is checked in. The shopping done, one drives a car home again. If for a particular reason the original car is desired, it is reversed for the return trip. If the whole family should wish to go out, then a sedan, or even a truck, may be obtained. Local transportation is, of course, gratis, and should one wish to go to the other city, then, naturally, the train is used, for that is the most economical means for the Technate to transport an individual over a long distance. Upon
raw materials and technical experts on this continent, and since there exists only a small portion of the population the continent can comfortably contain, why then should some people work throughout the entire year, others work only a short while, if at all, and luxury then either of the other two divisions combined? To operate the machinery of North America in its present technological stage, it is only necessary for each capable individual to work four hours a day, four days a week, for 165 days a year. Abolishing the price system and private ownership completely, each individual would receive the equivalent of 20,000 1929 dollars per year for life. Furthermore, to divide the work evenly for all, one would only have to work from the years of 25 to 45, with a noninterupted education before 25, and the prospect of complete retirement after the 45th birthday. From the age of 25 once each individual would have the same amount of purchasing power throughout his lifetime, this distributed in the form of energy certificates, or distribution certificates. These would have no value, and could be used only once, and would be valid only to one person to whom issued. They are, in reality, only receipts for goods issued. Immediately a transcription is made, a record of said functional division where it is registered electrically on a chart, thus giving at all times an accurate check of all goods moved in all parts of the continent. After the Technate has been set up (probably thru a two-third majority vote) a vast reconstruction program will begin, which, after a few years, will have transformed the continent. Population, except for major centers such as seacoast towns, will be de-centralized, so that centers of over 15,000 will be unusual. Housing will consist mainly of blocks of four large apartment buildings, each housing ten to thirty families in perfect comfort, including all modern conveniences. In the center of each building will be a large patio, or open courtyard. Midway between the four apartments form the block will be the food distribution center, and also the garages. Another novel convenience will be the method of shopping for food. An arrangement resembling a cross between a telephone and a cash tube, such as we now use in large department stores, will connect the block food center with each apartment. One simply dials the number corresponding to the staple desired, and presently it arrives, without the necessity of leaving the apartment. The automobile problem is solved in a unique and sensible way, and makes it possible for everyone to have the use of a car of every style made. Under the Technate one does not own an automobile, but has one at his disposal at all times, wherever it is checked in. The shopping done, one drives to one's destination, where it is checked in. The shopping done, one drives a car home again. If for a particular reason the original car is desired, it is reversed for the return trip. If the whole family should wish to go out, then a sedan, or even a truck, may be obtained. Local transportation is, of course, gratis, and should one wish to go to the other city, then, naturally, the train is used, for that is the most economical means for the Technate to transport an individual over a long distance. Upon
Hevelin Fanzines