Mikros, issue 5, April 1939
Page 3
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arrival, one would check in at a Temporary Lodging House, where automobile privileges are immediately available. Under the Technate, cars would be made to last up to 25 years, whereas today cars are made to breakdown within five years. People have often innocently remarked that the old cars lasted longer than the new ones. One soon learns that this is just another means of preserving the tottering price system. In concluding this sketchy article on Technocracy, fellow fans, I make a plea for all scientifiction fans to forsake their futile searching for some sort of political theory, and forget such ineffectual schemes as the CPASF and other political-fan organizations. Technocracy is the only thing that I can conceive of that will appeal to scientifictionists. It embodies all the ideals that we have read about, and it leaves out all political theories and squabblings. It is in truth "The Revolt of the Scientists"! Science built civilization and it is now up to science to save the animal to which it gave the knowledge of greater things. I urge every fan to go to his near-chance to help in the great changes that are to come about. If Technocracy is enacted, and creates for us a sound, smooth running, scientific civilization, then it is in truth---Science Fiction Come To Life! ---------------------------------------------------- lower MATHEMATICIANS (Author's Signature?) Full meed of praise is given to those men With giant intellect who map the stars, And tell the world what forms of life have been Considered possible on dying Mars. Their mathematics is a mystic code The average man may never hope to read; He gropes his way along that unknown road, Compelled to follow where he cannot lead. Mayhap he follows blindly, yet 'tis he Makes certain use of theories and laws Taught by the Masters. Hence we often see Effects, but do not analyse the cause. We calculate unconsciously the line Of danger, and to various ends can train A sort of mathematics and some fine Instinctive estimate of stress and strain. The billiardist employs arithmetic With plane geometry. His game is planned And studied well -- To make those ivories click By careful stroke of elbow, wrist and hand. He knows the proper angles, 'tho it's true The curves of Cosmic Space to him are flat; Yet he can make his educated cue Massé a billiard ball around a hat!
arrival, one would check in at a Temporary Lodging House, where automobile privileges are immediately available. Under the Technate, cars would be made to last up to 25 years, whereas today cars are made to breakdown within five years. People have often innocently remarked that the old cars lasted longer than the new ones. One soon learns that this is just another means of preserving the tottering price system. In concluding this sketchy article on Technocracy, fellow fans, I make a plea for all scientifiction fans to forsake their futile searching for some sort of political theory, and forget such ineffectual schemes as the CPASF and other political-fan organizations. Technocracy is the only thing that I can conceive of that will appeal to scientifictionists. It embodies all the ideals that we have read about, and it leaves out all political theories and squabblings. It is in truth "The Revolt of the Scientists"! Science built civilization and it is now up to science to save the animal to which it gave the knowledge of greater things. I urge every fan to go to his near-chance to help in the great changes that are to come about. If Technocracy is enacted, and creates for us a sound, smooth running, scientific civilization, then it is in truth---Science Fiction Come To Life! ---------------------------------------------------- lower MATHEMATICIANS (Author's Signature?) Full meed of praise is given to those men With giant intellect who map the stars, And tell the world what forms of life have been Considered possible on dying Mars. Their mathematics is a mystic code The average man may never hope to read; He gropes his way along that unknown road, Compelled to follow where he cannot lead. Mayhap he follows blindly, yet 'tis he Makes certain use of theories and laws Taught by the Masters. Hence we often see Effects, but do not analyse the cause. We calculate unconsciously the line Of danger, and to various ends can train A sort of mathematics and some fine Instinctive estimate of stress and strain. The billiardist employs arithmetic With plane geometry. His game is planned And studied well -- To make those ivories click By careful stroke of elbow, wrist and hand. He knows the proper angles, 'tho it's true The curves of Cosmic Space to him are flat; Yet he can make his educated cue Massé a billiard ball around a hat!
Hevelin Fanzines