Mercury, v. 1, issue 5, 1940
Page 5
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L.A. by F.J. [image: upper levels of a skyscraper against a cloud in the sky] J Harvey Haggard, sister & wife, unexpectedly attend meeting of our Science Fantasy Society. Returning call made by Hornig, Yerke & Bradbury several mos. ago, all the Haggard family but Dwana, his little dawter, came from San Bernardino (about 65 miles north), arriving about 7:30. Premeetings doings included looking at advance copy of Fantastic Adventures, reading the new "Who's Who in Fandom", discussing Burpocracy, distributing mail for members rcvd at Box 6475 Met Sta (including new Bizarre Series announcement), Top Fan Poll card-filling-out for Art Widner, lafter over the caricature of Acky done by Zillig for #2 Shaggy (Shangri-LA), seeing of recently completed front & back covers for next Voice (which will contain long letter from the Coise of Fandom---Alan the Aussy---aswelas specialetters rcvd lately from MARs, Vomoswoth, Rajocz, & other extraterrestrials), admiration of a specially made monel rocketring worn by Jrv (who also exhibited one orderd by Erle Korshak), & various & sundry (none dry) discussions. At official meeting, called to order around 8 o'cl, Yerke read his usual inimitable Minutes; Telegram to Hodgkins from HanKuttner was passt around announcing marriage to Catherine Moore; airmailetter from Mrs Heinlein (now in NY with Rob A) was read, telling of evening spent with Wollheim, Kornbluth, Michel & Lowndes; Charlie Hornig reported, via JuliuSchwartz, there is 80-20 chance (in favor) of Otto Binder's being marryd soon; Lady Librarian: Morojo appointed new club Librarian, to succeed Bruce Yerke, who succeeded Ray Bradbury, who had succeeded Russ Hodgkins (maybe), who had succeeded (praps) Vernon Harry--it is believed Roy Test Jr was original LA-group librarian..things are rather hazy(in my mind at least) that far back...but the motto seems to be "If at first U don't succeed...!" --eventually, apparently, everybody will be, or will have been, Librarian...Haggard & Hornig got involved in a discussion of some Theorys of Tym, which lasted for about an hr (if such a thing exists), into which various individuals around the table enterd from tym to tym (always, as I said, providing same is an actuality, which some attempts were made to disprove, thereby taking up a lot of -- oops!) After meeting officially closed at exactly 10:00, Jry, Dorothy Haggard, & Dorothy Haggard (which is not double-talk: wife & sister have same name!), Morejo, Pogo, Bruce Yerke, Mark Blanck & myself made for a Malt Shop where milkshakes were guzzled & sundaes slurpt (due ACtknowledgement is made word-coiner Ray Douglas Bradbury for use of guiltily, for we coud feel the fierce disapproval of Tucker hanging heavy like an aura in the air, even all this distance from Blomington... =============== Angelenotes, by Morejo Is the Moore-Kuttner merger an auger of marriages-to-come in fandom--& particularly LA Fandom? . At least one local Stephanie has stated she expects to be marryd by the end of summer, presumably to one of our highly eligible Stephans. Hank, who it is understood is homesick for Beverly Hills, will bring Catherine (Mrs) Kuttner back to Shangri-LA as soon as possible, it is belied)d. "Is [con't on next page]
L.A. by F.J. [image: upper levels of a skyscraper against a cloud in the sky] J Harvey Haggard, sister & wife, unexpectedly attend meeting of our Science Fantasy Society. Returning call made by Hornig, Yerke & Bradbury several mos. ago, all the Haggard family but Dwana, his little dawter, came from San Bernardino (about 65 miles north), arriving about 7:30. Premeetings doings included looking at advance copy of Fantastic Adventures, reading the new "Who's Who in Fandom", discussing Burpocracy, distributing mail for members rcvd at Box 6475 Met Sta (including new Bizarre Series announcement), Top Fan Poll card-filling-out for Art Widner, lafter over the caricature of Acky done by Zillig for #2 Shaggy (Shangri-LA), seeing of recently completed front & back covers for next Voice (which will contain long letter from the Coise of Fandom---Alan the Aussy---aswelas specialetters rcvd lately from MARs, Vomoswoth, Rajocz, & other extraterrestrials), admiration of a specially made monel rocketring worn by Jrv (who also exhibited one orderd by Erle Korshak), & various & sundry (none dry) discussions. At official meeting, called to order around 8 o'cl, Yerke read his usual inimitable Minutes; Telegram to Hodgkins from HanKuttner was passt around announcing marriage to Catherine Moore; airmailetter from Mrs Heinlein (now in NY with Rob A) was read, telling of evening spent with Wollheim, Kornbluth, Michel & Lowndes; Charlie Hornig reported, via JuliuSchwartz, there is 80-20 chance (in favor) of Otto Binder's being marryd soon; Lady Librarian: Morojo appointed new club Librarian, to succeed Bruce Yerke, who succeeded Ray Bradbury, who had succeeded Russ Hodgkins (maybe), who had succeeded (praps) Vernon Harry--it is believed Roy Test Jr was original LA-group librarian..things are rather hazy(in my mind at least) that far back...but the motto seems to be "If at first U don't succeed...!" --eventually, apparently, everybody will be, or will have been, Librarian...Haggard & Hornig got involved in a discussion of some Theorys of Tym, which lasted for about an hr (if such a thing exists), into which various individuals around the table enterd from tym to tym (always, as I said, providing same is an actuality, which some attempts were made to disprove, thereby taking up a lot of -- oops!) After meeting officially closed at exactly 10:00, Jry, Dorothy Haggard, & Dorothy Haggard (which is not double-talk: wife & sister have same name!), Morejo, Pogo, Bruce Yerke, Mark Blanck & myself made for a Malt Shop where milkshakes were guzzled & sundaes slurpt (due ACtknowledgement is made word-coiner Ray Douglas Bradbury for use of guiltily, for we coud feel the fierce disapproval of Tucker hanging heavy like an aura in the air, even all this distance from Blomington... =============== Angelenotes, by Morejo Is the Moore-Kuttner merger an auger of marriages-to-come in fandom--& particularly LA Fandom? . At least one local Stephanie has stated she expects to be marryd by the end of summer, presumably to one of our highly eligible Stephans. Hank, who it is understood is homesick for Beverly Hills, will bring Catherine (Mrs) Kuttner back to Shangri-LA as soon as possible, it is belied)d. "Is [con't on next page]
Hevelin Fanzines