Western Star, issue 4, September 10, 1950
Page 9
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and said clubs were "catalysted" into feuds that are still dragging on. He split the LASFS wide open, nearly did the same for FAPA, published fierce & insane tirades against Speer, Ashley and others, tried to talk himself into an unwelcome alliance with Wollheim, and succeeded in drawing a statement from Palmer denouncing all fandom because of "such crackpots." His irresponsibilities are too numerous to list. The points of objection to his person are so many as to seem fantastic in proportion. Indeed a number of fans, out of some misbegotten liberal instinct, have been lid to side with Claude merely because they are convinced "no one could be that bad." Claude retired from fandom for a while after the heavy attacks showered on him in the mid-thirties. He returned under a pseudonym at the Philcon and finding the old critics less vocal, has slowly completed his return. Now with the support of many younger fans, he is reorganizing his Cosmic Circle and also making another goodwill tour of fandom. God Help us. He was in SF last night and was last seen on his way to Los Angeles. He has grown up a bit. He doesn't give the same irresponsible appearance he did a few years ago, but his actions at Portland indicate that he hasn't really really changed much. There he brought up an assinine motion to the general effect that fans should outlaw communism. It was unanimously turned down, but it did give a bit of bad publicity for the papers. ROUNDUP. . . . . . . this is dragging out a bit, and I'm getting tired, as is Don Moore, who is doing the varityping. But here, thanks to Moore, Don Fabun & Tom Quinn who do the heavy work. I just write this, dummy it, and do the stapling and mailing (with perhaps some drafted help from the Futurians. . . . . . .. . . This is the loose ends department. . . . . . . . . . The Fantasy Film Group showed Cabinet of Dr. Caligari ant their last session and it was a masterpiece, except for the ill-advised prologue and epilogue. The beauty of the sets and the fine photography have made the film justly famous as a landmark of film history. At the same time, Ackerman who was visiting showed an assortment of films including a German fragment on rocket flight to the moon, the famed MONSTERS OF THE MOON, discovered by Ackerman and beautifully edited and composed by Tucker, and shots of the LASFS. . . . . . . . . . And after that a bunch of us, including visitors Bea Mahaffey, Melvin Korshak, Norman Hartman (EUSIFANSO) and others made the rounds of the Mark Hopkins and the Fairmont (Frisco's de luxe hotels) all of which was a hell of a lot of fun, but i'm too tired to go into more detail. . . . . . . . . . The Convention by the way got a fair share of newspaper and radio publicity. . . . . . . . . . And there was a costume ball, but very few conventioneers wore costumes. . . . . . . . .Friday, September 15, the Little Men showed the Rene Clair film, IT HAPPENED TOMORROW, with Arthur Kennedy, Linda Darnell, Jack Oakie and Dick Powell. A really sharp fantasy from a Dunsany original. However the picture which was only 1 1/4 hours long took three hours to show. The damn projector kept jamming. . . . . . . . . . Half of the Eugene Science Fantasy has migrated (on visit) to California. The above mentioned Norman Hartman did time here and has gone on to Los Angeles, and we now have Dennis Fraser with us, and are trying to persuade him to stay. --- 10 ---
and said clubs were "catalysted" into feuds that are still dragging on. He split the LASFS wide open, nearly did the same for FAPA, published fierce & insane tirades against Speer, Ashley and others, tried to talk himself into an unwelcome alliance with Wollheim, and succeeded in drawing a statement from Palmer denouncing all fandom because of "such crackpots." His irresponsibilities are too numerous to list. The points of objection to his person are so many as to seem fantastic in proportion. Indeed a number of fans, out of some misbegotten liberal instinct, have been lid to side with Claude merely because they are convinced "no one could be that bad." Claude retired from fandom for a while after the heavy attacks showered on him in the mid-thirties. He returned under a pseudonym at the Philcon and finding the old critics less vocal, has slowly completed his return. Now with the support of many younger fans, he is reorganizing his Cosmic Circle and also making another goodwill tour of fandom. God Help us. He was in SF last night and was last seen on his way to Los Angeles. He has grown up a bit. He doesn't give the same irresponsible appearance he did a few years ago, but his actions at Portland indicate that he hasn't really really changed much. There he brought up an assinine motion to the general effect that fans should outlaw communism. It was unanimously turned down, but it did give a bit of bad publicity for the papers. ROUNDUP. . . . . . . this is dragging out a bit, and I'm getting tired, as is Don Moore, who is doing the varityping. But here, thanks to Moore, Don Fabun & Tom Quinn who do the heavy work. I just write this, dummy it, and do the stapling and mailing (with perhaps some drafted help from the Futurians. . . . . . .. . . This is the loose ends department. . . . . . . . . . The Fantasy Film Group showed Cabinet of Dr. Caligari ant their last session and it was a masterpiece, except for the ill-advised prologue and epilogue. The beauty of the sets and the fine photography have made the film justly famous as a landmark of film history. At the same time, Ackerman who was visiting showed an assortment of films including a German fragment on rocket flight to the moon, the famed MONSTERS OF THE MOON, discovered by Ackerman and beautifully edited and composed by Tucker, and shots of the LASFS. . . . . . . . . . And after that a bunch of us, including visitors Bea Mahaffey, Melvin Korshak, Norman Hartman (EUSIFANSO) and others made the rounds of the Mark Hopkins and the Fairmont (Frisco's de luxe hotels) all of which was a hell of a lot of fun, but i'm too tired to go into more detail. . . . . . . . . . The Convention by the way got a fair share of newspaper and radio publicity. . . . . . . . . . And there was a costume ball, but very few conventioneers wore costumes. . . . . . . . .Friday, September 15, the Little Men showed the Rene Clair film, IT HAPPENED TOMORROW, with Arthur Kennedy, Linda Darnell, Jack Oakie and Dick Powell. A really sharp fantasy from a Dunsany original. However the picture which was only 1 1/4 hours long took three hours to show. The damn projector kept jamming. . . . . . . . . . Half of the Eugene Science Fantasy has migrated (on visit) to California. The above mentioned Norman Hartman did time here and has gone on to Los Angeles, and we now have Dennis Fraser with us, and are trying to persuade him to stay. --- 10 ---
Hevelin Fanzines