Fantascience Digest, v. 2, issue 5, July-September, 1939
Page 18
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Page 18 FANTASCIENCE DIGEST After a long absence, Henry Hasse, author of that excellent fantastic yarn, "The Guardian of the Book", will return to the pages of WEIRD TALES soon with a weird-scientific story in the strict sense of the phrase. It is titled, "Canto for Dante" and deals with a horror on an asteroid. . . .Scheduled for the March 1940 AMAZING is Steber's "Black World". . . .At present there are two pure scientifictional cartoon magazines being published: PLANET COMICS and FANTASTIC COMICS. The former is published by the same company that issues PLANET STORIES. . . .L.A. Eshbach is one of the many authors who had their stories returned to them MARVEL SCIENCE STORIES became the thing it is today. . . . Alexander M. Phillips had a two-part fantasy yarn published in the December, 1936 and January, 1937 issues of TOP-NOTCH titled "The Thing on the Afterdeck". Phillips has also sold a novelette, "A Chapter from the Beginning", to Campbell. . . .Sun publications plan to issue a comic magazine and one of the features will be a cartoon, written and drawn by the twelve-year old son of Margaret Brundagam who has many of the artistic talents of his mother. ***************************** The February, 1940 issue of SCIENCE FICTION will be a special novelette issue, containing five novelettes and no short stories. Dennis Clive and John Coleridge, who, as most everyone knows, are pseudonyms, will appear with "Men Without a World" and "The New Life" respectively. Ephriam Winiki, another pen-name, has "Eclipse Bears Witness" and Bob Olsen returns with "The Scourge of a Single Cell". Carl Jacobi rounds out the issue with "Sky Trap". . . .The reason SCIENCE FICTION and FUTURE FICTION appear somewhat tardily is due to a tie-up in the export of the magazines to the British Empire, brought on by the war. However, Editor Hornig belives that the magazines will soon be appearing on the tenth of each, on alternate months of course. *********************************** AMAZING STORIES will feature a scientifictional quiz around March, 1940. The department will evolve into a regular feature if the response warrants it, and will completely supplant the Science Quiz. . . .The line-up for SCIENCE FICTION QUARTERLY has not been prepared as yet. However, fans will soon have the Quarterly they've been clamoring for during the last six years. . . .The December issue of ASTOUNDING will feature two-color illustrations. However, since this is only experimental, the January issue will not have them. And it all depends upon the reader reaction whether future issues have them. . . .Robert A. Heinlein sociological two-part serial, "If This Goes On ---" will start in the February issue and will be followed by another in the same vein, "Black-out" by L. Ron Hubbard. Campbell claims that Heinlein's novel is even better than "Rebirth"!. . . .Stephen G. Hale had two stories accepted and paid for by the old AMAZING, but they were never printed! ************************** Ray Palmer had been expecting Otto Binder to drop into town for some time. Someone announced himself as "Adam Link" and Palmer, expecting to see Binder, was quite irked when your co-correspondent walked laughingly into his office, demanding news for "The Science Fiction Spotlight". Whereupon "Rap" announced that MAAZING has the highest circulation beyond a doubt and that he was on his way out. Always the kidder! --RAM-MR
Page 18 FANTASCIENCE DIGEST After a long absence, Henry Hasse, author of that excellent fantastic yarn, "The Guardian of the Book", will return to the pages of WEIRD TALES soon with a weird-scientific story in the strict sense of the phrase. It is titled, "Canto for Dante" and deals with a horror on an asteroid. . . .Scheduled for the March 1940 AMAZING is Steber's "Black World". . . .At present there are two pure scientifictional cartoon magazines being published: PLANET COMICS and FANTASTIC COMICS. The former is published by the same company that issues PLANET STORIES. . . .L.A. Eshbach is one of the many authors who had their stories returned to them MARVEL SCIENCE STORIES became the thing it is today. . . . Alexander M. Phillips had a two-part fantasy yarn published in the December, 1936 and January, 1937 issues of TOP-NOTCH titled "The Thing on the Afterdeck". Phillips has also sold a novelette, "A Chapter from the Beginning", to Campbell. . . .Sun publications plan to issue a comic magazine and one of the features will be a cartoon, written and drawn by the twelve-year old son of Margaret Brundagam who has many of the artistic talents of his mother. ***************************** The February, 1940 issue of SCIENCE FICTION will be a special novelette issue, containing five novelettes and no short stories. Dennis Clive and John Coleridge, who, as most everyone knows, are pseudonyms, will appear with "Men Without a World" and "The New Life" respectively. Ephriam Winiki, another pen-name, has "Eclipse Bears Witness" and Bob Olsen returns with "The Scourge of a Single Cell". Carl Jacobi rounds out the issue with "Sky Trap". . . .The reason SCIENCE FICTION and FUTURE FICTION appear somewhat tardily is due to a tie-up in the export of the magazines to the British Empire, brought on by the war. However, Editor Hornig belives that the magazines will soon be appearing on the tenth of each, on alternate months of course. *********************************** AMAZING STORIES will feature a scientifictional quiz around March, 1940. The department will evolve into a regular feature if the response warrants it, and will completely supplant the Science Quiz. . . .The line-up for SCIENCE FICTION QUARTERLY has not been prepared as yet. However, fans will soon have the Quarterly they've been clamoring for during the last six years. . . .The December issue of ASTOUNDING will feature two-color illustrations. However, since this is only experimental, the January issue will not have them. And it all depends upon the reader reaction whether future issues have them. . . .Robert A. Heinlein sociological two-part serial, "If This Goes On ---" will start in the February issue and will be followed by another in the same vein, "Black-out" by L. Ron Hubbard. Campbell claims that Heinlein's novel is even better than "Rebirth"!. . . .Stephen G. Hale had two stories accepted and paid for by the old AMAZING, but they were never printed! ************************** Ray Palmer had been expecting Otto Binder to drop into town for some time. Someone announced himself as "Adam Link" and Palmer, expecting to see Binder, was quite irked when your co-correspondent walked laughingly into his office, demanding news for "The Science Fiction Spotlight". Whereupon "Rap" announced that MAAZING has the highest circulation beyond a doubt and that he was on his way out. Always the kidder! --RAM-MR
Hevelin Fanzines