Fantascience Digest, v. 2, issue 5, July-September, 1939
Page 21
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Page 21 FANTASCIENCE DIGEST over the face of the former United States and the golden age has been ushered in. We find Stern and Eve in the twilight of their lives, joyfully turning the task of reconstruction over to their eldest son, and sitting in their beautiful garden relaxing from the rigors of their strenuous lives. For a refreshing and novel story of the ending of the world and the beginningof a new civilisation, read this book. It is so old, it is brand new, and although it has inspired and fostered a thousand similar plots it is better and more unique than all which have followed in its proud wake. It was written zestfully and with an evident desire to entertain not only the reader but also the author. Since the writer quite obviously enjoyed writing it, you will also enjoy reading it. It is to modern survival stories what Robinson Crusoe is to all subsequent tales of castaway life. ------Fred W. Fischer NOTICE: The review you have just finished reading is the work of our new Associate Editor, Fred W. Fischer. However, despite the fact that our Associate Ed is quite capable at reviewing famous science fiction classics, we, the editors, want YOU to be our reviewers! Probably every reader of FANTASCIENCE DIGEST desires to see his or her name in print. Here is your chance. Anyone interested is advised to submit his review as soon as possible. The book-review selected as being the best will appear next issue. We would like to have a different book reviewed and a different reviewer each issue. Every reader of FD is welcome to submit reviews. We want this magazine to be YOUR magazine! Help us make it so. *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_* CAN YOU ANSWER THESE? Conducted by Robert A. Madle *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_ As this page is being typed only two days after the last issue was mailed out, no one has submitted a set of fantastic fiction questions as yet. Therefore, I'll take it upon myself and once again act the Professor. Next issue, I hope, will feature a set of questions by one of our readers. How about it boys? Start thinking, for here are the questions -- see how many you can answer correctly. 1) Who was the author of the first "thought-variant" story, and in which issue of ASTOUNDING did it appear? 2) Hoy Ping Pong is (a) a noted Chinese philosopher (b) the originator of the well-known game of Ping Pong (c) a pseudonym for a famous science fiction fan. -- This one's too easy! 3) Name the cover story (and its author of the October, 1939 issue of AIR WONDER STORIES. 4) What science fiction story advanced the theory that this Universe is merely a dream of a super-universal being -- and described what would occur when the dreamer awakens? 5) Dane Milton, author of "THE HORMONE", which appeared in the November, 1934 issue of ASTOUNDING, is the pseudonym of one of the following scientifiction fans: (a) Julius Schwartz (b) Milton A. Rothman (c) Milton Kaletsky (d) Donald A. Wollheim. 6) Mort Weisinger once wrote a short story which appeared in pamphlet form first, and was subsequently reprinted in AMAZING STORIES.
Page 21 FANTASCIENCE DIGEST over the face of the former United States and the golden age has been ushered in. We find Stern and Eve in the twilight of their lives, joyfully turning the task of reconstruction over to their eldest son, and sitting in their beautiful garden relaxing from the rigors of their strenuous lives. For a refreshing and novel story of the ending of the world and the beginningof a new civilisation, read this book. It is so old, it is brand new, and although it has inspired and fostered a thousand similar plots it is better and more unique than all which have followed in its proud wake. It was written zestfully and with an evident desire to entertain not only the reader but also the author. Since the writer quite obviously enjoyed writing it, you will also enjoy reading it. It is to modern survival stories what Robinson Crusoe is to all subsequent tales of castaway life. ------Fred W. Fischer NOTICE: The review you have just finished reading is the work of our new Associate Editor, Fred W. Fischer. However, despite the fact that our Associate Ed is quite capable at reviewing famous science fiction classics, we, the editors, want YOU to be our reviewers! Probably every reader of FANTASCIENCE DIGEST desires to see his or her name in print. Here is your chance. Anyone interested is advised to submit his review as soon as possible. The book-review selected as being the best will appear next issue. We would like to have a different book reviewed and a different reviewer each issue. Every reader of FD is welcome to submit reviews. We want this magazine to be YOUR magazine! Help us make it so. *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_* CAN YOU ANSWER THESE? Conducted by Robert A. Madle *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_ As this page is being typed only two days after the last issue was mailed out, no one has submitted a set of fantastic fiction questions as yet. Therefore, I'll take it upon myself and once again act the Professor. Next issue, I hope, will feature a set of questions by one of our readers. How about it boys? Start thinking, for here are the questions -- see how many you can answer correctly. 1) Who was the author of the first "thought-variant" story, and in which issue of ASTOUNDING did it appear? 2) Hoy Ping Pong is (a) a noted Chinese philosopher (b) the originator of the well-known game of Ping Pong (c) a pseudonym for a famous science fiction fan. -- This one's too easy! 3) Name the cover story (and its author of the October, 1939 issue of AIR WONDER STORIES. 4) What science fiction story advanced the theory that this Universe is merely a dream of a super-universal being -- and described what would occur when the dreamer awakens? 5) Dane Milton, author of "THE HORMONE", which appeared in the November, 1934 issue of ASTOUNDING, is the pseudonym of one of the following scientifiction fans: (a) Julius Schwartz (b) Milton A. Rothman (c) Milton Kaletsky (d) Donald A. Wollheim. 6) Mort Weisinger once wrote a short story which appeared in pamphlet form first, and was subsequently reprinted in AMAZING STORIES.
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