Fantascience Digest, v. 2, issue 5, July-September, 1939
Page 27
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Page 27 FANTASCIENCE DIGEST THE READER COMMENTS MILTON A. ROTHMAN WRITES: FD is not bad at all. The cover is pretty good, and almost original. All of the artwork and especially the lettering is very good. I especially noticed the effort which is being made for good writing style in the stories and articles. Boyer's story is a pretty good piece of writing, but does not have much for plot; the science was rather muddled. I could write a ducky argument with Fischer about his reasons for science fiction. Escape, indeed! If these guys don't wake up soon, "dreaming of the wonders to come," they will see what will come. Rothman's article, of course, was magnificent. HARRY WARNER, JR., writes: I was most pleased to get a copy of FANTASCIENCE DIGEST for a change. It's been so long, you know, and Avery seemed certain you'd flopped. And I was beginning to be worried myself. TO the magazine without further ado--or first, to answer brother Ripa: First it wasn't I who put the question mark after the word "AMAZING" in the first paragraph in the article, and have the carbon as proof. Merely a typographical error, probably caused by the failure of the stenciler to lease off the shift lock. I didn't actually berate Sloane--his editorship was excellent for a number of years, but the decline set in in about 1935 or 1936, I should say. RAP has said some ridiculous things in editorials. I won't take space to quote, but just read a couple of his edtiroials in which he says what he thinks of FANTASSTIC ADVENTURES! He didn't originate the science quiz, answers to letters, or correspondence corner; and only used slight variations on an original theme for the editorial and author's column. The back cover is new. And Ripa should read that article again. I actually praised Palmer for his two yarns--didn't condemn him Joe lists seven good stories--all but one of which are excellent, I'll admit. But seven good ones in a dozen odd issues! In two issues of ASTOUNDING, they'Re equalled by "Hermit of Mars", "The Morons", "When the Future Diet", "Black Destroyer", "Greater than Gods', "Trends", and "Qhen the Half Gods Go" -- not to mention a good installment of "One Against the Legion" and a swell half of "Design for Life". Finally, I have nothing against Palmer, other than I don't approve of some of his editorial policies. Hope that answer JR's letter, and winds up the matter in FD. But if he wishes to continue this via letter, he knows me address. Hope that didn't take up too much room, but it was rather necessary. Why in the heck do some guys blaze up when you criticize AMAZING and immediately accuse you of having a dislike for Palmer? If you lambast TWS you don't get blamed for not liking Weisinger--must be one of the eternal mysteries of fantasy. Now for a comment on the rest of the magazine, which is liable to be rather detailed. But I fell like doing it--so here goes! By the way, why not imitate a bunch of the
Page 27 FANTASCIENCE DIGEST THE READER COMMENTS MILTON A. ROTHMAN WRITES: FD is not bad at all. The cover is pretty good, and almost original. All of the artwork and especially the lettering is very good. I especially noticed the effort which is being made for good writing style in the stories and articles. Boyer's story is a pretty good piece of writing, but does not have much for plot; the science was rather muddled. I could write a ducky argument with Fischer about his reasons for science fiction. Escape, indeed! If these guys don't wake up soon, "dreaming of the wonders to come," they will see what will come. Rothman's article, of course, was magnificent. HARRY WARNER, JR., writes: I was most pleased to get a copy of FANTASCIENCE DIGEST for a change. It's been so long, you know, and Avery seemed certain you'd flopped. And I was beginning to be worried myself. TO the magazine without further ado--or first, to answer brother Ripa: First it wasn't I who put the question mark after the word "AMAZING" in the first paragraph in the article, and have the carbon as proof. Merely a typographical error, probably caused by the failure of the stenciler to lease off the shift lock. I didn't actually berate Sloane--his editorship was excellent for a number of years, but the decline set in in about 1935 or 1936, I should say. RAP has said some ridiculous things in editorials. I won't take space to quote, but just read a couple of his edtiroials in which he says what he thinks of FANTASSTIC ADVENTURES! He didn't originate the science quiz, answers to letters, or correspondence corner; and only used slight variations on an original theme for the editorial and author's column. The back cover is new. And Ripa should read that article again. I actually praised Palmer for his two yarns--didn't condemn him Joe lists seven good stories--all but one of which are excellent, I'll admit. But seven good ones in a dozen odd issues! In two issues of ASTOUNDING, they'Re equalled by "Hermit of Mars", "The Morons", "When the Future Diet", "Black Destroyer", "Greater than Gods', "Trends", and "Qhen the Half Gods Go" -- not to mention a good installment of "One Against the Legion" and a swell half of "Design for Life". Finally, I have nothing against Palmer, other than I don't approve of some of his editorial policies. Hope that answer JR's letter, and winds up the matter in FD. But if he wishes to continue this via letter, he knows me address. Hope that didn't take up too much room, but it was rather necessary. Why in the heck do some guys blaze up when you criticize AMAZING and immediately accuse you of having a dislike for Palmer? If you lambast TWS you don't get blamed for not liking Weisinger--must be one of the eternal mysteries of fantasy. Now for a comment on the rest of the magazine, which is liable to be rather detailed. But I fell like doing it--so here goes! By the way, why not imitate a bunch of the
Hevelin Fanzines