Le Zombie, v. 5, issue 4, whole no. 51, January 1943
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"the ghouls ghazette" LE ZOMBIE has been coming six times yearly from box 260, bloomington, ill -5¢ a copy- published by bob tucker & e e evans vol 5, #4 ---- whole #51 FOURTH ANNIVERSARY -january 1943- ISSUE EDITORIALIES (small dividing dot) First cover by Dorothy LesTina Second Cover by Ronald Clyne This, our fourth anniversary issue, is dedicated to our pal Wal Liebscher, who recently donated to LeZ no less than 240 stencils, 15,000 staples and a stapler. Now if we could just find another friend who works for the postoffice and has easy access to the stamp drawer! Our only regret is that our co-editor and one-time financial backer, E.E. Evans, isn't with us to share this birthday. As you may probably already know, the National Fantasy Fan Federation released, last month, the following statement concerning its President: "A great many fans have been temporarily lost to fandom due to becoming members of the Armed Forces, or having their time completely take up in the War effort. E.E. Evans spent ten years in the Navy, part of it during the last war. Believing that he had amply contributed his part in the past, we have all been happy in thinking Evans would be one of the few fans certain to be spared us. His age of state of health made this seem highly probable. The unforeseen has a persistant habit of occuring. It now becomes our sad duty to announce that it will be impossible for EE Evans to take part in fan activities for an indefinite period ---- probably for at least a year or two. The nature of this enforced absence makes it impossible to reveal any details now, if ever. It further precludes any direct communication with Fandom, for as long as this situation prevails. (continued next page)
"the ghouls ghazette" LE ZOMBIE has been coming six times yearly from box 260, bloomington, ill -5¢ a copy- published by bob tucker & e e evans vol 5, #4 ---- whole #51 FOURTH ANNIVERSARY -january 1943- ISSUE EDITORIALIES (small dividing dot) First cover by Dorothy LesTina Second Cover by Ronald Clyne This, our fourth anniversary issue, is dedicated to our pal Wal Liebscher, who recently donated to LeZ no less than 240 stencils, 15,000 staples and a stapler. Now if we could just find another friend who works for the postoffice and has easy access to the stamp drawer! Our only regret is that our co-editor and one-time financial backer, E.E. Evans, isn't with us to share this birthday. As you may probably already know, the National Fantasy Fan Federation released, last month, the following statement concerning its President: "A great many fans have been temporarily lost to fandom due to becoming members of the Armed Forces, or having their time completely take up in the War effort. E.E. Evans spent ten years in the Navy, part of it during the last war. Believing that he had amply contributed his part in the past, we have all been happy in thinking Evans would be one of the few fans certain to be spared us. His age of state of health made this seem highly probable. The unforeseen has a persistant habit of occuring. It now becomes our sad duty to announce that it will be impossible for EE Evans to take part in fan activities for an indefinite period ---- probably for at least a year or two. The nature of this enforced absence makes it impossible to reveal any details now, if ever. It further precludes any direct communication with Fandom, for as long as this situation prevails. (continued next page)
Hevelin Fanzines