Le Zombie, v. 5, issue 4, whole no. 51, January 1943
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[[envelope illustration]] Jae Fann Box 23 Gitchie-Goomie, Calif. SHANGRI-LA FEB 30 1492 BY THE SEA 3 RUBLES LEZ LETTERS [[end illustration]] ACKERMAN FIRES OPENING GUN: "Dear Bob (and Fandom, U may read over his shoulder): U rote some seudo-serious criticism in a recent LeZ of my legacy to fandom of $1000 for the establishment of a Stf Foundation. I'm handicapt, as usual in such circumstances these days, by not having the original text handy to refer to; but I believ the gist of it was that tho the gesture was generous, I'd done a pretty bungly job of details. So I die, so all it entails for any guy to collect the dough is go say "Good Morning, Mr Insurance People: I'm Joe Fann. That, er, Man left $1000 for me, I understand?" --and away Yngvi whizzes to spend the grand as he plizzes, on malts, Vomaidens musi-comedys. Are you talking in front of my face, Senor? Maybe I shud be sore to be considered so incompetent. But let's skip it. Here's what hapnd--praps I'm al fault for not having elaborated: I got[[?]] my Mother, Father, Grandmother, Aunt & Morojo together &[[?]] we talkt the whole thing over. My family understands my wishes , does not dispute them & I'm certain will respect them when the time comes, shoud they outlast me. Beyond that, a document-in-triplicate guarantees Fandom the $1000 from my policy, Morojo to be the executrix of this sum. Failing her, Paul Freehafer. These are my most trusted friends. Naturally, changes will have to be made from time to time to suit conditions. The best that could've been done, & what presumably would've hapnd, had I dropt dead the day after I made the preparations, would've been for Morojo, Willmorth & Bovard to establish the Institute. At the presentime, the latter 2 rnt available. Only Pinero coud profecy just who'll be here surviving me -- quite a brace of new fanames, I hope! As to whom I'd have faith in today and do the ryt thing by the institute or Foundation's money, offhand I can name quite a few Ashleys, Unger, Thompson, Milty, Evans, Koenig, Liebscher, Widner, Warner, --yes, U too, Tuck!" - We3aver LeZ Sez: We believe you are taking an awful chance with the Ashleys , Unger[[?]], Thompson, Milty, Evans, Koenig, Liebscher, Widner and Warner! However, when we penned the panning article, we felt sure that an adequate check on the money had been made. It was simply an opening we couldn't resist poking a foot in. -BT
[[envelope illustration]] Jae Fann Box 23 Gitchie-Goomie, Calif. SHANGRI-LA FEB 30 1492 BY THE SEA 3 RUBLES LEZ LETTERS [[end illustration]] ACKERMAN FIRES OPENING GUN: "Dear Bob (and Fandom, U may read over his shoulder): U rote some seudo-serious criticism in a recent LeZ of my legacy to fandom of $1000 for the establishment of a Stf Foundation. I'm handicapt, as usual in such circumstances these days, by not having the original text handy to refer to; but I believ the gist of it was that tho the gesture was generous, I'd done a pretty bungly job of details. So I die, so all it entails for any guy to collect the dough is go say "Good Morning, Mr Insurance People: I'm Joe Fann. That, er, Man left $1000 for me, I understand?" --and away Yngvi whizzes to spend the grand as he plizzes, on malts, Vomaidens musi-comedys. Are you talking in front of my face, Senor? Maybe I shud be sore to be considered so incompetent. But let's skip it. Here's what hapnd--praps I'm al fault for not having elaborated: I got[[?]] my Mother, Father, Grandmother, Aunt & Morojo together &[[?]] we talkt the whole thing over. My family understands my wishes , does not dispute them & I'm certain will respect them when the time comes, shoud they outlast me. Beyond that, a document-in-triplicate guarantees Fandom the $1000 from my policy, Morojo to be the executrix of this sum. Failing her, Paul Freehafer. These are my most trusted friends. Naturally, changes will have to be made from time to time to suit conditions. The best that could've been done, & what presumably would've hapnd, had I dropt dead the day after I made the preparations, would've been for Morojo, Willmorth & Bovard to establish the Institute. At the presentime, the latter 2 rnt available. Only Pinero coud profecy just who'll be here surviving me -- quite a brace of new fanames, I hope! As to whom I'd have faith in today and do the ryt thing by the institute or Foundation's money, offhand I can name quite a few Ashleys, Unger, Thompson, Milty, Evans, Koenig, Liebscher, Widner, Warner, --yes, U too, Tuck!" - We3aver LeZ Sez: We believe you are taking an awful chance with the Ashleys , Unger[[?]], Thompson, Milty, Evans, Koenig, Liebscher, Widner and Warner! However, when we penned the panning article, we felt sure that an adequate check on the money had been made. It was simply an opening we couldn't resist poking a foot in. -BT
Hevelin Fanzines