Le Zombie, v. 5, issue 4, whole no. 51, January 1943
Page b 9
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b9 SCHMARJE CONTRIBUTES SOUR NOTE: "Thank you for sending me a copy of the latest Le Zombie so that I could see the latest names I am being called." ---Moskowitz" Harry Schmarje P.S.: "Please do not call me Harris M. Schmarje. And Bob, on my rights, I ask that you have Liebscher explain in LeZ WHY he called me a prize jerk. I never felt worse in my life than I did when I read Walt's article, and realized, with a sinking in my stomache, that he was talking about me. It wouldn't be so bad if it were just a thought in passing, but .... it was Walt's second statement about me at the Conference; besides, Jenkins, Washington, Thompson, and Nutt all think I am a heel. The only nice thing, I believe, that any fan has said about me was said by Lynn Bridges, of the army, when he said he would like to meet me, among some other fans. The mag, Starlit Fantasy, went to hell, when Nutt and I argued about money and got mad, just after I had returned from spending a couple of days in Chicago at Nutt's home, where I was treated fine and had a swell time. To make matters worse, another science fiction fan in Muscatine took the wrong road, a short cut to hell, and tried to "make" money. He is now in Washington. All of this makes me, a science fiction fan, feel slightly dizzy, ashamed, and down in the dog house. Ima going to write Liebscher personally ... perhaps he is right. Those horrible green stickers .. the article i Scientifun ..... Leprechaun ... milestones ... in my downward dash. This letter has turned into an article, I'm afraid, expressing my gloom. I will leave it up to the fans; LeZ readers, as typical fans, will vote "yes" or "no" as to whether or not I shall ever let myself be heard of again in fandom.... vote. I don't think Mrs Tucker likes me very much. Every time I said anything I sounded like a ghoul, or something; as I had a cold and my voice was hoarse as hell. With Abby Lu I got along very well; with most of the fans, Degler, Brackney, Kuhn, Widenbeck, Evans, De Jack, Russel, Saari[[?]], Earl and Dorothy Perry, and others ... I got a long fine. Even wit Liebscher; we were pleasant to each other. Robinson, the intellectual type, didn't like Nutt and me and Starlit Fantasy. At Robinson's home, furthermore, I chanced to see the material spread out for their mag, Parsec. In the editorial, I was mentioned. Along with Nutt, I was called something unpleasant. Apparently Nutt doesn't get along with certain fans either. Can you explain to me why your magazine publishes insults to me? Other times I have simply though, time will tell ... let the rep blow over and I'll write some good article to put me in good. This time I'm hurt, and also mad as hell. Damnit, if any fan wants to say anything about me, let him say it to me personally." - Harry Schmarje Lez sez: In the letter following (on the next page), Liebscher answers as requested. But first it is our privilege to get in our few words on the subject. They begin on the next page . . . . . .
b9 SCHMARJE CONTRIBUTES SOUR NOTE: "Thank you for sending me a copy of the latest Le Zombie so that I could see the latest names I am being called." ---Moskowitz" Harry Schmarje P.S.: "Please do not call me Harris M. Schmarje. And Bob, on my rights, I ask that you have Liebscher explain in LeZ WHY he called me a prize jerk. I never felt worse in my life than I did when I read Walt's article, and realized, with a sinking in my stomache, that he was talking about me. It wouldn't be so bad if it were just a thought in passing, but .... it was Walt's second statement about me at the Conference; besides, Jenkins, Washington, Thompson, and Nutt all think I am a heel. The only nice thing, I believe, that any fan has said about me was said by Lynn Bridges, of the army, when he said he would like to meet me, among some other fans. The mag, Starlit Fantasy, went to hell, when Nutt and I argued about money and got mad, just after I had returned from spending a couple of days in Chicago at Nutt's home, where I was treated fine and had a swell time. To make matters worse, another science fiction fan in Muscatine took the wrong road, a short cut to hell, and tried to "make" money. He is now in Washington. All of this makes me, a science fiction fan, feel slightly dizzy, ashamed, and down in the dog house. Ima going to write Liebscher personally ... perhaps he is right. Those horrible green stickers .. the article i Scientifun ..... Leprechaun ... milestones ... in my downward dash. This letter has turned into an article, I'm afraid, expressing my gloom. I will leave it up to the fans; LeZ readers, as typical fans, will vote "yes" or "no" as to whether or not I shall ever let myself be heard of again in fandom.... vote. I don't think Mrs Tucker likes me very much. Every time I said anything I sounded like a ghoul, or something; as I had a cold and my voice was hoarse as hell. With Abby Lu I got along very well; with most of the fans, Degler, Brackney, Kuhn, Widenbeck, Evans, De Jack, Russel, Saari[[?]], Earl and Dorothy Perry, and others ... I got a long fine. Even wit Liebscher; we were pleasant to each other. Robinson, the intellectual type, didn't like Nutt and me and Starlit Fantasy. At Robinson's home, furthermore, I chanced to see the material spread out for their mag, Parsec. In the editorial, I was mentioned. Along with Nutt, I was called something unpleasant. Apparently Nutt doesn't get along with certain fans either. Can you explain to me why your magazine publishes insults to me? Other times I have simply though, time will tell ... let the rep blow over and I'll write some good article to put me in good. This time I'm hurt, and also mad as hell. Damnit, if any fan wants to say anything about me, let him say it to me personally." - Harry Schmarje Lez sez: In the letter following (on the next page), Liebscher answers as requested. But first it is our privilege to get in our few words on the subject. They begin on the next page . . . . . .
Hevelin Fanzines