Le Zombie, v. 5, issue 4, whole no. 51, January 1943
Page b 11
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b11 Then, there is the letter I have from you inviting me to attend the "Chicon". Of all the prize stealing of names, that was the worst. I believe there were to be three or four attendees to this proposed affair and you were going to call it the "Chicon." Fond memories of the true Chiconcause me to reiterate, great grandfather of all the . Then you ask, why did I say you were trying to be sophisticated? Well in the first place, the way you smoke cigarets. You didn't inhale, but would take a puff and then blow out the smoke like a zephyr spraying the trees with perfume. And besides, half the time you held the cigaret between your thumb and forefinger. As for the doped cigaret you fell for, if you were a veteran smoker you would have noticed that there was something wrong with it, instead you kept on smoking it and trying to keep a smile on your face, while I choose to believe you were convulsed inside. Could be you were smoking to be sociable, if so, my humble apologies. Then there was the trip to Chicago. To start everything off, you piled in the Tucker car without so much as a "May I ride with you to Chicago?", or even a "Think I'll ride with you to Chicago". You had return tickets on the bus or train. If you hadn't, I've had no kick. The way you acted during the trip must have been something terrific. I wasn't in the car but was told plenty. Jane Tucker was almost prompted to forcefully evict you several times. Seems you had a terrific case of back-seat-driveritis. And boy when Janie Tucker says she dislikes a person, you have to be pretty bad, as Jane is one of the most tolerant girls I've ever met. (( Well Water! -BT )) I could go on, but why should I? I might add that I've called Tucker a beast in fanmags, I ride Oliver Saari continually about "The Door", etc., a d none of them have ever taken offense. Why should you? When I ride anyone it is in the spirit of fan fun (no wise cracks now, Tucker!) and in that spirit only. My personal pinions of these persons I mention in articles never enter my mind. But you've made so much of an issue out of a few harmless references that you've caused me to dislike you more than I did before. As I said before, I like every fan I've ever met, yes I even like you in a keeperly sort of way, and in other ways I dislike you. Also, I am not alone. Here's to improvement. -Walt PS: Incidentally Harry, have you a persecution complex? Lez sez: The above letter finds itself, several times, rather close to the borderline where we start editing, to observe our few tabus. However, Harry specifically asked for it, and we promised Walt we would cut nothing but swearing and bad taste, if he would do as Harry requested, and answer in print. We feel now that this thing has gone about far enough here ; after all, LeZ isn't a feuding ground. Harry man, if he wishes, reply to the above letter, and then there will be no more. A NEWCOMER HONOR US: "Received my first copy of LeZ a few days ago. Comments: a good little mag. Worthwhile. And that is about all I can say about it, since I haven't read more than 7 or 8 fanzines yet, and those only in the mast months. However, I soon expect to see a lot more of them; my dimes are flooding the U.S.
b11 Then, there is the letter I have from you inviting me to attend the "Chicon". Of all the prize stealing of names, that was the worst. I believe there were to be three or four attendees to this proposed affair and you were going to call it the "Chicon." Fond memories of the true Chiconcause me to reiterate, great grandfather of all the . Then you ask, why did I say you were trying to be sophisticated? Well in the first place, the way you smoke cigarets. You didn't inhale, but would take a puff and then blow out the smoke like a zephyr spraying the trees with perfume. And besides, half the time you held the cigaret between your thumb and forefinger. As for the doped cigaret you fell for, if you were a veteran smoker you would have noticed that there was something wrong with it, instead you kept on smoking it and trying to keep a smile on your face, while I choose to believe you were convulsed inside. Could be you were smoking to be sociable, if so, my humble apologies. Then there was the trip to Chicago. To start everything off, you piled in the Tucker car without so much as a "May I ride with you to Chicago?", or even a "Think I'll ride with you to Chicago". You had return tickets on the bus or train. If you hadn't, I've had no kick. The way you acted during the trip must have been something terrific. I wasn't in the car but was told plenty. Jane Tucker was almost prompted to forcefully evict you several times. Seems you had a terrific case of back-seat-driveritis. And boy when Janie Tucker says she dislikes a person, you have to be pretty bad, as Jane is one of the most tolerant girls I've ever met. (( Well Water! -BT )) I could go on, but why should I? I might add that I've called Tucker a beast in fanmags, I ride Oliver Saari continually about "The Door", etc., a d none of them have ever taken offense. Why should you? When I ride anyone it is in the spirit of fan fun (no wise cracks now, Tucker!) and in that spirit only. My personal pinions of these persons I mention in articles never enter my mind. But you've made so much of an issue out of a few harmless references that you've caused me to dislike you more than I did before. As I said before, I like every fan I've ever met, yes I even like you in a keeperly sort of way, and in other ways I dislike you. Also, I am not alone. Here's to improvement. -Walt PS: Incidentally Harry, have you a persecution complex? Lez sez: The above letter finds itself, several times, rather close to the borderline where we start editing, to observe our few tabus. However, Harry specifically asked for it, and we promised Walt we would cut nothing but swearing and bad taste, if he would do as Harry requested, and answer in print. We feel now that this thing has gone about far enough here ; after all, LeZ isn't a feuding ground. Harry man, if he wishes, reply to the above letter, and then there will be no more. A NEWCOMER HONOR US: "Received my first copy of LeZ a few days ago. Comments: a good little mag. Worthwhile. And that is about all I can say about it, since I haven't read more than 7 or 8 fanzines yet, and those only in the mast months. However, I soon expect to see a lot more of them; my dimes are flooding the U.S.
Hevelin Fanzines