Le Zombie, v. 5, issue 4, whole no. 51, January 1943
Page b 12
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b12 All the fanzines I've seen so far have been pretty good or excellent, with the exception of VoM, which I do not like at all. Too many corny puns. (( Look, Ackerman a critic! -BT )) Mostly letters, anyhow. I want to see more of your mag, and to that end am enclosing 20[[cent symbol]]. Tell me when its gone, (( Don't think we won't, brother! -BT)) bar-tender, and I'll give you some more." Charles Burbee Jr. Lez sez: We modestly admit that LeZ is a worthwhile mag. With the exception of the forty-odd listed in the Fanzine Yearbook, LeZ is the best fanzine in the country! -BD A FIGHTING FAN ON GUADALCANAL SOUNDS OFF: "Received the July-August issue of LeZ a month ago today along with a roll of mags from Werner, and have been reading them off and on as I found time. I sure appreciated getting these mags and hearing about the world of fandom again, especially the humorous side. It helped me to forget for awhile some of the things I've seen and gone thru. You know, we had a tough time of it here the first few weeks after we landed. Now tho, conditions are much improved. You do have quite a bit of humor in this issue of LeZ ranging all the way from chicken legs to a cross word puzzle. It was a puzzle where to fill in your name and that of Funk. Your comments on that poll you took tickled my funny bone. People will insist on being human beings, you know, and some do have a perverted sense of humor, as others see it. Thompson's article is excellent. Too often is the hero left alive by the villain for no good reason at all. Another way by which a story can be spoiled for me is by the author or editor asserting in a brazen, unbelievable manner that a story is based on fact and might be true. Your letter section also furnishes its share of entertainment. Did Norton use a rubber stamp. (( We suspect it was a printed form -BT )) I see you flattered me by printing my letter written long ago on peaceful New Caledonia." -Pvt Emyrs H. Evans Lez sez: For benefit of interested parties, the army censor passed the above letter, but we eliminated the closing paragraf. -BT HEREWITH, PARTS OF A LETTER FROM RUSTY BARRON, MARINE: "Found the September LeZ and #9 Fanfare as the only fmz coming my way during these two months! Want to thank you a lot for LeZ. Tis more than likely far too late to mean much now, but here is one fan's opinion about the issue: The reproduction of the cover is fine, but the picture itself was rather disappointing. I like to see something better on LeZ; surely that was not the best you can get. Your lies this issue are just so so, but when I turned the page and delved into "A Fan at Large" I found myself quite amused; it reminded me of the "Via" satire in the Demon's nice lil mag--- what was the name of that neat but short-lived job ? (( Name was Snide; two issues have appeared. -BT )) Lez sez: Rusty wants his mail sent to his home address: 3761 Third st. Riverside, Calif.
b12 All the fanzines I've seen so far have been pretty good or excellent, with the exception of VoM, which I do not like at all. Too many corny puns. (( Look, Ackerman a critic! -BT )) Mostly letters, anyhow. I want to see more of your mag, and to that end am enclosing 20[[cent symbol]]. Tell me when its gone, (( Don't think we won't, brother! -BT)) bar-tender, and I'll give you some more." Charles Burbee Jr. Lez sez: We modestly admit that LeZ is a worthwhile mag. With the exception of the forty-odd listed in the Fanzine Yearbook, LeZ is the best fanzine in the country! -BD A FIGHTING FAN ON GUADALCANAL SOUNDS OFF: "Received the July-August issue of LeZ a month ago today along with a roll of mags from Werner, and have been reading them off and on as I found time. I sure appreciated getting these mags and hearing about the world of fandom again, especially the humorous side. It helped me to forget for awhile some of the things I've seen and gone thru. You know, we had a tough time of it here the first few weeks after we landed. Now tho, conditions are much improved. You do have quite a bit of humor in this issue of LeZ ranging all the way from chicken legs to a cross word puzzle. It was a puzzle where to fill in your name and that of Funk. Your comments on that poll you took tickled my funny bone. People will insist on being human beings, you know, and some do have a perverted sense of humor, as others see it. Thompson's article is excellent. Too often is the hero left alive by the villain for no good reason at all. Another way by which a story can be spoiled for me is by the author or editor asserting in a brazen, unbelievable manner that a story is based on fact and might be true. Your letter section also furnishes its share of entertainment. Did Norton use a rubber stamp. (( We suspect it was a printed form -BT )) I see you flattered me by printing my letter written long ago on peaceful New Caledonia." -Pvt Emyrs H. Evans Lez sez: For benefit of interested parties, the army censor passed the above letter, but we eliminated the closing paragraf. -BT HEREWITH, PARTS OF A LETTER FROM RUSTY BARRON, MARINE: "Found the September LeZ and #9 Fanfare as the only fmz coming my way during these two months! Want to thank you a lot for LeZ. Tis more than likely far too late to mean much now, but here is one fan's opinion about the issue: The reproduction of the cover is fine, but the picture itself was rather disappointing. I like to see something better on LeZ; surely that was not the best you can get. Your lies this issue are just so so, but when I turned the page and delved into "A Fan at Large" I found myself quite amused; it reminded me of the "Via" satire in the Demon's nice lil mag--- what was the name of that neat but short-lived job ? (( Name was Snide; two issues have appeared. -BT )) Lez sez: Rusty wants his mail sent to his home address: 3761 Third st. Riverside, Calif.
Hevelin Fanzines