Edna Griffin's FBI file, April 1948-October 1951
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REPORT of the FBI LABORATORY FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON D.C. To: SAC, Omaha January 11 1952 There follows the report of the FBI Laboratory on the examination of evidence received from your office on December 19, 1951. Re: EDNA MAY GRIFFIN, aka, Mrs. Stanley Griffin Edna May Williams SECURITY MATTER - C [handwritten] [actual signature J Edgar Hoover John Edgar Hoover, Director [ink stamped] RECORDED - 110 YOUR FILE NO. 100-4095 FBI FILE NO. 100-355489-36 LAB. NO. D-141803 DG Examination requested by: SAC, Omaha Reference: Letter 12/13/51 Examination requested: Document ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 02-21-2006 BY AUC 60309 TAM/DCG/JW Specimens: Qel Photostat of a letter addressed to [ ] signed "With love, Edna Griffin," The handwritten letter is dated August 20, 1951 at Des Moines, Iowa b7C Results of examination: It was concluded that the Griffin signatures on specimen Qel and on the letter addressed to ELIZABETH GORLEY FLYNN were prepared by EDNA MAY GRIFFIN whose known handwriting was previously submitted in connection with this case. However, it could not definitely be determined whether or not she prepared the (?) of the two letters in question because of the limited amount of known handwriting available for comparison purposes. However, some handwriting characteristics in common were noted. The evidence submitted being retained in the files of the Bureau. [ink stamped] Tolson Ladd Nicholas Belmont ABS[?] Clegg Glavin (Karbo?) Rosen Tracy Mohr SWM:PJR Tele, Rm. Nease Gandy SWM:PJR [handwritten] Baumgardner [ink stamped] COM - FBI JAN 11, 1952 MAILED 20 COMM - FBI JAN 11 1952 MAILED 20
REPORT of the FBI LABORATORY FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON D.C. To: SAC, Omaha January 11 1952 There follows the report of the FBI Laboratory on the examination of evidence received from your office on December 19, 1951. Re: EDNA MAY GRIFFIN, aka, Mrs. Stanley Griffin Edna May Williams SECURITY MATTER - C [handwritten] [actual signature J Edgar Hoover John Edgar Hoover, Director [ink stamped] RECORDED - 110 YOUR FILE NO. 100-4095 FBI FILE NO. 100-355489-36 LAB. NO. D-141803 DG Examination requested by: SAC, Omaha Reference: Letter 12/13/51 Examination requested: Document ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 02-21-2006 BY AUC 60309 TAM/DCG/JW Specimens: Qel Photostat of a letter addressed to [ ] signed "With love, Edna Griffin," The handwritten letter is dated August 20, 1951 at Des Moines, Iowa b7C Results of examination: It was concluded that the Griffin signatures on specimen Qel and on the letter addressed to ELIZABETH GORLEY FLYNN were prepared by EDNA MAY GRIFFIN whose known handwriting was previously submitted in connection with this case. However, it could not definitely be determined whether or not she prepared the (?) of the two letters in question because of the limited amount of known handwriting available for comparison purposes. However, some handwriting characteristics in common were noted. The evidence submitted being retained in the files of the Bureau. [ink stamped] Tolson Ladd Nicholas Belmont ABS[?] Clegg Glavin (Karbo?) Rosen Tracy Mohr SWM:PJR Tele, Rm. Nease Gandy SWM:PJR [handwritten] Baumgardner [ink stamped] COM - FBI JAN 11, 1952 MAILED 20 COMM - FBI JAN 11 1952 MAILED 20
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