Edna Griffin's FBI file, April 1948-October 1951
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OM 100-4095 Party to inform the New York Office as regards the activities in District #32 and to the effect that the Nebraska-Iowa-Kansas District Communist Part convention would be held on January 11, 1948 at 10:00 AM in Des Moines, Iowa. Copies of this letter were also forwarded to the Communist Party members in District #32 by WARREN BATTERSON stating that the meeting place could be obtained by telephoning EDNA GRIFFIN, telephone #26422, 1108 3rd Street, Des Moines, Iowa. A copy of this communication is being retained in the Omaha case file on instant matter. (U) ALL OTHER ACTIVITIES OF SUBJECT INDICATING FURTHERANCE OF THE PROGRAM OF THE SUBVERSIVE ORGANIZATION WITH WHICH HE IS ASSOCIATED b7C On July 11, 1950 [blank box] Des Moines, Iowa, advised that upon leaving a meeting at the Grandview Danish College, Des Moines, Iowa aaround July 7, 1950, she noticed a negro woman and a white woman standing beside a folding card table taking signatures on a peace petition. She advised that this petition had as its captions: " I Want Peace", "Let's Outlaw the Atomic Bomb" and she does not recall for sure but believes it also had a caption to the effect - "Let Us Stay Out of Korea [blank box] further advised that while addressing a colored church meeting on Sunday, July 9, 1950, she saw this same colored woman whom she had seen at Grandview College taking the signatures, and upon inquiry ascertained that her name was EDNA GRIFFIN, the subject. [blank box] stated that during her speech at this church she commented upon the fact that good should be returned for evil and as an example of a woman who returns evil for good she mentioned the name of [blank box] -6-
OM 100-4095 Party to inform the New York Office as regards the activities in District #32 and to the effect that the Nebraska-Iowa-Kansas District Communist Part convention would be held on January 11, 1948 at 10:00 AM in Des Moines, Iowa. Copies of this letter were also forwarded to the Communist Party members in District #32 by WARREN BATTERSON stating that the meeting place could be obtained by telephoning EDNA GRIFFIN, telephone #26422, 1108 3rd Street, Des Moines, Iowa. A copy of this communication is being retained in the Omaha case file on instant matter. (U) ALL OTHER ACTIVITIES OF SUBJECT INDICATING FURTHERANCE OF THE PROGRAM OF THE SUBVERSIVE ORGANIZATION WITH WHICH HE IS ASSOCIATED b7C On July 11, 1950 [blank box] Des Moines, Iowa, advised that upon leaving a meeting at the Grandview Danish College, Des Moines, Iowa aaround July 7, 1950, she noticed a negro woman and a white woman standing beside a folding card table taking signatures on a peace petition. She advised that this petition had as its captions: " I Want Peace", "Let's Outlaw the Atomic Bomb" and she does not recall for sure but believes it also had a caption to the effect - "Let Us Stay Out of Korea [blank box] further advised that while addressing a colored church meeting on Sunday, July 9, 1950, she saw this same colored woman whom she had seen at Grandview College taking the signatures, and upon inquiry ascertained that her name was EDNA GRIFFIN, the subject. [blank box] stated that during her speech at this church she commented upon the fact that good should be returned for evil and as an example of a woman who returns evil for good she mentioned the name of [blank box] -6-
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