Alchemist, v. 2, issue 1, Autumn 1946
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Air'--a tale of the tall cane plantations of the Philippines? 'The Coming Race'---annual auto classic at Milwaukee? 'Ralph 124C41'-- a convict's autobiography?" ANYBODY WANNA BUY A BIG BOOKOLLECTION CHEAP? Two tons at a penny a pound. (Of course I'm keeping my Burroughs.) Seriously: There's one book I've had in & out of my collection so many times, I've worn the cover and first 13 pages away, just moving and replacing it. It's Chambers' "The Green Mouse". I bought it because it had an illustration of a mermaid. Later, Laney said it was a Gay deceiver. I took it out of my collection, on the strength of his word. You who know Laney personally know that his words are very strong. Paul Skeeters came along. "Haven't you 'The Green Mouse'?" asked he. "I thot that wasn't fantasy," replied I. "Oh, yes, you should have that in your collection." Back it went. Off went a duplicate copy to fantasy book collector, moving picture director Fritz Lang. Bang came a phone call from his secretary: "Mr. Lang does not like this book. He says in the first place it is not fantasy, in the second it is stupid." So I put two copies in the Good Will bag. Then Rosenblum's Booklist arrived from England. In his collection he list-
Air'--a tale of the tall cane plantations of the Philippines? 'The Coming Race'---annual auto classic at Milwaukee? 'Ralph 124C41'-- a convict's autobiography?" ANYBODY WANNA BUY A BIG BOOKOLLECTION CHEAP? Two tons at a penny a pound. (Of course I'm keeping my Burroughs.) Seriously: There's one book I've had in & out of my collection so many times, I've worn the cover and first 13 pages away, just moving and replacing it. It's Chambers' "The Green Mouse". I bought it because it had an illustration of a mermaid. Later, Laney said it was a Gay deceiver. I took it out of my collection, on the strength of his word. You who know Laney personally know that his words are very strong. Paul Skeeters came along. "Haven't you 'The Green Mouse'?" asked he. "I thot that wasn't fantasy," replied I. "Oh, yes, you should have that in your collection." Back it went. Off went a duplicate copy to fantasy book collector, moving picture director Fritz Lang. Bang came a phone call from his secretary: "Mr. Lang does not like this book. He says in the first place it is not fantasy, in the second it is stupid." So I put two copies in the Good Will bag. Then Rosenblum's Booklist arrived from England. In his collection he list-
Hevelin Fanzines